With iOS 6.1.3 Unable To Jailbreak, How Many Users Are On 6.1.2 Or Earlier?
Without a public iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak, How many users are on 6.1.2? Today, as part of a collective effort to obtain more information about our readers, the staff at Jailbreak Evasi0n decided to conduct this brief survey. Unfortunately, as we’re sure the majority of you are already aware, when Apple released iOS 6.1.3 to the public, they in turn patched a number of pivotal vulnerabilities that the evasion jailbreak utility exploits to achieve an Untethered iOS 6 jailbreak on all current iOS devices. Moreover, due to the rather insignificant changes brought by both 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 in the grand scheme of things, the evaders, Dev Team behind the development of future jailbreak tools, opted not to release a public jailbreak 6.1.3 utility to safeguard the exploits for use in an iOS 7 jailbreak.
Thanks to all of the incredible new features and the deep system user interface redesign, the evad3rs’ decision to wait seems justified. Furthermore, the team is steadfast in their decision and immovable - ignoring the rather large public outcry for a new jailbreaking tool.
With all of the peripheral details covered, our question to you, our readers, is rather straightforward: are you on a firmware that evasi0n supports (iOS 6.0 through 6.1.2) or is your iOS device running either 6.1.3 or 6.1.4?
Remember, there currently isn’t a jailbreak for Apple’s two latest firmwares and the developers have made it abundantly clear that they won’t release one until Apple issues iOS 7. Of course, we’ll keep you 100 percent updated on any and all news pertaining to the status of any and all future jailbreaks.
As always, thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Evasi0n news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be promptly notified when we publish new articles regarding future jailbreak solutions.
iPhone 4S, 5.1.1
IPod touch 4 6.1.3 tethered redsnow 0.9.15B3 Jailbreak
iPhone 5 on 6.1.4… As soon as you release the jailbreak software; Ill show my mum I didn’t wast my b-day monies… Please please I’m begging ya’s. Btw if you scroll through the comments, massive majority of people are stuck on FW with no jailbreak!!!
Are u lads have a deal with apple ??? Apple is not going any further for iOS 7. They stay on iOS 6.13. As long u won’t release jalbreake they won’t go any further :)) they are having a huge increase of income )))
i am on 5.1.1 iphone 4 jailbroken it works like a charm…
I have a 3GS on 6.1.3 I know there is the redsn0w semi untethered My question is Do I need the 6.0 shsh blobs to complete the downgrade to match the 6.0 ipw it says I need to download.
iPhone 4s 6.1 evasi0n and 4s 6.0.1 evasi0n
iPod Touch 4…fw 6.1.3…stuck! forever? pls untethered jailbreak tools for this pls!!!!!!!!!
APPLE IS A BUNCH OF FUCKING RETARDS.! Im on a 4s 6.1.3., and i feel like apple is trying to punk the fucking world right now. They already got rid of fucking installous., so who the fuck gives them the right to disable our ability to use our fucking phones?? iPhones without a fucking jailbreak are pointless fucking garbage. They are the biggest hypocrites in the world. FYI: apples first ever commercial was a 45 second video with literally one sentence. “Be yourself” and now these fuckin bitches take away any possibility of personalizing your fucking phone., i just upgraded to this garbage ass phone and i feel like throwing it at Steve Jobs’ fucking retard child’s face. K im done.
I have a question. I got a new i5 that came with 6.1.3 but I still have my jailbroke 4s that has 6.1.2 is there anyway to load 6.1.2 from. My 4s and put it on my i5? I need this thing jailbroke cause without it I hate apple
what did u use to unlock 6.1.2 for a iphone 4
Really considering switching back to a HTC, at least until a JB comes out. My iPhone has been taking a beating, so I got a brand new 32gb one. It’s already loaded with 6.1.3, my phone is near useless. No tethering, no ringtones, no music downloads. Screw you apple gags! Come on Devs, make this device usefull again.
If apple products are not jail broken they just pieces of high. Class crap ..once I buy your product I should be able to do what I want with if .. That is probably why Samsung kicking the crap out of apple.. The day will come when apple realizes that makers of smart phones and tablets who stubbornly refuse to put sd slots on the devices will suffer over others that do ..apple did that deliberately because iTunes and cloud is designed to keep I devices users jailed and dependent on apple stores and itunes ..so jailbreaking if freedom.so folks with 6.13 .and 6.14 tethered dont fear you will get the jb in due course..
Hey, I did the mistake of downgrading my iOS 7 iPhone 4S to iOS 6.1.3 cause iIOS 7 betas kept rushing. NOW ITS WORSE!!! My iPhone sometimes disconnects from my Wi-Fi connection and then deosn’t detect it. Also now I can’t downgrade OR update to higher or ower iOS. Im stuck at the worse iOS ever with no way out!
iPhone 4 6.1.3 fuck! Pelase release the jailbreak soon!!!!
You can jailbreak it with redsn0w but it is tethered. you will need your iOS 6.0.0 firmware file in order to jailbreak.
my iphone 4s, when i using redsnow,i already download the ios 6.0 ipsw, but still cannot jailbreak.. why?? how to fix this problem?? help me plz
I got 6.1 on iPhone 4 and still pretty content with it. I’m interested in iOS 7 though, as my phone’s cpu sometimes feels a bit slow. Came here to check the situation.
Stuck on 5.1.1 on me iphone, luckily my iPad mini came with 6.1.2 both jail broken obviously. Again I wouldnt want any of my apple gear if I couldn’t jailbreak them.
Stuck on 5.1.1 on me iphone, for some reason my blobs for 6.0 n 6.1.2 didn’t work so had to go back. luckily my iPad mini came with 6.1.2 both jail broken obviously. Again I wouldnt want any of my apple gear if I couldn’t jailbreak them.
6.1.3 4s :[ i hate myself right now.
Heres what i found out with my iPod 4g….downgrade your idevice to 6.0 using itunes.An error will pop up and you will be stuck in recovery mode.Run tiny umbrella….you will get 6.1 and 6.1.2 blobs.then downgrade using redsn0w… IF THIS WORKS FOR YOU, MAIL ME….
PLEASE RELEASE IOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak! My phone got fucked up and had to restore it! Now im Jailed. PLEASE RELEASE GUYS
Only 29 days left till they start working on it! I was stupid enough to delete a file with ifile which fucked up iMessage and for some retarded reason I decided to restore my iPad. So I did and and it was the day that iOS 6.1.3 came out. I’m so f@+#^ng stupid!
i am having an ipad 2 32 gb wifi and on ios 5.0.1 and wants a jailbreak ios 6.1.2 or less jailbreak as if i update to 6.1.3 then can not be jailbreak as not available or can it be downgrade ..? to previous version to jailbreak
iPhone 4 iOS 6.1.2
but iPhone 4S 6.1.3
Really want a jailbreak for the 6.1.3. Hoping to soon have that one jb. Stupid apple restrictions
iPhone 4 iOS 6.1.2 ???? but iPhone 4S 6.1.3 ???? Really want a jailbreak for the 6.1.3. Hoping to soon have that one jb. Stupid apple restrictions
I have 3gs and it has ios 6.1(10B141) , every thing was fine except it is not recognised i itune 10.7 and can not load music and videos to it as no devise is listed in itune and that i found out after 6 months of using it as i never needed to upload an video file earlier.
Oh god that’s horrible if the users of who cannot afford a newer device or use it as a secondary device(like i do). I hope that the dev team or evaders will release a 6.1.3 jailbreak after they release it for 7.0. Otherwise i would have to buy a new iPod Touch or stay with 5.1.1!
[[{{ios 6.1.4 iphone5 }}}}no…cydia…. no…cydia no…cydia….. no…cydia.?…. no…cydia… no…cydia… no…cydia.??? no…cydia???? no…cydia..? no…cydia..? no…cydia..? iphone5,,,,,,,,,,,,?no…cydia
6.1.3, my iPhone 5 came with it installed ????
Two iPad 2’s running 6.1 and 6.1.2. Both with Evasi0n. The device and, most importantly, the ecosystem are the best, but I rely too heavily on them being JB. I won’t own another iPad with it.
phone locked up, when it finally started I got the not so welcome screen that said (setting up your new Iphone) had no choice but to update to 6.1.4
I’m on 4s 6.1.3
Ipad 2 ios 6.1.3 :/
Had 6.1.2 jailbreak going, then battery suddenly stopped taking a charge, phone died, couldn’t get it to do anything, so had AppleCare gimme a new one on 6.13.
sooo lame
Ios 6.1.3 ipod 5
I just bought an iphone 5 and it came loaded with IOS 6.1.4 and can’t downgrade this sux please, I can’t stand being jailed.
You can’t stand it? Why did you buy it then? What are you going to do if there is never another jailbreak again? If you can’t stand your iphone 5 as stock then sell the thing. People just don’t make any sense in here. Just buy a damn android phone then. Good grief. I’m sick of reading these idiot posts. I here there may be a jailbreak for ios 7 after it is released in a few months. But you and everyone else are not in any position to make a demand for a free app. It’s funny how people make pissy demands but they never make a financial offer that can’t be refused like $500 bucks for an early jailbreak. People never put their money where their mouth is. So I suggest you learn to like your stock iphone 5 and wait or start making financial offers to jailbreak devs. But I get insulted when people call any idevice junk just because it’s not jailbroken.
calm your tits
Actually, it is junk if it isn’t jailbroken. The iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone are always the most vulnerable to hacking on a Wi-Fi networks, I myself have hacked into my own iPad with ease. However with the correct cydia tweaks, it becomes virtually impossible to hack.
iPhone 4: jb 6.1.3 semi-untethered. By far preferred…. 2 iPhone 4S: 6.1.3. No choice…. iPad1: jb 5.1.3. Great…
iPad 2 and iPhone 4S are in 6.1.2, and I am not in a hurry to upgrade to newer versions… Happy with my jailbroken iDevices!
Jb iphone 4 runing 5.0.1 Jb ipad 2 runing 5.1.1 Missed my chance to update,not being tech savi! Basicly got told to wait till next untethered with iOS7. Sux hard my phone is soooo slow and has lag.
Jailbroken Iphone 4 running 5.0.1! Jailbroken ipad 2 running 5.1.1 Missed the chance to update,so basicly not being tec savi got told to wait for next untethered jb,as i prefer that over tethered! Sux too,phone is sooooo slow and gots heaps of lag!
I am on 6.1.3 semi tethered
I’m on iOs 6.1.3 on my 4S and 6.1.4 on my iPhone 5, I want to jailbreak them so bad! ):
Ant, you asked me what device I’m using, in case you can’t see my reply I’m using an iPod Touch 4th generation, it’s on 6.1.3 and it is jailbroken. As I stated before I used Redsn0w and an ios 6 IPSW to trick my iPod into allowing a semi-tethered jailbreak.
Me - iPod 5th Gen 64GB, IOS 6.1 Jailbroken Son - iPod 5th Gen 64GB, IOS 6.1 Jailbroken Daughter - iPad Mini 32GB, IOS 6.1 Jailbroken Wife - iPad 4 128GB, IOS 6.1.3 (This one is the problem) P.S. We love the Evaders at my house…..
iPod touch 5th generation running iOs 6.1.4 jailed
I was late to the party moving from 5.x to 6.x. I have a iPhone 4 which I was able to update to 6.1.2 (untethered), but my iPad 3 can’t be updated to that version, so it’s still on 5.1.1
Ipod 5 on iOS 7
i have iphone 4s (new) and whit ios 6.1.3
Iphone5. 6.1
IPhone 5, stuck on jailbroken (untethered) 6.1.2
iPhone 5 iOS 6.1 Can’t update anymore :/
iPad 6.1.3
I happened to update my iPhone 4 to iOS 6.1.3 and am regretting why i did that. i desperately need a jailbreak tool
I have a White iPhone 4S 16GB, Untethered running the same copy of iOS 6.1.2 that I updated to when the iOS released. Haven’t restored my phone since, and don’t plan on it until there is a public untethered jailbreak. Stay true to Cydia!
STUCK on 6.1.3. Totally bricked. DESPERATE for a jailbreak. PLEASE GUYS!!! Until such time, I have a very suave paperweight. Anyone jealous?
Why don’t you put your device in dfu mode and connect to iTunes and restore your iPhone? I hope you don’t hate your phone and think its useless simply because it’s not jail broken. If your afraid to use recovery because of being forced to update, there is suposedly a program that will allow you to do a semi restore outside of iTunes to keep your device jail broken. But grow the hell up. I would rather have a working jailed iphone than a bricked piece of shit. People here are just going crazy. Jailbreak isn’t everything, it’s only an enhancement to another already kick ass device.
Have a iPhone 5 on 6.1.4 Have a iPod 5 on 6.1.3 Please, please, please help. Would not have a problem making a nice donation for the hook up.
My iphone is on 6.4. And iPad mini on 6.2 yea yea thank god for that I updated my iphone to bête 7 but wish I did not as back to 6.4
The max verision is a 6.1.3
Newest firmware version is 6.1.4 on iPhone 5. And he probably meant 6.1.4 and 6.1.2 instead of 6.4 and 6.2.
iPhone 4S 6.1.3 Sucks that you guys wouldn’t make a jailbreak for he latest firmware. ????
iPhone 3GS on 6.1.2
I’m on 6.1.3 i brough my iphone with this software already installed, so i done the semitethered jailbreak with redsn0w. To be honest i cant wait till ios 7 so evasi0n can release an untethered jb.
iPhone 3GS on 6.1 JB iPhone 4 on 6.1 JB iPhone 5 on 6.1.2 JB iPad (1st gen) 5.1.1 JB Vote to wait till iOS7 for JB.
x1 iPhone 4S 5.1.1 x2 iPad 2 4.3.3
6.1.3 on ipad
6.1.2 on iphone 
Hey guys,… after all these messages (felt like thousands) - dont you think there s a great demand for a jb 6.1.3? I m stuck on my 4S 6.1.3 as well… PLEAZ PLEAZ PLEAZ =)
Mine is iPhone 5 with iOS7 Beta 4, and waiting for both Official iOS7 & Official Jailbreak iOS7
my iPhone5 came with 6.1.4 I would prefer to JB on 6.1.4 than to JB on 7.
iPhone 4s, iOS 6.1.2 jailbroken.
Same for my 4s. Have 6.1.3 on Ipad.
On 6.1.3 on 3 iPhone 4’… 2 havw sn0wbreezw semi-tether job tho
iPhone 6.1.3 …. Hurry up ios7 ….I hate no jailbreak …. U guys rock !!!!!
I know right!
Watched a review on ios 7. It looks amazing. Too bad im going with android in a few weeks.
Android is a piece of shit don’t go to android
I’m stuck with 6.1.4 on an iPhone 5 because of a refurbished replacement from Apple. Very sad that there will not be a jailbreak yet but I’ll be updating to a new iPhone when it comes out.
My iPod 5g was on ios 6.1.3 when i bought it
i was forced to upgrade to 6.3.1 cause the other section in my ipods memory took up like 3 gigabytes and i had to restore it to fix it, which forced me to upgrade.
im on ios 6.1.3 with redsnow’s semi untethered jailbreak and if yall can create a jailbreak for ios 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 after the ios 7 jailbreak it would be great for the people with ios 6.1.3 that have older devices that cant be updated to ios 7 and thanks
iphone 4s ios 6.1.3 cant wait to have evasion 5.1.4…….. plz dude do it……
6.1.2 iPhone 5….. I don’t even download anything from Cydia anymore so I don’t chance losing my jailbreak!
I’m running iOS 6.1.3 on my iPhone 4 CDMA on Semi-Untethered Jailbreak.
iPhone 3GS on 6.1.3 an waiting for IO7 via Jailbreak (if possible 😉 )
iPhone 3GS won’t be getting the iOS 7 … iOS 7 is for newer devices IPod Touch 5th Gen …IPhone 4,4s,5 and IPad 2,3, and 4 and the mini IPads .
iPhone 4 with 6.1.3 which I bought specifically to jailbreak so I could use it in my Skoda
4s 6.1.3 wont jb
iPhone 3GS - IOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak
iOS 6.1.3 iPhone 4 ;(
I am on 6.1.2 JB iPhone 5 and eagerly waiting for the public release of firmware 7 final followed by the wonderful evasi0n team jailbreak release.
iOS 6.1.3 Ipad3
I bought ipod 5th gen a few weeks ago with ios 6.1.3. I wonder if its possible if evasi0n could jailbreak ios7 so I can update it then jailbreak on ios7
IOS 6.1.3 on iPad 2
iPhone 5 & 4s both on 6.0.1 w/jailbreak, and ipad4 6.0.1 w/ jailbreak… Unlike some people, I don’t just update my idevices, I Waite for a confermed jb from a good/trusted source before even attempting to update to a new ios
Pfft whatever smartass. And unlike some people, you also haven’t been paying attention in pre-school. Your spelling is just sad.
I agree, that’s such a d-bag comment.
Yeah because it’s not like people may have been in a situation that forced them to get the newest firmware. Fucktard.
I have been so long without a jailbreak with ios6 initially being so hard to crack that i have gotten use to it and probably wont bother using a jailbreak again. institutionalized 😉
i have my own iphone 4 32 gb give me jailbreak 6.1.3
4s on 6.1.3… Forced to 6.1.3 after having to claim insurance for a broken lock button. Been stuck without a JB for months now.. I’m patiently waiting but feel like this is bullshit..
ich habe ios 6.1.4 und warte auf ein jailbreak
Iphone 3gs 6.1.3 waiting for Jailbreak!
iPhone 4s currently running iOS 6.1.3 (still waiting for a jailbreak):/
im on ios 6.1.3 on my ipod touch 5th gen im hoping some one will make a jailbreak for it , i would love anyone who do it.
IPAD2 6.1.3, waiting for jail.
iPhone 4s 5 not jb ipad 2 4 and mini jb
IPad mini 6.1.3
iPad 2 iOS 6.1.3 , iPhone 5 iOS 7.0 , iPhone 4 iOS 6.1.3 , iPhone 4S iOS 7.0 , iPhone 3GS iOS 6.1.3 .
That’s what we call an Apple fan boy. Waouw !!!!
Um he could be lying… Don’t be so impressed O.o
Iphone 5, 6.1.2 with JAil. I tested ios7 beta 4 in other iphone and can,t wait for jailbreak to ios 7. Ios 7 is good , but Zephyr is mandatory.
6.1.2 jailbroken….almost upgraded due to false info….holding out for now!!
6.1.3 on iPod Touch 5
6.1.3 no iPod Touch 5
leider 6.1.3 :((((((((
Help to downgrade 4s 6.1.3 to ios 5.x.x or 6.0 6.0.1
Ipad2 6.1.1 Evasi0n JB
I quite like reading through a post that will make men and women think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment!
Ios 6.1.4 on iPhone 5 because my first one died:( In morning until JB update.
iOs 6.1.3 on my iPhone 4 , sad case without jb
Lol dude u can use redsn0w and jailbreak and a iPhone 4 u can downgrade
Lol dude u can use redsn0w and jailbreak and a iPhone 4
Ipad4 came with 6.1.3
Jailbreak 5.1.1 was running slow fo me on my ipod 4 after about a year. I upgraded but didnt know 6.1.3 was out. Ive tried semi-untethering my device but it wont work. I am sad about that. Im awaiting the day that ios 6.1.3 untether is released. -Q from Florida
Iphone 3gs 6.1.3 semi-untethered… 😀 nice… ipad 3 6.1.3 D: waiting…
Hi i have question. It´s possible jailbreak with Iphone 3GS? With IOS 6.1.3? Please give me link to semi tethered jailbreak. I have only tethered.. Very thanks
4s 6.1.3 i want downgrade
iphone 4 cdma ios 6.1.3 semi-untethered (redsnow)
I have an iPhone 4s and I’m jailbroken running iOS 5.1.1!!!! ????I’m really happy that I didn’t upgrade!!! Patiently waiting for iOS7.
iPhone 4S, iOS 6.1.1, evasi0n jailbreak
iOs 6.1.3 Semi-Tethered Jailbreak
!!! I Became a Virus because Siri and i Must downgrade to 6.1.3
!!! Pleaseeeee GOD!! Bring Out an untethered Jailbreak for my iPod touch 4!!! From Germany. 😉
I read on a crap site that there was a jailbreak for 6.1.3 and so I upgraded, then I went to the only few sites that I do trust and realized that there wasn’t one. 6.1.3 unfortunately
The Device: iPhone 5.
Still at iOS 6.1.2 … Jailbroken. I’m waiting the release to iOS 7.
4S 6.1.3 … FUCK!
6.1.3 Waithing…
Still jail broken. I am waiting.
4s 6.1.2 evasion jail broken
6.1.3… iPod touch 4g I hate that I upgraded but I missed the warning in the cydia about 6-6.1.2 not getting the apticket. ;( I failed!
iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 7 it’s the fuck ever never like 3:-| Because that fucking shit iOS 6.1.3 never layout jailbreak. It 3 month now it still not layout jailbreak 6.1.3 Fuck T_T
Had replace iphone 4s 6.1.2 For a 5 on 6.1.4 much to my dislike
I just accidentally updated to 6.1.3 without further reading that there’s no jailbreak available!!! Now im stuck having to wait for the new jailbreak when I could have just done it had I not updated! I’m really pissed!!!!
Iphone 5 - 6.1.4 ????????
iPad 2 iOS 6.1.3 ….. Very suck! I need jailbreak 6.1.3 please ????
Iphone 4 (GSM) iOs 6.1.3 No JB

4S 5.1.1 still jailbroken on Absynth. Never got around to updating. IOS 6 sucks @ss.
iPhone 5 - iOS 6.1.2 Evasi0n jailbroken
iPhone 5 iOS 7 Beta 4
I’m on 6.1.3 IPhone 3GS 16GB
using redsnow on my iphone 4 ios 613 semi untethered jb.
iphone 3gs jailbroken on 6.1.3 semi tethered
Stuck on 6.1.3 on my 3GS. Bought refurbished a month ago in that state
Will wait for the 7JB in te hope it will JB 6.1.3 too ?!
Iphone 4 - 6.1.3 QQ
For most recent information you have to pay a quick visit world-wide-web and on the web I found this site as a most excellent web site for most recent updates.
ipad 6.1.3
4S iOS 6.1.3, feeling sad
3GS IOS 6.1.3
No jb forever :'(
Use a redsn0w workaround
What’s that??? redsn0w workaround????
Done and done
6.1.3 4s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we wil wait your .6.1.3 jailbreak evasion please hurry up.
Ipad mini 6.1.3
Ipad mini 6.1.3
I am on 6.1.4 and I missed the half hour time frame to downgrade. I am anxiously awaiting with jailbreak for either 7.0 or 6.1.4
Presently on 5.1 but willing to wait for 7 jailbreak
iPad 5 with iOS 6.0.1, jailbroken. Got a lucky deal on ebay for a never opened 6 or so months old iPad 5. I would never buy an iPad or iPhone without the available jb, Auxo alone is worth it.
Iphone 4s running 6.1.3, jailbroken prevoisly, restore coz of battery drain very fast, overnight drain 70% off, so no choice need to restore to 6.1.3, pls help to jailbreak asap.
iPhone 4S was jailbroken on 6.1.2 got the tweak pogo plank then all of a sudden it took place of my iOS springboard. Screen kept going black. So had to restore and stuck on 6.1.3 ):
3 ipad mini on 6.1.3 after buying off ebay all ready updated, and iphone 5 exchanged my note 2 already updated.
As of today 6.1.3. I was originally on 6.1.2 but some issues occurred that forced me to restore. I’m still depressed over it as all my emulators are gone. I pray to god we get an update soon. I’m sick of these fake 6.1.3 jailbreaks and fake YouTube videos.
gba4ios look it up. it’s an emulator without the need to jailbreak.
Why not find a security flaw on an ispw of a ios 6.1.2 or older and post it here so we can downgrade, the same way we can upgrade to ios 7 beta`s?
Iphone 4 6.1.2 jailbroken Ipad mini 6.1.2 jailbroken
iPad Mini 6.1.3
4.3.3 😀
I am on 6.1.4 cuz my daughter bought me and my wife iPhone5 for xmas. I had a 3GS which I had not run an update for about 2 years to be able to use Cydia and basically do what I wanted. Now I am in HELL waiting for the IOS7 and I hope the GURU’s are able to do a jailbreak. Please Please Please
I’m an iphone 5 on ios 7 beta 4. Loving every minute of it! I can’t wait to have an ios 7 jailbreak! Just be patient folks! It’ll be worth the wait! 😉
Thank you! Just be patient guys!! I am on iOS7 beta 4. It’s great!!
iphone 4 6.1 evasion jailbreak
I’m on iOS 6.1.3 semi-tethered on an iPhone 3GS. Does no one else still have their old device?! All you with iPhone 4 and newer — quit complaining! I’m stuck on an iOS that will NEVER be untethered and I CAN NOT downgrade thanks to Cydia’s SHAH fiasco. You’ll all get your new iOS and a jailbreak to go along with it so just be patient. My phone won’t run iOS 7 so I’m stuck. Count your blessings!
iPhone 4 6.1.2 Evasi0n Jailbreak. iPad Mini 6.1.2 Evasi0n Jailbreak.
I just got a replacement iPhone 4s in the mail and it came with 6.1.3 and a side of disappointment… :/ I wish the devs could fix this.
Ios 6.1.4 on iPhone 5
i m runing 6.1.3 iphone 4. vd no jb:(
iPhone 4S 6.1.2 all day! Learned my lesson with 6.1.1!
Iphone 4s - 6.1.3 :S
6.1.3 my sis phone ……plus i am screwed if i don’t fix it
Ipad3 stuck on 6.1.3 after mistakenly upgrading, now at the point I can’t be bothered anymore so am gonna sell my iPad!!!!! Bought a nexus10 instead coz its a lot less hassle
you could have just downgraded your ipad as it was on 6.1.2 then jailbroke it again
4s evasi0n jailbreak on 6.1 Loving it!
iPhone 4 semi-tethered 6.1.3. Just as happy as with an untethered. Thank you redsn0w
6.0.5 on iPhone 5, jailbroken. Waiting for iOS 7 after a jailbreak patch.
had apparently jb untethered via you tube on 6.1,3 via snowbreeze and i booty worked well for 3 hours then apple recognised update and crash
6.12 4s jail broken and will wait for however long it takes.
3gs ios 4.1. I am stuck there bcoz I only saved ios 6.1.3 shsh and I don’t like semi-tethered. To use facebook I have to deactivate Javascript on Safari
I’m running a semi untethered jailbroken 6.1.3 on a 4th generation itouch.
iPad on 6.1.3. Still hoping for a JB, but bought an android tablet to use in the meantime.
4S. I’m on 6.1.2 JB and running fine.
iPhone 5 6.1.3. My battery ran dead. I recharged my phone but it would not start. Had to restore now I’m stuck and patiently waiting for iOS 7 JB.
Running 6.1.3 on 4s waiting for a JB.
I was on 6.1.2 up till 2 weeks ago when a GPP Unlock went sour and turned my USA 4S into a Chinese 4S… and I had to reload to fix it..
I was never on 6.1.2 or below I was forced upon 6.1.4 on buying the iPhone 5 So it wasn’t like I was a regard that upgraded
iPhone 5 on iOS 7 beta!! And running fine
iOS 7 beta 4
6.1.3 for me
Running 6.1.2 on i4 but have not had the time to jailbreak. Used it mostly to create a WiFi hotspot for my netbook, but now that my wife has an iPad, rarely take the netbook with me…
iPhone 5 running 6.0 Will upgrade to iOS 7 only once the untethered break is released.
6.1.2 jailbroken. made the mistake with a sony ps3 rom once. Upgraded with out reading about it first. Couldnt get homebrew apps on it after that. Will wait patiently for os7 and corosonding crack.
iphone 4s stuck with 6.13 for 3 moths already…pls help!!!!
iPod Touch 4G with 6.1.3 and jailbreak tethered
I have an IPHONE 4 with IOS 6.1.3! and jailed. Can I download IOS 7 beta and upgrade it using Itunes?
I´m on 6.1.3 with Iphone 4, I can still use the semi-unthetered RedSn0w.
IPAD MINI - 6.1.3 stuck without jailbreak !!!
Same here. Ios 7 is a big mistake ! I dont like it. Worst decision by apple !
6.1.4 iphone 5 - argh!
i am on ios 6.1.3 without jailbraek
i am on ios 6.1.3 without jailbraek
iPhone 4s with iOS 6.1
Jail broke my phone a while back (was locked to at&t) however after i jail broke changing the service provider i accidentally upgraded and … it still worked…. it was weird.
I’m on iOS 6.1.2 untethered jailbreak on my iPod touch 4th generation. However, my iPhone 3GS is on iOS 6.1.3!!!! Tethered Jailbreak
6.1.3 - Had to due to problem with iPhone 4S
I got a new iPod touch so it had 6.1.3 already on it so I said screw it and am now running on the pretty amazing iOS7
Trapped in the cruel dark world of 6.1.3 My ipad 2 screams out for a break or it shall remain in solitary confinement in the deepest dungeon of FuckApple the home of the greedy bastards who are the prison governors.
Im sorry for the doble post but why the ios 6.1.3 is unable to make the jailbreak?
Hy evasion team , i bought an ipad 3rd generation it came with ios 5.1.1 but i updated him to ios 6.1.3 without saving the shsh blobs from de ios 5.1.1 now when i use your software the jaikbreak evasi0n doesn t support my ipad , and i cant make the downgrade because i did not save the shsh blobs help me
4s jailbroken
I have 4s and 6.1.3 if ios 7 or 7.x be like 6.1.3 that I must wait for next version of ios to jailbreak my idevice I will buy an android device my frien has a iphone 5 and 6.1.2 and he jailbreak it the problem is that the iphone don’t work good and isn’t be like iphone(super speed)
Ipad 4 ios6.1.2 wooo hoooo happy to be jailbreaked
And also I have an iPod 4g ios 6.1.3
iPhone 4S - iOS 7 iPod touch 4G - iOS 6.1.2 Jailbroken I use jail breaking to get games and in-app buying for free!
After a lot of research and almost falling for those fake sites promising jailbreaks for 6.1.3 and 6.1.4, I am glad to have found you. I have two iphone 5 with 6.1.4 and I will wait patiently for the IOS7 jailbreak.
iPad 3 iOS 6.1.3 unjailbroken i wish if there is a jailbreak for it, i bought with 6.1.2 but my cousin updated it and i cant downgrade
kill him
You can downgrade if ur phone came with 6.1.2. Go to YouTube and search everythingapplepro channel and it will show u how to downgrade
I have iPhone 5 with ISO 6.1.4 no jail , also ipad4 with 6.3.1 , and apple TV2 with 6.3.1 tethered ??????????????????????thank for your efferort .
4 Jailbroken 6.1.2
I have 6.1.4 on my iPhone 5 and my bf has 6.1.2 on his iPhone 4S which is jailbroken.
I am still on 6.1.2 for my iPad 3 with evasion jail broken .i am eagerly waiting for ios 7 jailbreak tool.
I have an iPhone 4S and its on 6.1.2
1 iPhone 4 and 1 iPhone 4S… The 4 is on 6.1.3 no JB, wife updated without knowing… 4S is on 6.1.2 JB, with iOS 7 theme. Really hope iOS 7 is better than the theme running on 6.1.2, and patiently waiting for iOS 7 release and a JB to go with.
Hey everyone. I’ve got an Iphone 5 on ios 7 beta 4. I had an Iphone 5 on ios 6.1.2 and was stolen from me. Unfortunately when I bought the new device this version was not abailable anymore, so I was stuck on ios 6.1.3 untill the release of ios 7 beta, which does not have a jailbrak yet.
iphone 5 black ios 6.1.2 jailbroken iphone 5 white ios 7.0 beta 4 Even tho i like ios 7, i rather use my jailbroken iphone so many more features
6.1.1 iPhone 4S jail broken with iOS 7 theme tweak theme. Looks a bit childish to be honest hope the real iOS 7 is better than this.
Unfortunately I updated my iPhone 5 to 6.1.4 without checking to see if a jailbreak was available for the update. I don’t mind waiting though.
household: 2 x iPhone 5, and iPad 2 - all happily jailbroken and still on 6.1.2
I have 2 IPhone 4S and 2 stuck on 6.1.3 waiting patiently to finally be able to jailbreak all four devices
IPhone 5 iOS 6.1.4 patiently awaiting for ios 7 and the new JB.
iphone 4s, ipda 2 - 6.1.2 with jailbreak ipad mini 6.? with jailbreak
I have an iPad 2 running 6.1.3.
I have an iPad 2 running 6.1.3
Iphone 4 here 6.1.3, semi untethered
I have 2 IPhone 4’s and 2 IPad 2’s stuck on 6.1.3 waiting patiently to finally be able to jailbreak all four devices so I can do so much more with them!
6.1.2 here. Unwilling to lose my jailbreak.
I have a 4s jailbroke it the day i bought it straight of the box on 6.1.2, although its in horrible need for a restore im not giving up my jailbreak
4S running jb 5.1.1 I missed the window to upgrade. :-/
My 4s is running. 6.1.3 not jail broken iPad 2 is running 6.1.2 jail broken
6.0.1 on ipad 3 untethered jailbreak
6.1.4 iPhone 5. I would prefer to JB and stay at iOS 6 rather than move to 7. I didn’t like iOS 7 when I tried the beta for a few weeks. Looking forward to a JB for 6.1.4
In on 5.1.1 untethered. Same with my kids iPod 4g’s. My iPad 2 on the other hand is stuck on 6.1.3
My wife and I bought our iPhone 5’s with 6.1.4 installed.
iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1.2 jailbroke. Yes I do my research before I do anything. And ipod 5 th gen having an awesome time playing with iOS 7 beta 4, yes on purpose, and I think when ios 7 is released and a jb is eventually released it will be the biggest thing to happen in a long time. iOS 7 is defiantly way past due but it will finally be here and ready to exploit!
I did the upgrade to 6.1.4 on my iphone 5 not realising I would lose the jb. Looking forward to the iOS7 jb.
I have 2 iPhone 4S”s and an iPad 2 that are all on JB on iOS 6.1.2
6.1.3 runs on my 4s and also hope to have jailbreak for it.
I am on an iphone 4s with 6.1.2 because I paid attention.
since March ive been on 6.1.2 and been enjoying and learning about my Evasi0n jailbreak. One thing i would caution people Jailbreaking is to change their iPhones root password from Alpine to one of your choice. I was told this saves my system getting hacked from undesirables! Use mobile terminal. The cool thing is my 4S looks like its on iOS 7 with the themes i have…so many cool tweaks! Hats off to Evasi0n for their stellar work.
I agree. All iPhones have the same logins root & alpine. A downfall of iPhone is they are more vornable to hacking cuz they lack adequate security. Always a good thing to change the default login done through terminal on a MAC. Just google how to change iPhone default PW and there will be plent of tutorials
I was happily on ios6.1.2 UNTILL. I updated a tweek on cydia can’t remember which app now but as soon as it resprang it self the screen went to a Qtr of it size I tried everything but I couldn’t sort it so had to restore and be updated
so lost my jb and had to go on the worst iOS in history ‘iOS 6.1.3′ I was not happy
but I’m on ios7 beta 4 now which I’m really liking but if they did jb 6.1.3 I would most deffinately downgrade and re jb
Just so you know, after the RS you need to enter into safe mode and then RS back into the OS. That resets the screen size back to normal. No need to restore!!
I have iPad on 6.1.3. HELP!!!!! I waiting for jailbreak
My guess is that it takes quite some time to create the tools to JB and since the vast majority of people probably will update to iOS7 means that it’s not worth the devs efforts or time to write a JB for a soon to be old version of the OS. Don’t forget within a few months we’ll likely be on iOS7.1 so iOS6 drops further back even more reason for devs not to bother with it. Everyone here who’s on an iPhone 5 with 6.1.4 has no choice but to upgrade to iOS7 to be able to JB. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to apply themes for those that don’t like the appearance of iOS7 and go back to the familiar dull and boring 6 year old look that was screaming out to be updated!!
Running 6.1.2 on my iPhone 4S. I never upgraded to the latest iOS until I knew there was a Jailbreak available for that iOS.
Iphone 4S, I actually had it on 6.1.2 with the jailbreak, but when I did it, I had that issue with the Weather app, so I removed it and updated the phone. i’m so regretted…
You can downgrade ur firmware as long as it’s not b4 the firmware that was hard coded when u bought ur phone. So if u had it jail on 6.1.2 and updated it. Just google download for 6.1.2 ipsw and download from a legit site don’t ever pay for it. Then u can YouTube how to downgrade iPhone firmware and it will show u step by step how to do it. Just make sure you watch one that is for your computer OS. Mac or PC
iPhone 4S will not downgrade even when you do the manual downgrade with iTunes on your computer. If you know how to then tell me! As I have an ipad 2 as well as an iPhone 4S that need it BADLY!
6.1.3 on iPhone 5.
Iphone 4 stuck with 6.1.3
I decided to upgrade from ipad 3 to ipad 4 unfortunately ipad four ONLY comes with 6.1.3…waiting and hoping and wishing that they release a JB for 6.1.3. Had already given my ipad three to a relative..so untill something gives on the jailbreak front..either 7.0 release or jb for 6.1.3 ..we willjust go sulk in the corner..lol
Iphone 5 on 6.1.2 jailbroken with Evasion
White iphone 5 iOS 6.1 jailbroken
iPhone 5 on 6.1.2.
iPhone 4S stuck with 6.1.3.
I’m on 6.1.3 firmware
I’m on iOS 6.1.4 iPhone 5, It’s not that we are impatient and want a iOS 6.1.4 jailbreak tool now, we just want a iOS 6.1.4 jailbreak tool when iOS 7 is released
I’m running my iphone 5 on 6.1.2. So YES I’ve still got my jailbreak. Don’t intend to update my iOS until the forthcoming ios7 is exploited and jailbroken. Or theirs a new iPhone 5s.
I have ipad 3 new wifi , and because my ipad going to crazy mode i forced to upgrade my ipad to 6.1.3 and now i cant do anything i did before , ahhhh i want to cry , just for god please do something … We need you guys … Ipad , iphone , ipod without jailbreak is bullshit and its a closed world with limited works … We dont love this , thanks you for anything you guys do , we loves you guys .
Iphone 4 on 6.1.2 jailbroken and waiting for iOS 7 to jailbrake
I have 4 iPads running 6.0.1 ans 6.1.2 and 4 iPhone 5’a on 6.1.2, all jailbroken Added iOS 7 theme fir fun Will keep all on thus until 7 is jb We use tether me and xbmc on all, can’t do without them fir ease if use Thank you for all you do, contributed, and will patiently wait
iPhone 5 & content with 6.1.2 - always greatful to the Developers for Cydia and the life …
2 iPhone 5s. 6.1.2 jail broken and the other duped into losing the jailbrake @ 6.1.4.
As I can read my 4S is on jb 6.1.2.
Runnin on 6.1.2 have on my 4 and ive told many of my friends before hand about the consequences of upgrading to 6.1.3. Out of 10 lets say 2 didnt listen and are now victims of the struggle lol. Evasi0n all the wayy! People
IPad on 6.1.2 😉
As I can read I am on bj 6.1.2 with my 4S.
Seriously? There waiting for ios 7 just cause? What I want is a jailbreak for my device. Ios 7 adds nothing useful at all. I mean seriously, with a jailbreak I can do everything and 10 times more than ios 7. I mean an I missing something?? Ios 7 seems like shit to me
You must not have used that much. As with anything Apple, simplicity is always a top GOAL. iOS 7 has a lot of better features then any other iOS. Unfortunately most of the new features are already availble with a jailbreak and/or open source site. It is definitely there best iOS and even though beta 1 had issues and a lot of bugs. Beta 4 has already fixed most issues and added new features as well. I believe there is still 2 more version before it’s public release. It would be STUPID for the team that came together to continue jailbreaking after GEOHOT stopped. Envaders is a pioneer and changing jailbreaking and finding exploits no one else has found or done. It would make no sense to spend time and reveal exploitation flaws is 6.1.3 & 6.1.4. Since both patched the exploits and were released basically for that reason and right after iOS 7 beta is released. So if you think about it, why show apple their holes when the next iOS is already available in beta and they can focus on exploiting ios 7 vulnerabilities. Take your pick they can be making a jailbreak for 6.1.3-4 and when 7 is released shorty everyone would have to wait a couple months for the jailbreak. Be thankful that they collaborated and came together to continue open source software for the BS that apple monopolies, steal tweaks, apps, themes and ideas. If Evaders didn’t exist you wouldnt be waiting for a jailbreak because there wouldn’t be one. Quit complaining cuz they are putting the long hard work that you or anybody else is not willing to do so the rest of us can reap the benifits of their labor. If you don’t agree with what they are doing then don’t jailbreak your phone and figure out how to do it yourself or continue to have apple restrictions on what you can do with your property that you rightfully own.
actually it makes zero sense to update at all. nothing will work with it. activator doesnt even work yet. what dont you guys understand about this? remember all those wonderfull things like dreamboard and zephyr? well dont remember too much cause they wont work. graviboard probably will never work. just wait till the 6.1.4/3 jb comes in october
I have an Ipad 4 64gb with ios 6.1.2 already jailbroken. I don´t like install tweaks like a fool, because it damages the filesystem, obliging to restore. And we do not like restore, don´t we? BTW there is a tool call SEMI-RESTORE (it works very well, though) which restore IOS 6 to the original state, but respecting the jailbreak (it is like a wipe data factory reset, but maintaining the jailbreak). Go check it out in google. Semi-restore is a FREE tool, which MUST be explained in this site. As many other jailbreaking ios sites already did.- Come on, admin of this site! Your suscriptors need you to be updated, and properly informed. I also have an Iphone 5, recently bought, and sadly with fucking ios 6.1.4 installed. I really do not understand why Apple patched ios 6, to avoid evasi0n jailbreak. It is against their interests. I mean, the possibility of jailbreaking makes the people to buy IOS devices, and this is definitively good for apple.
As I can read I am on 6.1.2 with my 4S.
6.1.3 4s stuck like a notherfucker
I’m the lucky bunny with 2x iPhone’s A 16GB on 6.1.2 JB (big thanks) and a 64GB on IOS 7 beta 4 (legit from my dev account) I deliberately upgraded it to IOS 7 as it is so so stonking good. Roll on September for the official release and hopefully a JB. Until then best of both worlds. :-))
m on 6.1.3 and I want to jail break release the new software
Stuck on iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1 and can’t upgrade or anything!!! Help evasi0n
5.0.1 and stuck, Any solutions?! Can’t I upgrade to 6+
6.1.4~waiting for 7 looks great!
Ios 7 beta 4 iphone 4. It is very stable and I have not had any change fallo.No I’ll wait jb on ios 6.1.3 7
Ios 7 beta 4 iphone 4. It is very stable and I have not had any change fallo.No I’ll wait jb on ios 7
4S- 6.1.3
6.01 untethered JB loving it…. running hidden tether using cell data 3g unlimited high speed undetected by carrier .. took some research but works flawlessly via cidia… fuck the services for high grossing users then throttle down after bandwidth limits are reached… unbelievably low bandwidth limits i might add…
oh running iphone 4 btw
Iphone 5 @ ios 6.0.1 JB
stucked at 6.13. but managed to downgrade to 5.1.1 using cydia ishshit
Another 4s stuck on 6.1.3 ..please help ASAP ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I hear none of the top usefull cydia tweaks will work on ios 7 for ages after public release. So JB will be pretty useless for a while
2 iphones both 4s and both stuck on 6.1.3. it sucks
I have ios 6.1.3 and jail thered iPhone 3GS I wait jailbreak and I need turn off my iPhone I use redsnow and can’t not turn off Pleas release it bot old devices 3GS and 4 We have no more updates Pleaseeeeeweeeeee
Waited months to upgrade from JB 5.1.1 and when I finally decided to move to 6 was forced into 6.1.3 even though I tried to use 6.1.2 iwsp- no JB makes my 4s like a relic
had to forcibly reset my ipad4 from 5.1.1 & upgrade to 6.1.3 and stuck on this since a long time. apple sucks, samsung is far better.
Ios 7 beta 4 iphone 5. Es muy estable y no he tenido ningún fallo.No voy a cambiar a 6.1.4 esperare jb en ios 7
6.1.4 Longing for iOS 7 jailbreak and tweaks.
Iphone 5 , ios 7 beta 4 Esperando jb para ios 6.1.4, pero creo que me esperare a ios 7 porque la beta 4 es muy estable y yo la uso a diario y sin ningun problema 😉
6.1.4 iphone 5
Phone 5 6.1.4
5.1.1. I held off on upgrading to iOS 6 until enough other 3GS users reported that it ran well on older hardware. Too late now.
If no jailbreak is released for iOS 7 soon after it’s final release. I am going to ditch Apple - big time. Been a loyal customer for more than 5 years now with 5 different devices from Apple.
Upgrade to iOS 7 Beta and than Downgrade to 6.1.2!
6.1.3… I’m in jail too.
4S- 6.1.3
4s with 6.1.3
Staying on 6.1.2 until I can get 7 on my iPad
i used ios 7 beta and hate new ios. For reason i want to use ios 6 but i stuck 6.1.3. Waiting untethered 6.1.3 jb.
4s 6.1.3
stuck at 5.1.1jb
i would like 6+
I’m staying on 6.1.2 as long as I can, until I get a 5s in a couple of months. That will probably come with iOS7, dontcha think?
I inadvertently upgraded my ipad 4 to 6.1.3 and have been stuck there ever since.
On 6.1.3 - reason: just bought a new ipad4. Had I known it would come with 6.1.3 - wouldnt have bought it! Eagerly waiting for a jb of 6.1.3. Dont care much about ios7 at this point. My itouch4 is on 6.1.2 jb though.
me too…
6.1.3 on 4s
Stuck on ios 6.1.4 iphone 5 need jailbreak thanks?
iOS 7 beta 4 here.
Guys follow me on @alltim3h4ckers and @idowngrade1 cuz I’m making idowngrade to downgrade devices (a5 only) from 6.1.3 to 6.0 6.0.1 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 5.1.1
6.14 -.- stupid network error had to wipe my phone and lost my jailbreak…
6.1.2 both iPhone 5 and iPad …
Lucky you…
My 4s on 6.1.3 and my 4 jb on 5.1.1, waiting to jb 4s on ios 7.
Just got my iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1.4 ???? I’m flustered to hear of no JB for 6.1.4 because iOS 7 looks like Android and the icons and layouts look neon-pastel tacky lame! I’d prefer to stay on iOS 6 if this is the last of iPhone’s iconic look. Upgraded too soon/too late from my iPhone 4S Jailbroken…I Miss My Model Girl vWallpaper!!! ???? Anyone with a Blk iPhone 5 32gb Jailbroken willing to trade? ?
Stuck on 6.1.3 since very long…….
Stuck on 6.1.3
6.1.4 … Really if this ios7 don’t come out soon argh gettin pissed being locked on the crap …
6 weeks to go for iOS7
I’m on 6.1.3 ipad4
Stuck with 6.1.3 . Help!!!!
I have 2 ipad on was already 6.1.3 thats not good but the other was 6.1.2 so i love it i live in china so with a vpn i could get movie box so many movie and so many cartoon for my little girl 18 month to watch but then some issue happen and upgrade by mitake and now we are really sad about it . I hope the upgrade for 7 is coming soon and the evasi0n will have a jailbreack ,thank you
I’m on iOS 6.1.3 with semi-tethered jailbreak
iPhone 5 6.1.4 ????????
My iphone 4S has iOS 6.1.2 I haven’t updated to iOS 6.1.3
Stuck on 6.1.3
Failed updating to JB 6.1.2 from 5.01, and my iphone is stuck at 5.01 … so sad. Ipad3 and mini was jailed 6.1.3 Waiting the day to be freed.
My 4s died. Now I’m miserably stuck on 6.1.4 waiting for IOS 7. So NOT happy about it either!
Stuck on 6.1.3
My story is regretting… I had my iPod Touch 5 jailbroken on iOS 6.1.2. I did every single thing to not update it. Unfortunately, I had some problems with iMessages. When I clicked any images on iMessage, it wouldn’t show me the pictures. I then decided to clean and delete unnecessary files and folders using iFile. When I’ve done that, I rebooted my devices and it showed me the Recovery Mode. I then figured out that I’ve deleted a folder that helps to reboot my iPod. I tried everything, and every possible thing to get out of Recovery Mode. I also tried TinyUmbrella for Recovery Fix. Unfortunately, nothing worked. I then had to update my iPod to 6.1.3 and lost everything. I lost my fun-ness now, well, sadly. I shouldn’t have done that for only iMessage.
New iPhone 5 came with 6.1.4 but I’m running iOS7 B4 and am liking the improvements so much that I might not bother jailbreaking again. Also it seems that a lot of my paid for Cydia store apps have all but been abandoned by their developers - e.g. Music Controls Pro hasn’t been updated since iOS5!
We have two iPads on 6.1.3. HELP!!!!!
im on ios 6.1.3…. very stuck
Ipad mini ios 6.1.3
Sadly 6.1.3
I am on 6.1.3
I’m on 6.1.3! I’m in jail
6.0.1 here. Won’t update until jailbreak
iOS 6.1.3 came out just as I got it, accidentally updated once, stuck without untethered jailbreak now on my iPhone4
I accidentally updated to 6.1.3 :< now im stuck and hoping for a jailbreak as soon as ios 7 is released
In on 6.1.3
My ipod T 5 is running 6.0.1 and my ipad mini is running 6.1.2 and we are quite content! I’m not very excited about ios 7 because all of the great features are already provided by Cydia!
I’m on 6.1.2 on my ipod 4, and gave up my jb on the ipad mini, it is running ios 7b4. And i switched to android so i use a galaxy S4 as a my daily cellphone. Can’t complain it runs smoothly
I AM on 6.1.2 but I keep getting an error “No sims card” on my Verizon iphone 5 when I tether more than 5 minutes or so. I have to shut down the phone several times for the Verizon service to show back up. Any clue? Thx
I won the phone online in a contest and it was delivered with ios 6.1.3.\par It would be a bit rude to complain then
But if there were no future jb coming up, I would sell it and buy android. Apple make the worlds BEST smartphones but manage to deliver them with the worlds WORST operating system.
ps hazle el jailbreak con el redsnow 15b3, es tethered pero sale uno de apuros,,ps no keda de otra, y esperar el jb para ios 7
im on ios 6.1.3….
Stucked on ios 6.1.3 becoz i got it from a box of new iphone purchased a month back ?? help me out buddy
6.1.2 waiting on iOS 7 before upgrade. I wouldn’t have an iPhone if I couldn’t jailbreak it.
I’m on 6.1.2 because 6.1.3 is basically the same thing but without unthetered jailbreaking.
Stuck with 6.0 because 6.1.2 blob was unusable. So just keep on waiting. Still happy though.
6.1.3 jailbreak release date tell me my phone 4s
Was a good idea saving the exploits so all thos ppl who cant wait can just get stuffed
6.1.2 and quite happy. Resisting the updates to keep the jailbreak.
Yeah, you should stay on iOS 6.1.2 until there’s an iOS 7 jailbreak.
6.1.4 cant downgrade or nothing
@Evasion Admin, you said until there’s an iOS 7 jailbreak right? so it means no future jailbreak for 6.1.3/6.1.4?
There should be a solution for devices that cannot update like the 3GS and the iPod touch 4th gen.
reading this makes me feel lighter, i do have iPhone 4S stuck in 6.1.3 and iPhone 5 stuck in 6.1.4, i really hope jailbreak developers work on something about downgrading or freeing our devices, a really really BIG THANKS
for those people who don’t me, i didn’t know you too haha! you guys pissed me off, get off the table and run to android if you can’t wait 😛
I’m on 6.1.3 and I want to jail break release the new software
6.1.3. fck#$$g jail.
Remaining on 6.1.2 until the next jailbreak!
I’m on 6.1.3 but I used Redsn0w and an ios 6 ipsw to trick my ipod into allowing a semi-tethered jailbreak.
On what device?
iphone 4
Sorry for responding late, I’m on an iPod Touch 4th generation.
I’m on 6.1.3! I’m in jail