Apple Releases iOS 8.0, It’s Impossible to Jailbreak iOS 8 With Pangu Prior to iPhone 6 Plus Launch - Today, prior to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus launch, Apple released iOS 8 to the general public, effectively patching the longstanding UnTethered Pangu jailbreak 7.1.2 utility. While we don’t recommend updating at this point, in addition to being available for immediate download via iOS’ built-in OTA (short for over-the-air) update ability, iOS 8 can also be downloaded via iTunes. Also, as previously alluded to, jailbroken users should avoid the massive update at all costs. As mentioned on Evasi0n Jailbreak earlier this week in a preceding article, Apple would, and now has, closed a number of the key vulnerabilities exploited in the Pangu jailbreak, rendering the utility useless on 8.0 and making it impossible for the public to jailbreak iOS 8 Untethered. However, with that said, it’s not all bad, iOS 8.0 will revolutionize the future of jailbreaking - continue past the break for additional details regarding the next iOS 8 jailbreak utility.
iOS 8 Jailbreak Update: What You Need To Know

As far as the updates in iOS 8, there are far too many to mention in a single sentence, but a fraction of the most prominent include actionable notifications, Continuity to assist in bridging the gap between iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite (once its released for Macs), custom keyboards, iCloud Drive, a new Health app and a plethora of incredible developer APIs to drastically improve apps.
In addition to all of the obvious improvements, iOS 8 will also revolutionize the face of jailbreaking, as it will allow future iOS 8 jailbreak tweaks to take advantage of the aforementioned APIs in ways that traditional iOS developers couldn’t fathom.
Jailbreak iOS 8 Update, Untethered Patch And iPhone 6 Plus Details
Unfortunately though, if you wish to maintain your device’s jailbroken state, avoid iOS 8 at all costs until the next UnTethered jailbreak utility is created and released to the public.
In summary, it isn’t possible to jailbreak iOS 8 Untethered with Pangu - for any device, especially the forthcoming iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
With that said, at this point, you may be asking the following question: “is an iOS 8 jailbreak being developed?” - thankfully, the answer is an astounding “yes”. If you happened to miss our previous coverage on the topic, we strongly recommend that you revisit our post, as we not only discuss the possibility of a jailbreak for iOS 8.0, but also how, and why, said utility will be released sooner than in years past!
Additionally, if you own an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that’s still on iOS 7.1 through 7.1.2, it remains possible to utilized Pangu to jailbreak your device, provided you avoid updating to iOS 8. To jailbreak 7.1.2, navigate to our in-depth Pangu UnTethered jailbreak tutorial.
For more on iOS 8, both the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, in addition to the future of jailbreaking, keep your browsers locked to Evasi0n Jailbreak.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our official Evasi0n Jailbreak iOS 8 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantly notified when we publish new articles concerning iOS 8 and the next Untethered jailbreak.
i updated my iphone 5s on itunes to ios8 but not the gm, i let apple do the update, so i thought i was stuck with it until the next jailbreak come out, this morning i pluged it in to itunes hit shift left mouse and wow i downgraded to 7.1.2 now i put pangu back on and all is well. is this a glitch or is it because i was jail-broke when i done the update on itunes?
iOS 8 is just about as perfect an OS as I’ve ever played with. I’m Thinking with that if there is never another jailbreak I’ll still be happy because of all the enhancements found In iOS 8. I don’t steal or pirate games so I don’t need a jailbreak for that and I already have instant access to millions of songs so don’t need it for that.. I have access to all of the latest movies free without movie box and I have Netflix and all the usuall suspects so no real need for a jailbreak for that either. So I’m not really sure if I’ll ever jailbreak again unless some tweak becomes available that makes life more fulfilling and nobody can live without.
what do u mean impossible ?
Jimmy Nguy?n
Arek Michalski
im leaving jailbreak,n updating to ios 8 😉
How to unjailbreak so we can update it to iOS 8?
dfu mode
Your guys loss
Just update it in iTunes it will del the jailbreak by doing that
Do Kim Khoi
hhhhhhhhh u scary from pangu
cannot jailbreak ios 8 ?
I’m staying on ios7 until a jailbreak releases
Yep, that’s what we advise.
I have iOS 8 gm but can’t update it over the air and I don’t have my computer with me
Muhammad Rashid
wtf -.-
What? We’ve discussed this very topic for months… The time has finally come - avoid the firmware, the developers are working on an update… Read the article.
yes but no jb
It just released..
i know … bu u cant jb ios 8
No jailbreak yet, be patient. If your that eager learn how to create the software yourself. I wouldn’t know where to start lol
with pangu
No iOS 8 jailbreak at all stefan
u dont say
If people can code something, there always ways to bypass it..
Took long enough to drill into your numb skull