iOS UnTethered Update, Jailbreak 6.1 iPhone 5 iOS 6, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 New 2013 Jailbreak Review
iOS UnTethered Evasi0n Update, Jailbreak 6.1 New 2013 Jailbreak Review - As this is our first post of 2013, the staff at Jailbreaking iOS 6 would like to wish all of our readers a happy New Year! This year is going to incredible - from both official Apple releases, to new jailbreaks and massive updates here on JailbreakingiOS6. Our New Year’s resolution: post more frequently on intriguing, useful and important jailbreak news and cover iOS-based device news in general.
Yesterday, January 1st, 2013, iCrackUriDevice (a popular iOS tutorial YouTuber and reigning manager of Jailbreaking iOS 6) released a video to both thank his viewers for their support and inform them of the current iOS 6, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.1 jailbreak status. In this post, we’d like to do something similar and highlight various jailbreaks and miletones in the development of an iOS 6 jailbreaking utility.
Jailbreak iOS 6, 6.1 and UnTethered Jailbreak 6.0.1, 6.0.2 Year In Review
After releasing four beta versions and a GM (Gold Master) edition of iOS 6, Apple finally released iOS 6 to the public in September. Quickly following Apple’s release, we wrote an in-depth jailbreak tutorial for iOS 6, which is still pertinent to date.
Along with iOS 6, Apple also released their 6th generation iPhone in September: the iPhone 5. Grant Paul, better known as chpwn (his online handle), tweeted pictures of his iPhone 5, which he managed to jailbreak on 6.0 by means of a failbreak just hours after the device was released. To quickly summarize, a failbreak is a jailbreak method that relies on a developer account to properly function - rendering any attempts to release a public utility futile.
After things cooled down on the jailbreaking front, in mid-October, a popular hacker by the name of planetbeing announce that he upgraded the iPhone 5 jailbreak (failbreak). By adding a kernel exploit, planetbeing was able to successfully complete a near-finalized tethered jailbreak with one catch: reliance on a developer account.
In November, Apple officially released iOS 6.0.1 to users as a minor update over 6.0. Utilizing a simply RedSn0w workaround, the staff of JailbreakingiOS6 wrote an in-depth 6.0.1 jailbreak tutorial for A4-based devices (the iPhone 4 and 4th Generation iPod touch) and the iPhone 3GS. Following Apple’s iPad mini launch, Musclenerd, the leader and public figure for the iPhone Dev Team, announced that he was able to achieve root access on the device: the backbone of jailbreaking. Similar to the iPhone 5, the iPad 4 was jailbroken by chpwn in record time through a failbreak method.
Succeeding chpwn’s news, p0sixninja (the quondam leader of the Chronic Dev Team) announced his solo effort to develop a bootROM-based jailbreak in November. Once complete, p0sixninja’s bootROM 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1 jailbreak will function across all current iOS devices, including the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad mini and the 5th Generation iPod touch. Furthermore, because the jailbreak will utilize a hardware exploit, it will function on every firmware Apple releases for the supported devices, requiring merely minor compatibility updates.
More recently, Apple pushed out iOS 6.0.2 - an update that’s exclusive to the iPhone 5 and the iPad mini. Said to rectify an unnamed bug that could impact Wi-Fi connectivity, the latest firmware was likely issued to ensure that all users will be able to successfully update to Apple’s forthcoming iOS 6.1 firmware using iOS’ OTA (over the air) update feature. Hopefully once 6.1 is made available to the public, p0sixninja will release additional information regarding his progress on the jailbreak.
Again, I’d like to wish you all a happy New Year on behalf of the staff at Jailbreaking iOS 6 - we look forward to your continued support and our upcoming expansions. To be notified of any future information concerning the status of the 6.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.1 and iOS jailbreak, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, add us on and subscribe to our JailbreakingiOS6 and Jailbreak iOS 6, 6.1 UnTethered news feed.
Still waiting on ipad 3 jailbreak! Any news or update when we can expect it?
Happy New Years
Hey I’m Liban can you tell me when can I jailbreaking for iPhone 5 plz
Good luck…
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you
any news for jailbreak 4s iOS 6 ?
been waiting long time for it
Even though I am still waiting for an iOS 6.0.1 untethered jailbreak for a4 devices, I am looking forward to what this year has in store for jailbreaking. I’m really sad that Hackulous closed their repo and we don’t have installous anymore, but maybe something better will happen. Staying confident.
thanks guys!