MusleNerd’s Jailbreak 7.0.4 Message Misconstrued, Latest iOS 7 Update Clarified
MusleNerd’s Jailbreak 7.0.4 Message Misconstrued, iOS 7 Update Clarified
Recently, on Thursday, Apple released iOS 7.0.4 to the public to correct a number of bugs that were still persistent in iOS 7. Although the firmware displayed that the primary change was a solution for failed FaceTime calls, 7.0.4 introduces a multitude of remedies for small bugs that had previously plagued past iterations of iOS 7. Following the release, we discussed (citing famed hacker ih8sn0w) how jailbreak enthusiasts can update to 7.0.4 knowing they will eventually be able to jailbreak 7.0.4 when the evad3rs release their upcoming utility. Shortly thereafter, MuscleNerd of the evad3rs sent a tweet of his own to followers that conveyed a slightly different message. In today’s article, we’re going to address the situation and help to uncomplicate any iOS 7.0.4 jailbreak misconceptions.
In addition to the information found here, we recommend watching an in-depth iOS 7.0.4 explanation video from YouTuber iCrackUriDevice for an audible version of what’s discussed here - said video is embedded below for your convenience.
Although we previously reviewed MuscleNerd’s tweet, many of our readers have since expressed confusion regarding 7.0.4. Essentially, the hacker indirectly confirmed ih8sn0w’s initial assessment: that 7.0.4 contains no real security changes and won’t impact the upcoming jailbreak in any negative form.
However, MuscleNerd also challenged iDevice owners to avoid updating, but not for the reasons one might assume. MuscleNerd was essentially posing a test for users to put their restraint abilities into action so that when the day comes when Apple does issue an iOS 7 update that corrects the vulnerabilities the evad3rs will exploit in their jailbreak utility, users can be better prepared.
Those at 7.x waiting for JB, maybe treat 7.0.4 as exercise in restraint. Won’t affect JB if you slip up, but test your ability to avoid it!
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) November 14, 2013
In summary, if you’re interested in 7.0.4 with the improvements it brings to the table, by all means, feel free to update; it won’t affect whether you’ll be able to jailbreak in the future. However, just know that when Apple does eventually patch the evad3rs upcoming jailbreak in a new firmware release, you’ll need to avoid said firmware if you wish to retain your jailbreak.
As always, thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak 7.0.4 iOS Evasion news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be immediately notified when we publish future articles regarding iOS 7.0.4 and Untethered jailbreak development.
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[…] MusleNerd’s Jailbreak 7.0.4 Message Misconstrued, Latest iOS 7 Update Clarified […]
So there isn’t a jb available right now for iPhone 5 with 7.0.4 but it’s common soon?
I m very poor help me anybody
forget something called jailbreak, it will never release, and if so apple will update their IOS immediately,and you have to wait for another 1 year, I told you … sell your devices and shift to Samsung, it’s 100 times better than this I-Sh*t.
How much is Samsung paying you to troll Apple device websites and blogs?
arkadsalar 7.0.4 yuklu ?pne 5 ?me ama ben b yapam?yorum nerden indircem indirmeiyorum ac?l yard?m
[…] MusleNerd's Jailbreak 7.0.4 Message Misconstrued, Update Clarified […]
I don’t mind the wait I want a dependable jailbreak , keep up the good work, I wish I know how to write a jailbreak lol.
pls evasions what are we still waiting for, release this jailbreak man.
just so you guys know, the reasin the jailbreak hasnt been released yet has nothing to do with the evad3rs. The reason an ios 7 jailbreak is taking so long is because cydia and Mobile Substrate(the tweak basically everything runs on) arent fully compatible with ios 7. So the Evad3rs already have the jailbreak complete and is ready but they cant release it to you until Saurik finishes cydia and substrate. although you can jailbreak an iphone 4 on 7.0.2 with opensn0w but it is tethered and there is no semitether.
i hope iphone 4s will be able to jailbreak
Let apple do as she pleases. As far as I’m concerned, by the end of the year, if there still be no jailbreak, I will follow the example of many many friends who threw away their idevices and veered to ´android?. Anyway, I’m fed up with my unjailbroken ipads, ipods, and iphones. I will no more buy new idevices! Samsung is openhandedly welcoming!
This is really funny & I agree with THOR “Where’s Geo?”. No doubt it’s hard to make a tool with all those securities and the devs deserve all the credits with every release. Apple screwed our community.. in fact, when all important Cydia apps get compatible with a new OS, an update is already released to patch the JB and so on. The game of cat & mouse it ain’t a game nomore and we need a real bad Jerry.
all i want to know is if a jailbreak is available for ios 7.0.4 can any one tell me..???
I need jailbreak for my iphone 5 plz someone help me plz
LMBO @ fox…that was a good one.
Evasio will release jailbreak !! After END OF THE WORLD
Plz i want to jailbreak my ipad mini which is on ios 7.0.3 and is it safe to jailbreak it and i also want links of tool and videos which will help me jailbreak my ipad cuz i am jailbreaking the first time ……. Plz som1 help me …….
I have a ipad mini which is updated to ios 7.0.3 and i am not ubdating it to ios 7.0.4 cuz i want to jb it and if ios 7.0.3 jb is released plz tell me . Give me links of tools and videos to tell me how to jailbreak ot ….. Plz reply me …… And i want links if ios 7.0.3 is jailbreakable …..plz plz plz … I want to hv a jb on my ipad mini …”………… Thanx………….”
The confusion is exactly why I disagreed with his challenge. Logic proves that Apple can’t possibly patch a vulnerability it doesn’t know exists until it gets it’s hands on the new jailbreak utility so until the jailbreak utility is actually released its a safe bet that you can update your device to the latest version. When a jailbreak does become available then and only then will it be imperative that you follow closely what the jailbreak devs say and recommend. Again right now we are merely looking to get our devices running as smoothly and as stable as humanly possible until the jailbreak is made public. It’s a bad idea to tell people not to update to a safe update that actually fixes iOS flaws and bugs. People don’t read as much as they scan and instead of a challenge they read a warning not to update even throw that warning doesn’t exist. Thanks for the news and weekly updates.
my ipad2 upgraded by accident to ios 7.0.2. and now it was stuck on itune logo. Before accident happened, it was jailbroken on ios 5. Should i wait for jailbreak utility iOS 7.x ??
You have to be patient guys these jb’s take a long time but when the jb arrives the wait will be worth it:) just have some patience these guys are working hard in the background and we should be supporting them rather than attacking them. i have an iphone 5 and it is on 6.1.4. due to the fault on the previous handset which i had evasion jb 6.1.2, so i miss not being able to put my ringtone as a song from my collection but i know that ihsn0w, wincom and the evasion team are working hard and the jailbreak;s will be available soon so people have some faith in these dev’s:)
Basically their saying forget about the jailbreak because it’s not going to happen. Challenging us to postpone an update for the simple fact we need to show constraint? These guys are too busy living off the fumes of their past; they can’t even keep this lie going amongst themselves.
I want to read a jail break realesed for 704 not this speculation that just leads us all waiting anxiousness for it… I have faith in you guys but we all want it now
lets be greatfull to them
we all heard that the jb is coming this mounth
Does iOS 7.04 have a jailbreak yet? Or only 7.0.3 is?
wil we see jb this jear or wil it be next jear???
Dimcho u funny guy made me laugh when u said banging our heads lol that’s true we are waiting !!!!!
I have an iphone 5 not lost or stolen. Can’t activate due to unknown apple ID. Phone has been thru various people. Don’t know the origin of the ID. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
take into your local carrier or apple store and get them to reset it.
Do you know if they will surely do that?
Still running 5.0, I missed jb 6
hey can you guys give me an estimated time for the jailbreak? if so thanks and keep up the good work!
Still running 6.0 ATM. Why is it so much more difficult to JB the 4S compared to the older AND newer phones? It seems like the 4s is less cared about
Still waiting for 6.1.3 jailbreak….
It’s not going to happen. The evad3rs have always been focused on iOS 7.
Seems logical to me. The earlier they started with working on iOS 7, the sooner the jailbreak would come out.
i got my iphone with 7.0.3
and i update it
It’s fine. 7.0.4 is Jailbreakable!
many thx i just wonder about the others 7.0.4 ios is much faster than 6.x.x buuuut i love the ios 6 looks its the original iphone look
Thanks for the update No jailbreak no update I’m still hanging on the 6.1.2 and still happy with it ^_^
soooo we are going go wait for jb
many tnx for the people who are banging there head for ous sake thx and we are waiting