New iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered Jailbreak Utility, Should It Be Released Now?
New UnTethered Jailbreak 7.1.1 iOS Utility Poll - While iOS 7.1 is easily recognized by the majority of iDevice owners as the first major release since the company “reinvented” their mobile operating system’s interface with the release of iOS 7 last fall, the firmware has a darker association amongst the jailbreak community. In addition to bringing further performance enhancements to iOS, 7.1 patched the majority of vulnerabilities evasion 7 exploits to achieve an UnTethered jailbreak on pre-7.1 and 7.1.1 firmwares. Furthermore, Apple didn’t help matters when they released the company’s even more recent 7.1.1 update, again making it impossible to jailbreak 7.1.1 using the evad3rs evasi0n jailbreak utility and, in turn, forcing the discovery of new vulnerabilities in unexplored code. While it was popular belief that the evad3rs would avoid releasing an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak until Apple pushed out iOS 8 and new devices, pod2g recently ignited the hopes of millions by confirming that the hacker is actively testing new exploits that may jailbreak 7.1.1, but is it really worth it? There would be a tremendous downside associated with a 7.1.1 jailbreak!
Should The Evad3rs Wait To Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered?
In releasing a new jailbreak 7.1.1 iOS utility for all iDevices, including the iPhone 5s and iPad Mini 2, Air, the evad3rs would essentially turn over their newly discovered and implemented exploits for Apple to patch before iOS 8 and the iPhone 6 are available.
With both iOS 6 and iOS 7 (thus far), the evad3rs have maintained the mindset of supporting not only as many devices as possible, but also the latest firmware at the time of their releases. If the team were to issue a new utility this close to Apple’s software and hardware refreshes, the company would have more than ample time to properly patch the new iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak exploits, causing them to be useless when it counts. In addition to the countless warnings of both the staff at Jailbreak Evasion Info and of the evad3rs themselves to avoid 7.1, dozens of other sources have echoed our words of caution and reminded jailbreakers to avoid the update.
An Untethered Jailbreak For 7.1.1 - Should It Be Released Now?
On the flip side, we’ve heard dozens of reasons as to why iOS 7.1.1 should be jailbroken promptly. The foremost and probably the most logical (for those who aren’t entirely familiar with the process of jailbreaking), is that Apple could very well patch the exploits that the evad3rs are holding onto in iOS 8 regardless of whether a jailbreak is released.
Although there’s a chance of the aforementioned scenario becoming a reality, chances are slim to none - save an internal leak from the evad3rs themselves, which is even less likely. Due to the nature of iOS’ code, pinpointing and pre-patching a firmware without having a jailbreak utility to reverse engineer would be the equivalent of trying to find a needle in a haystack, at the bottom of the ocean.
While we can easily disregard the first call for a new jailbreak 7.1.1 utility, the second point cannot be ignored as easily. Aside from those who mistakenly updated to iOS 7.1 and 7.1.1, there are also jailbreakers who have purchased new iDevices since March with the evasion7 jailbreak-patching firmware pre-installed.
Armed with the facts, what’s your opinion? Should the evad3rs release a new Jailbreak 7.1.1 tool now or would it be better for the team to wait and, in doing so, support iOS 8, the iPhone 6 and new iPad models?
Cast your votes now using the poll embedded above and defend your opinion in the comment section below.
iCrackUriDevice’s latest video on the current 7.1.1 jailbreak status.
Be sure to read our article highlighting pod2g’s quote that suggests the hacker is actively seeking new jailbreak exploits if you have yet to. Also, if you’re interested in earning paid iOS Apps for Free (legally) while simultaneously supporting developers, follow our recent tutorial on the topic.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak Evasion Info news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on Google+ to be instantaneously notified when we post future articles pertaining to iOS 7.1.1 and the evad3rs’ next UnTethered jailbreak tool.
Peace be upon you We want you to know that the 85% they update 7.1.1 And we want Aljelbrak In terms of gaps 7.1.1 learned apple that camels gaps 7.1.1 And 8.0 will be fully protected It will come in the autumn We want Aljelbrak

Release the beast and don’t hold back these new releases of firmware is just a clampdown on our devices and one day soon we will wake up and find all our devices restricted

I forgot one thing. i want to thank all the people that have worked on Cydia, the Sources, all the different jailbreaks there already are. I can just imagine how much work and hours go into one “JailBreak. Thanks, guys and women

I think the general public has to leave this decision up to the Developers. I think they should release a break for 7.1.1 only because there is probable one already being used by the ones who develop the breaks. i personally don’t see anything wrong with that, except if it is a team effort then the team should make the decision. Me, I’m only one of thousands who check YouTube daily to see if it is released or not. I also don’t update my device until I am sure the break is out for that particular ios.

People learned their lesson. Nobody wants to upgrade their existing iPhones to ios 8, because we all know that our iPhones will run slow. The ios 8 is meant to run smooth only on iphone 6. Please release ios 7.1.1 jailbreak for our existing iphones.

Please release 7.1.1 I need my JB 85% say jes (iPhone 5 ios 7.1.1) new never update an I wil not download ios8 iPhone just fine like it is but I need JB Thank u for the werk evad3rs

Dear friends,what if ios 8 will be release next month?they posted a poll.they are 85% agreements of releasibg the jailnreak of ios 7.1.1 now.So,what it will be?we dont see any release..

The time when people upgraded their iPhone 4 from ios 6 to ios 7 they felt their iphones became lazy and running so slow, most people through there iPhone 4 in the Bin. Now do you want us to upgrade “even by mistake” our iPhone 5 from ios 7 to the coming ios 8 ? And do you also want us to through our iphone 5 in the Bin same as what we did with our iPhone 4 ? Never again !! Please release ios 7.1.1 Jailbreak as soon as possible.

85% of the votes are in faver with releasing jailbreak ios 7.1.1 as soon as possible - So please go ahead with it right now !!!


all we say yes for jailbreak ios7.1.1 so do it guys plzzz and thx :p

I bought a 5C the other week thay came pre installed with 7.1.1… so we NEED this I’m probably never gonna update to iOS 8 anyway, never want my phone to slow down!

So,we have any news?It will be released or not?I understand the conserns or evad3rs team,the waitting for the ios 8 but on the other hand,if we think about it in general,why to buy and iphone 5 if in the future will come out the iphone 6.why to buy a ps3 if it will eventually come the ps4 etc etc’s a little general.also for us with 4s,as i read that probably the ios8 it wont be available,why not to enjoy the jb now?as for the future exploits,look the playstation scene and in general the hacking community.There are doors everywhere.The thing is the community if it’s willing to open them.That’s all from me.Thank you anyway Evad3r’s team!

A 7.1.1 Jailbreak would be nice, but don’t rush yourselves. Thanks again Evasi0n!

Well, first and foremost, I’ll like to commend the efforts of our people at that end-JB, evad3rs and a host of others who are working restlessly/tirelessly to make sure that people at our own end have full satisfaction of our hard-earned money we used to purchase our devices which Apple are strongly opposed to by their so called “patches.” For evad3rs and co; to say that you’re wonderful is an understatement! Now, for the first time, I jailbroke my iphone 5 and 5s. I was enjoying ‘everything’, ignored the updates and enjoying completely everything! Just of recent, I came about this “Jailbreak 7.1 blah blah blah, and out of impatience, or may I just say- stupidity? I was so exited, quickly updated to the 7.1 trying to jailbreak! WOW! What a big loss? “Your current version… not supported.” Please, and please evad3rs,as a matter of urgency, release the 7.1.1 jailbreak utility for us. I know you can do it! Even though I am a programmer, I have no clue to this wonderful work you are doing freely to the billions of people in need. Once again, I say more grease to your elbow!

why wait until the release of his ios 8 is pointless to wait worth more to jailbreak ios7.1.1 on all the computers working iphone 5s 5c and after the release of ios8 you can work to desssu I mean c ‘is that what to do jailbreak ios7.1.1 now and after you can work on the future but not now ios8 view i is not yet out and thank you and soory for my english :/

as iphone 4s most probably will not be able to upgrade to ios 8,jailbreak for ios 7.1.1 must be released

just wait till ios 8 comes out that way everyone that buys a device with it can be jailbroken not to mention they can find more exploits on the newer devices. ps they should have waited even longer to release the ios 7 jailbreak

Release iod 7.1.1 jb ! Make sure we can jailbreak 7.1.1 OTA Also !! I just bought an iphone 4s and it is OTA 7.1.1, We need an OTA Jb !! Please!

You guys have to release the 7.1.1 jailbreak. The iPhone 4 (and maybe 4s) are most likely not going to support iOS 8 so there is a genuine reason for releasing this to the general public.

Come please witch ios 7.1.1 jailbreak Thank youuu ????

Please make the 7.1.1 jailbreak! I’ve recently found out about jail breaking and I just can’t wait to do it to my iPhone!

please release 7.1.1, some i devices wont get ios 8 s we need this, please???

Please new jailbreak none of us want to wait

Most iDevices come now with yellowish color screen, Apple don’t care of adjusting the white ballance of their iDevice screens color temperature. But with Jailbreak there is a fantastic tweak to let you adjust the white balance and also you can make you iDevice screen like the flat Tv screen with that Cool Blue Vivid Color. So, we need the Jailbreak for ios 7.1.1 as soon as possible.

Please release 7.1.1 jailbreak for all of us We are Wait for it

Please, need it so much

Have bought iPad mini and iPhone preinstslled With iOS 7.1 and 7.1.1 for some months ago, i check everyday to see if u guys have released jailbreak and Now i m fed up

I voted yes because the Admins will make sockpuppets to say ‘No’ Then again, it’s really pointless to vote. If you say yes, you’re lumped togeher with entitled brats, whether you like it or not. If you say no, you’re the minority. In the end, the next article will just be another recycled post on how we should probably wait, while countless retards argue with eachother. And we’ll be greeted with a video of that pansy in the red hoodie spouting the same load of bull.

I need a jailbreak! For thos who say they will secure the other update from be jailbreaking has wrong! If it’s true that they have a jailbreak then APPLE would found it out in some way and secure the new ios 8 ? Or have I wrong ? I don’t think they will drop this news and reales the new ios 8 like usual. Sorry for bad English.. Swedish guy.

plz release it jailbraek io7.1.1 we need it thanks

i support an untethered utility,as the last semitethered one of 7.1.1 made my iphone restart suddenly and then went black forced me to alot of trouble,besides am sure there will be someone who could find exploits for future jailbreaks,,and as a fact jailbreak community will not stop trying to do that..cheers..

Please release 7.1.1 jailbreak for all of us We are Wait for it Thank you ….

Before my jailbroken iphone 5, I had a blackberry z10 device and really liked the keyboard word selection on z10 so i found a tweak on cydia called “Octopus”. During the the installation when it says restart your springboard, my iphone just stuck and had to accidentally update to 7.1.1. Now really want the jailbreak please!!!

Ok, I see the obvious reason not to jailbreak it, and all of these unfortunate people who forced an update or had to buy a new device post 7.1. I think the team should release the patch. Yes, it will be patched eventually, and corrected in iOS 8, but as with every new major iOS update, comes many new features and ways of accessing your phone which allows for more mistakes on apple’s part to leave more possible exploits. They want to please the majority of iphone user first, which don’t jailbreak their phones. So with iOS 8 coming out, apple’ stop priorities don’t include making sure every single hole is patches up. There will always be a new possibly easy way to jailbreal a new iOS. Like I said, many new features and junk that haven’t been fully tested, they will rush the new iOS like every single one before it I guarantee it!

I think better safe working 7 than 8 unknown. no guarantee that 8 will be better 7.1.1. They experiment with the size of the screen and block access to early versions of the firmware. Stability sign of skill.

We are sick and fedup of that yellowish color screen of iPhone 5s - We need the Jailbreak for ios 7.1.1 as soon as possible as to have that lovely color profiles tweak installed to get that lovely BLUE color screen in our iDevices.

ios without Jailbreak is like a Car without windscreen wipers - you can not see everything clear while driving !

We need jailbreak ios 7.1.1 please

evasion should release JB for ios 7.1.1 and if apple will release ios 8, then evasion should think again to get way JB for ios 8. we’ll support you

I think since tree is the risk for apple to patch vonourabilities again I would say wait but, My iPhone updated by itself now I’m on IOS 7.1.1 so I want a jailbreak. However, I think maybe the Evasi0n team should put up a 7.1.1 jailbreak then after a few days take it down so apple won’t know it was up and so they won’t really know the vonourabilities. Just my thoughts

I think the 7.1/7.1.1 jailbreak should be released now. The exploits found in the 7.1x versions will most likely not be usable in ios 8 and with the new processor in the iPhone 6 anyway. We have to remember that apple has former jail breakers working on their software, who can and given time, will find and patch the exploits to found. Use it while you’ve got it

We need jailbreak.


Well is due to my iPad crashing and due to dat I had to restore to factory setting which upgraded to d new iOS… Still don’t know if it was even due to the jailbreak… But still release d jailbreak we all need it

Please create a new jailbreak for ios 7xx… I for 1 was faced with purchasing a new iDevice that could not be jailbroken…

ios without a Jailbreak is exactly like a Car without an Airconditioner !

Can I jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 7.1.1

well yes but it is only semi teathered but it works pretty well for me its geeksn0w 9.2

Without JB, ISO devices are nothing!

Please release a JB for 7.1.1. Given the significant changes to come , Apple will create more vulnerabilities as they are changing hardware in a dramatic way. Thank you for all you do!!!

I need ios7.1.1jailbreak.Thanks!

Every time they release a jailbreak Apple Patches it and many cry for a new jailbreak because they lost there’s. For the ones who can read not to update because they will lose the jailbreak to bad wait like the rest of us. Waiting for iOS 8 is the best for all.

Please, release the ios 7.1.1 Jailbreak…. What abaut people that has IPhone 4, when ios 8 will be released?

It seems the most important question is “how long until iOS8″ is released for which the next break is waiting. If it’s August 2014, that’s a pretty short period now and it would be better to wait. If it’s August 2015, that’s a pretty long period and it would be better to go ahead now.

ios 7.1.1. jailbreak fast please

I need a 7.1 jailbreak cause my iphone was stuck in a boot loop and while I was in the process to restore my back up my computer decides to take a dump on me and not do the restore leaving me with one option, to reset my phone (which updated it at the same time) then I was able to restore the back up but I was still left on iOS 7.1 and I haven’t updated since the nor will I do so in the future unless there is a jailbreak for it.

No you fukn impatient fukers! If your new to the jailbreak world stfu plz! I’ve been jail breaking since iPhone 1, and seen it happens to many times , they release a jailbreak to early apple shuts it down and for is for w.e reason phone got updated was stuck w.o a jailbreak . And idk about y’all w.o a jailbroken iPhone it’s pretty boring … So let us plz be patient and wait for the iOS 8 update ….I hope they don’t go off them votes and just hold out!!

Yes please release it.


I think it is interesting that while our hackers at Evaders are smart to figure out the exploits, they are afraid that they will not be able to find new ones.


The obvious and only answer is YES. This delema, should we or shouldn’t we release a new jailbreak is one that will be with us as long as Apple makes changes to eliminate jailbreaks. To wait buys you time for a new os that you may or may not be able to jailbreak. We went through this discussion numerous times. Same old story. If the fear is that there are only so many holes available for jailbreaking then use them now. If new ones always crop up then use what you have now. There is no good reason to wait.

Isn’t it possible that the current Exploit may not even work on 8.0 if Apple releases the 6 with a new processor? If so, release now.

Continue…So be aware if you have iPhone 5 and if by mistake you upgraded to ios 8 then your iDevice will surely run slow and you want be able to revert back to ios 7.1.1, therefore, to be wise and safe to get ios 7.1.1 jailbreak now !

Wait for it. I know we live in a Got to have it now society but chill out. Just be patient and they will come thru like always !

People would rather be happy to have jailbreak ios 7.1.1 in their exsisting iDevices now, because no one would like to upgrade to ios 8 just incase it makes our exsisting iDevices SLOW - This is just exactly what happened to iPhone 4 & 4s when upgraded to ios 7 - So it is logical and adviseable to release jailbreak ios 7.1.1 now !

7.1.1 now, the future will follow ……

Most of you don’t even know how jailbreaks work. It’s not just like, “OMG we found a vunerability on a MINOR release let’s bring it to the public and have that patched on a MAJOR release of iOS!” No. Just no. In stupid, before you read this all, I’m just saying they must wait, else, when iOS 8 is released, you want to update, but you can’t, because you wont have a jailbreak until MONTHS after. Think about it… Okay, now, listen. As said, this is a MINOR release on a what will soon be an OLD release. OLD & MINOR, they just don’t go together. Scenerio 1: If they are to waste valuable vunerabilities on this, it will be an EXACTLY, if not LONGER amount of time before we get a public iOS 8 jailbreak! That means everybody coming up to you like “OMG you don’t have iOS 8? COUGH* loser.” Ouch Now, scenerio 2: You stay on iOS 7.0.6 (or 7.1.1 if you were stupid enough to update,) and wait untill iOS 8 comes out to jailbreak. I know what you’re thinking. “OMG THATS SUCH A LOOONNNGGG TTIIIMMEEEEE.” It may be a long time, but it will be a longer time if they don’t have vunerabilites to exploit on iOS 8. ———————————- Once again, think about it. Okay, so now think again, would you rather have an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak, and wait MONTHS, MONTHS, after the iOS 8 release to be able to update? Thank you anybody who took the time to read this, Jœ

In a previous reply today I said to do a jailbreak now. Your points have not change the meter one bit. You still do the jailbreak now. What I don’t know and I think you also don’t know is are there an unlimited number of possible jailbreaks or not. Either way you do it now because you do not know what the future is. A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. A jailbreak now is worth 2 in the future. One last point. More people are switching to an Android phone which does not have the limitations the iPhone has. There is a greater possibility that you will switch before you buy a new iPhone or even upgrade to a new os. I usually wait as long as possible to do an upgrade. We need to wait for app developers to update their software to work on the new os. This means even if the came out with a new os and iPhone today that most who have a jailbroken phone should not update for 2-4 months. If there is any hope for Apple and the iPhone it is to have a jailbroken os always available. This entire discussion reminds me of the Beta vs. VHS format wars of the 80’s and 90’s. Do you remember which one won the war? Apple should take the time to remember also. They have a shrinking base and allowing a jailbreak is their only hope or else they go the way of the Betamax system.

All of the points you make are valid except the one in which I wasn’t around long enough to understand. Android may be becoming more popular, but iOS and Apple will always have the advantage of jailbreaking, and jailbreaking shall always be possible. Just remember the fact that most iOS users think 1 of 2 things, 1. Wtf is a jailbreak? 2. I heard jailbreaking can “brick” my phone, I don’t even want to try. II understand that a jailbreak now would make many people very happy, but in a couple of months, everybody will be thinking, “WHERE ID MY IOS 8 JAILBREAK?!” It will give a bad publicity to Evasi0n and other tools loke it, and they will be, once again, forced to release a jailbreaking tool which is very glitchy and has many bugs in which will get people even angrier.

one stupd tweak make me restore the tablet and then i lose my jailbreake but i learn because im noob and well if im here is because i need know every news about the jailbreake for 7.1.1 but the main priority is on how the develop of evasion see the issue of make one now hmm let do something…….release 7.1.1 a days before ios 8 and then that gonna be a surpsise punch for apple and a permanent gift for 7.1.1 the way my aunt say his iphone battery is better now and he prefer make the update while myself is not 60% agree because im a ipad user thanks

To whomever. I voted yes to release for two reasons. First and foremost to send the message that iphone, iPads are the consumers property now. To do as we choose to do with our expensive property. And second to jailbreak new IOS operating systems ASAP is great publicity. Remember when that was our goal? The quicker a jailbreak is released to the public after Apple update the bigger the headlines. And we all know how much apple loves to control publicity. And shows our resolve not to be controlled by CEO’s objectifying their “We know what’s best for our consumers”. The truth is if it takes one penny from their greedy profit margin it must wrong.

i need jailbreak 7.1.1 please release now

No they wait until ios 8 guys They told is not to update but u didn’t listen so now u gotta wait until ios 8 so next time u will listen

If they are able to jailbreak ios7,through to 7.0.6, why not jailbreak ios7.1, +1 Because they can still jailbreak iOS 8 when ever is out. I say Go pod2ge n the Evaders team

Yesss we want a jailbreak for 7.1.1 now now now

Please release the jailbreak ios 7.1.1 for us thx for doing this and releasing us from the apple jail …

Yes, jailbreal for ios 7.1.1 should be released now and as soon as posdible. Never mind about ios 8 as we are living for today and not for tomorrow !! ????

exactly. Give it please know and don’t worry about the future … Future has its own plans …

Release it - the team is so good it will also fix IOS 8 and 9 and beyond. Apple should stop their feeble efforts at control - Jobs is gone long live FREEDOM

yes i want a jailbreak too untethered for ios 7.1.1 please!! because alot people including me voted for the 7.1.1 jailbreak ., and its true when you wait longer for ios 8 apple will find more stuff to lock from jailbreaking so please release a ios 7.1.1 untethered jailbreak. THx love you guys im a huge fan of apple and jb , and i have also ios 7.1.1 and before i was 7.0.6 , and i badly want my jailbreak for 7.1.1 please THx Jailbreakers !! ^.^

Please release the Jailbreak utility. I have an iPhone 4, and iOS7.0 runs absolutely horrible on it. In the ars technica acticle, you can see that some apps start twice as fast under 7.1, which would be awesome. Right now using iOS7 on my iPhone 4 is horrible and I just do it because the 7.1 Jailbreak is not out yet.

I think we should wait and pod2g don’t give any info to Apple make em pay.. Lol do what u want jailbreak will be here soon I’m on 7.1.1 but I’m waiting for thaJB

You should wait for iOS 8, the only people that want it now are the ones that updated even though they were warned not to!! PATIENCE PEOPLE

Release that thing!!!

Én is most vettem új Iphone-t és sajnos ios 7.1 pedig gondoltam talán régebbi software jailbreak miatt.

please release jailbreak 7.1 The os is very stable and much better than iOS 7.0.x . Please make it happen know . We must live everything know , not at the future , we never know the future what will bring . Only god knows about the future . Give as the tool , and make thousands happy . Thank you devs for your great a difficult job you are doing for us .

God is dead! Apple is God

They must release jailbreak for iOS v7.1.1

release it!!! we neeeeeeeed it

You should release it.. its only fair to those who got stuck by buying a device on 7.1 7.1.1 … also mention this, dont use the jailbroken device for developing, a few got nailed due to it…

You guys should really release a new jailbreak. I’m a former jail breaker of iOS 7.0.4 and I made “the mistake”. The poll even says there’s like 500+ people who was it jailbroken now than later. Do it. Everyone will be prepared that you won’t make one ever again until iOS 8 and not update to any later iOS update. So you won’t be bothered for the rest if time until iOS is out. Please?

As a jailbreaker I’d suggest not releasing the ios 7.1.1 jailbreak and wait for ios 8 so that way we can be one step ahead of Apple instead of them being ahead of us think people. Patience is virtue

You should release a jailbreak for ios 7.1.1 because, let’s say you don’t and you wait for ios 8. Once you do apple will soon patch it and the Evad3r team will be forced to yet again make a new one. Now lets say you do make a jailbreak for ios 7.1.1, once you do that, apple will most likey patch before ios 8. Either way the next jailbreak will be patched and the exploits you use, now or later, will be patched. So why not let the people who were forced and others to jailbreak 7.1.1 so we can enjoy it now. Either way at some point in time you will be forced to find new exploits. Why not just release JB ios 7.1.1 and get it over with so people can stop irritating you. And plus the poll is taking its toll, majority wants a JB right now, including me.

Canaan.. Very well put!! Also, Not everybody who updated IOS to 7.1 or even 7.1.1 did it by mistake. My reason for updating was because many of my favorite tweaks and apps installed on the Evasion 7.0.4 jailbreak were no longer compatible with the current IOS7, which left my iPhone 5s pretty much useless. I personally don’t have a preference on waiting for the new jailbreak or pushing a release now. One this is for sure, Everyone here has their own personal timeline for the next jailbreak. We shall wait and see who smiles first.

Please release a jailbreak for iOs 7.1.1, I just switched from android to iPhone and it was already updated to 7.1.1 so I could not jailbreak. I really would like the jailbreak for all sorts of reasons including customization, various apps, etc. I really do not feel it is wise to wait until iOS 8 because that is said to be released in Sept, and apple can easily patch up things by then so a release for 7.1.1 should be released first and then a iOS 8 if it is needed. Please release 7.1.1 jailbreak for all of us who had no choice but to purchase 7.1.1.