Jailbreak 6.0 and iOS 6 UnTethered Info from Pod2g at JailbreakCon
This past weekend, a major jailbreak convention dubbed JailbreakCon was held in California at the South San Francisco Conference Center. During the event, pod2g (a well established iOS hacker that was instrumental in the iOS 5.1.1 UnTethered jailbreak) gave a rather interesting lecture regarding jailbreaking and his contributions to the community. First, he opened by reviewing and sharing details pertaining to his jailbreak efforts - everything from his first exploit discovery to his latest work on Absinthe 2.0 and the 5.1.1 Jailbreak.
Jailbreak 6.0, iOS 6: information from pod2g
Once pod2g brought the attendees of the conference up to present time, he went into more detail on the status of the iOS 6 and 6.0 jailbreak for newer devices (including the iPhone 5).
While pod2g explicitly stated that there isn’t a jailbreak utility being developed at the moment for iOS 6, a number of hackers and security experts are preparing to collaborate over the coming weeks. Furthermore, pod2g explained that the all pictures of developers with jailbroken iPhone 5s that have surfaced since the device’s release are running what’s known as a failbreak.
What’s an iOS 6 and 6.0 Failbreak?
Members of the jailbreak community often refer to failbreaks as a jailbreak method that cannot be released because it relies on an Apple developer account and would have severe legal ramifications if made publicly available.
Pod2g also revealed that the biggest inconvenience and setback for him isn’t the complexity of iOS 6, but rather the lack of capable hackers to assist him. According to pod2g himself, it will likely be weeks, or even months, before an iOS 6 UnTethered 6.0 Jailbreak utility is ready to be released. With that said, subscribe to our official Jailbreak 6.0 UnTethered news feed to be immediately notified when the jailbreak is available.
Hi, Where I can download jailbreak untethered for iphone 4 iOS 6.0.? I cant find it :/
There isn’t a untethered JB yet stupid, you should read it more thoroughly. Theres only a tethered JB.
where could I find instructions on a jailbreak that requires a developer account? or is publishing instructions a bad idea too? thanks
thanks for posting. Great article.