Home » Jailbreak 8.3 » Jailbreak 8.4 » News » Jailbreak iOS 8.4 And iOS 8.3 Achieved, And Teased, By i0n1c - Release Unlikely
iOS 8.4 Jailbreak and iOS 8.3 Jailbreak Achieved by i0n1c, Teaser Hints at Unlikely Release - Earlier today, hacker Stefan Esser (better known online as i0n1c) released a video flaunting his latest alleged achievement: an iOS 8.4 beta 1 jailbreak, which presumably includes its predecessor, the latest public firmware, iOS 8.3. Given that TaiG was patched by Apple with the release of iOS 8.1.3, the public has been in desperate need of a new jailbreak utility to function on and, in turn, jailbreak either iOS 8.3 or the forthcoming iOS 8.4 firmware. However, such a tool will more than likely won’t come into fruition as the result of today’s jailbreak 8.4 teaser video posted by the aforementioned hacker who pulled a similar stunt last year with his so-called, and self-proclaimerd, “cyberelevat0r” jailbreak. For those of you who are either new to the world of jailbreaking or who simply require a reminder, approximately 11 months ago, i0n1c (a hacker who previously contributed willingly to the jailbreak community) posted a similar video as the one that’s propagating throughout the Apple blogosphere today that showcased a potential new jailbreak solution for iOS 7.1.1, a firmware that, like today’s iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.2 and 8.3 releases, patched the current Untethered jailbreak at the time: evasi0n7. While it’s best not to put much stock in i0n1c’s latest work, the potential that it may influence the future of jailbreaking still exists. For more details on the purported iOS 8.4 and iOS 8.3 jailbreak, continue reading.
To provide additional insight on the current situation, it’s best to have a grasp on the general struggle between i0n1c and Pangu.
Following the release of the previously mentioned cyberelevat0r tease of yesteryear, Esser opted to never make anything of the jailbreak and simply utilize the primary exploitation technique for his training seminars. Unbeknownst to i0n1c, Pangu was in attendance at one of said seminars and, due to the fact that the hacker didn’t require NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), inevitably utilized the method to first jailbreak iOS 7.1.1, followed by iOS 7.1.2 in the group’s first Pangu utility.
From then on, i0n1c has publicly shared his complete and total disdain of Pangu with anyone who will listen, publicly ridiculing Pangu, who much to i0n1c’s displeasure continued to offer up solutions to rectify the matter, including both switching out the exploits they used and suggesting that they provide Esser with monetary compensation.
In fact, that very issue is the reason why Pangu just recently started testing the new vulnerabilities they’ve been saving on iOS 8.3, Esser was previously taking up too much of the group’s time with what most would consider to be unwarranted drama.
The moral of the story: i0n1c tends to not release his works, as he’s continued to prove over the years throughout other past instances as well. Furthermore, in the description of the video that’s the highlight of today’s news, which ironically enough we won’t embed to avoid perpetuating toxic attitudes amongst select jailbreakers, the hacker states that it’s not only a “proof of concept,” i.e. he likely won’t release it, but that he hasn’t even achieved untethered functionality due to the fact that “something is broken with it”.
So while we shouldn’t get too excited over the video, seeing as the exploits utilized will almost certainly never see the light of day, save another scenario where other jailbreak developers release it (though the chances of that happening now are slim to none, as Esser is infinitely more cautious), it provides hope that others may soon achieve a similar feat. Teams like TaiG and Pangu, who are both working on creating new jailbreak tools and actually intend to release them, may soon complete their work and make it available for millions to enjoy.
Until then, keep your browsers locked to Evasi0n Jailbreak for complete coverage on all new jailbreak developments as they occur.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Evasi0n iOS 8.3 and 8.4 Jailbreak news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be expediently notified when we publish future articles pertaining to iOS 8.4 beta, iOS 8.3 and the next untethered jailbreak.
95 comments. Leave new
Just curious, but why doesn’t the evasi0n team try to come up for a solution, rather than waiting who knows how long for someone else to come up with one. Or maybe get TinyUmbrella to downgrade…..
All you cry babies should have stayed 8.1.2 jb or 8.2 beta 2. All exploits for ios 8.1.3 to or before ios 9 are burned out for the chinese jailbreakers. They try to get ahead of apples ios firmware release “duh”. Now they are very lucky to achieve jb before ios 9. The next most likable jailbreakable ios version is tada!!!! ios 9 if there is a new exploit. Good luck guys….
They won’t release a jailbreak for 8.3 or 8.4 because those are beta testing updates for Apple Watch.. If they release a jailbreak then it hasn’t any sense. Just have some patient.. It isn’t the end of the world to live a certain amount of time without a jailbreak.
Biddists doesn’t belive in a gud.
if they don’t have a god why do they pray? and who are they praying to? there is no belief in a creator deity like the western religions but what about Buddha, dharma, and sangha?
Here is the answer….
Is it clear??? https://thebuddhistcentre.com/buddhism
Esser dont have a jailbreak, he just playin with your head
I think Esser is a total a.. for teasing people about a jailbreak he will never release.What does he get out of it? He thinks its funny to tease people then he is a sick person i will pray for him.
Guys please be patient, this is a process and for everyone to be rushing both Taig and Pangu is a little ridiculous. They are doing us a favor by releasing free jailbreaks. They could be charging us for them. So sit back, add this website to your home screen and visit the web page frequently. Evasi0n is great at updating there page.
Both of your “Nick-name” says so..you two both read this “”PREACH””
You’re the best keep doing your job..and release the jailbreak tool!!!
so when is the jail break coming out
Can’t wait for taig or pangu jailbreak..i need VSHARE, i tried download it..but nothing..any suggestions?
But apple has time to find this exploit which will be probably corrected has the release of ios 8.4 has a share that if i0nic brings out the jailbreak for ios 8.3
And they do not release their work *facepalm*
Btw not ios 8.3 just ios 8.4 beta 1
Old news brother
Can jailbreak ????????????
lol i have 7.1.2 ????
8.1.3 is not jailbreak ????
Always says will release but at last None!!!
Really? We’ve never said that once. Misread?
I bought a galaxy S5, imma quit iPhone..
You’ll be back.
Android is fun while iPhones are challenging! Kinda like both!
Cleo Sheridan
Atleast now we know there is a jailbreak ????????
May I ask for 8.3 can JB now?
Well, I think I find the answer.
Peter Massihi
Hedi H. Mustafa
Guys, Apple has completely patched any future jailbreak. Anyone on 8.1.2 is lucky. Plain and simple…quit falling for these posts and asking the same questions.
I have iOS 8.2 jailbroken bro
Aurelio Puente haha you have what’s considered a “semi-jailbreak”…get with the program, BRO.
what is a semi jailbreak ? It’s either tethered or untethered. Do you know the difference ? And no. My phone is untethered jailbreak by Taig.
Compà io ho non ho mai notato la differenza fra thetered e unthetered perchè gli ho avuti tutti e due ma mi sembravano uguali Cmq beato te che hai 8.2 jailbroken 😉
You must be new here, OP. We’ve gone almost 10 months without a new jailbreak before. A couple months is nothing.
HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!! *breathing* HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!! PATCHED ANY FUTURE JAILBREAK?????? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TELLING ME THAT SOMETHING IS FOREVER SECURE???? HAHHAHHAHAHHAH!!! Son. No wall is indestructible and no mountain is insurmountable. That’s Sun Tzu from the Art of War, but also one of the most commonly accepted things of computer security. Nothing is invulnerable to attack or in this case jailbreak. There will always be a way. We just gotta wait man. Have faith.
I can tell that most of you are new to the Jailbreak community. If you were around ios 7.0.6, 7.1. You wouldn’t be asking if the jailbreak for iOS 8.3 is out or will be. Pay close attention to how long these versions have lasted. When iOS 8.2 beta 5 was out, Apple was testing 8.3 beta 2. Ios 8.2 was released and then 8.3 a few weeks after. iOS 8.3 Was released and 8.4 is in testing. These update are being released one after the other due to Apple watch. It would be pointless to release a jailbreak at this moment. When Apple watch is released there will be bugs and glitches with compatibility iPhone to watch. And updates will be released again. Then you will see a jailbreak. ???? word. I am currently using iPhone 5s iOS 8.2 beta 2 with Taig jailbreak
Is theere have any jailbreak For 8.3 / yes OR No
Steven Azalea Ora Grande je hebt niks te doen dus ;D
Mario Radosavljevic
can’t wait for ios 8.3 jb
What do you mean by HO??
I never liked ios to begin with. Im a windows and android user 100%. Apple was created for simple minded and lazy people who cant keep their devices clean and stable. It does it for them…
Why are you here?
Have to like Evasion Jailbreak page to be here.
I think you just contradicted your own point. Do you really believe people got the time to keep their devices clean? Do you really believe the majority of phone users are smart? People like simple. I prefer windows over MAC OS X, because of functionality and practicality. Many businesses like windows because of the same reason. Phones are a different thing, many people just get phones to play games, call people. I don’t get why else people would want a phone. And for that reason, what difference does it really make for Android or Apple? SIMPLICITY. And yeah, seriously, like Evasion said, The hell are you doing here convincing people who OBVIOUSLY ALREADY HAVE IPHONES to switch to Android?
8.1.3 can jailbreak ?
Come on guys.. Android was already better to begin with.. I say we wait until theyve realised 8.4 cause there are a ton of bugs on 8.3 so that way apple won’t be able to patch it until the update after 8.4 which is probably ios 9
Why is android better than iPhone ?
It’s not.
Well I think for “computer security” and developing isn’t Android better or at least easier? Most “security” related things or demos I’ve seen are done on a Android. Not to say that there are none for Apple, but I see grossly more on Android than on iPhone. Of course, for the average user, Apple is far better, considering the lack of viruses, and the simplicity of it all. But my point: Android should supercede Apple in matters of developing.
Iphone is NOT and NEVER will be secure…Period…It’ll never be secure as my Silent Circle Black Phone is..Won’t see any Government Agencies needing secure cellphones using apple products because they ARE NOT secure…BTW Apple products ARE NOT immune to virus attacks or hacking,its just the fact that most of the world relies on Microsoft products that hackers take those devices more than apple because Apple is a minority when it comes to common place uses of thier operating systems on a routine basis,sorry but thats a fact.
yeah I know. But that’s sort of my point. I might’ve mistaken you by using lack instead of say ‘less’ viruses. I understand, there is no such thing as invulnerable in the computer security world. However, my point is that it is economically superior to develop on Android for security matters compared to Apple. This is also the reason, why jailbreak is needed for Apple where there is no such thing for Android. There is simply no need for it. As such, I stand by my point that developining for Android is much better, but I will concede that nothing is completely lacking of viruses.
By the way. Your silent circle black phone is not secure. Nothing is. Also, your phone does not protect against viruses or malware, but simply encrypts end to end communication. Really, getting some spazzy new phone and not understanding what it actually does is saddening. In any case, it’s the economic appeal that determines how ‘secure’ it ‘seems’. If someone really wanted to get into your phone, I’m betting my money they can. In reality however, there are only a few that use your type of phone, so logically it better to tackle the far easier market and far larger market of Android or even Apple phones.
Leo Niel Chen We can copy documents after jailbreak
Rizi Naseer
Time move to android ????????
7.1.2 ????
iPhone 4 ????
You’ll be back, they always are.
Andreas Vestergaard
I believe that jailbreak tool will be launched soon. But the launcing time is either soon or later.
Wow. Nice going Sherlock. Not soon by later? Wow. Wow. You seem very certain.
Can i jailbreak ios 8.2 aslo?
It exists, Dexter. Just being sat on.
Jailbreak ios 8.3 ???? ????????????
Brandon Cutajar
V? Công Ph?m
Ngay và luôn ?i
Vô coi d?ch ra ti?ng vi?t Coi n?ng.. Tau ?ang vác e nó ?i nâng c?u hình
8.3 can jailbreak ?? ????
Jose P. Sanchez
Please don’t ask if you can Jailbreak, simply read the article. Also, please don’t say something along the lines of “OMG, they will NEVER release the jailbreak!” - i0n1c has done this before a number of times, he’s not part of ANY dev team. Thank you to those of you who read our articles! http://www.evasi0njailbreak.com/ios-8.4-jailbreak-8.3-achieved-i0n1c-release/
Can i jailbreak ios 8.3 ????
The irony.
Kareem Hendy… ???? *edited* & Piyush Porwal
Can i jailbreak 8.3
There’s a tool for ios 8.3?
people cant read xD
I think some of them are just being smarta@@
They are^
Poss to jailbreak 8.5?? ;-)))
so can i JB my 8.2 now???
No. I wish I could do that too but no.