Home » iPhone 6 Plus » Jailbreak 8.3 » Jailbreak News » Jailbreak iOS 8.3 Untethered TaiG 2.1.3 Tutorial: iPhone, iPod and iPad [Updated]
iOS 8.3 Jailbreak TaiG Untethered 2.1.3 Tutorial, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPod touch and More - Very early this morning, world renowned hacking group TaiG released an all new jailbreak 8.3 untethered solution (the very same group who created the previous iOS 8 through 8.1.2 and iOS 8.2 betas 1 and 2 jailbreak utility). The latest update to the TaiG jailbreak, being TaiG 2.0 (which has now been updated to version 2.1.3) for iOS 8, is capable of successfully delivering a hassle-free Untethered jailbreak on iOS 8.3 for all iPhone, iPod touch and iPad models. This release, like its processor, came out of the blue and certainly wasn’t expected - in fact, TaiG confirmed in a recent interview that they had no plans on releasing another iOS 8 jailbreak for 8.3; it’s a good thing they employed the use of this tactic to divert attention. We now have a fully functioning iOS 8.3 jailbreak that also includes support for iOS 8.1.3 and 8.2! Like TaiG’s older predecessor, the tool comes bundled with Cydia (the graphical user interface for distributing third-party packages and iOS tweaks). Moreover, jailbreaking iOS 8.3 on the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, the Retina display iPad Mini 2, the original iPad Air and iPad mini, the iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2 and the iPod touch 5th generation is as easy and fluid as ever. Continue reading beyond the break for today’s tutorial on how to jailbreak all iDevices running iOS 8.3 completely UnTethered with Cydia!
To reiterate, as stated above, this tutorial will assist you in the very easy (and mostly one-click, if it weren’t for all the preparation) jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 through 8.3 procedure to obtain Cydia and, in turn, third-party iOS tweaks.
As always, the brand new TaiG version 2.1.3 iOS 8.3 jailbreak utility includes supportfor the following iOS devices, being every iPhone, iPod touch and iPad model that’s capable of upgrading to iOS 8.3 via iTunes:
Prior to delving into our latest Untethered iOS 8.3 jailbreak tutorial, it’s paramount that you meet the following TaiG jailbreak requirements to ensure the success of your upcoming endeavor.
1. Your iOS device should be running 8.3 and it’s important that you didn’t update via Apple’s over-the-air (OTA) update option in settings.
Important Steps: For those of you who happened to perform OTA updates, simply backup inside of iTunes, restore to iOS 8.3 (provided 8.3 is still the latest firmware, if it’s not, you simply deal with the complications OTA jailbreaks eventually bring about), restore from your backup and continue on with the jailbreak.
2. A Windows-powered PC - Mac OS X isn’t supported and we recommend utilizing a virtual machine or borrowing a Windows computer.
3. iTunes version 12.0.1 or lower. If your Windows machine has 12.1 or higher installed, you must downgrade by completing the following.
Important Steps x2: Launch Control Panel and uninstall everything pertaining to Apple, including iTunes, Bonjour, Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support and Apple Software Update. Next navigate to your local disk (c:) > users > your name > Music and rename the iTunes library. Reboot your PC and install iTunes 12.0.1 from the below downloads.
If you encounter issues during the jailbreak and TaiG hangs at 20%, it’s certainly due to having iTunes 12.1.x installed on your PC, you need to downgrade to 12.0.1.
Now without further ado, you can proceed with the following set of steps to jailbreak iOS 8.3 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod!
Step 1. In addition to downloading TaiG v2.1.3 for iOS 8.1.3 through 8.3, you’ll need to confirm that iTunes is on version number 12.0.1 (see the above “Important Steps x2”).
Step 2. At this stage you must disable both Find my iDevice (depending on your device, it will either be listed as Find my iPhone, Find my iPad or Find my iPod) and Passcode lock on your device running iOS 8.3.
Step 3. Uncheck the “3K Assistant” check box at the bottom to prevent the installation of a third-party Chinese software distribution platform. Beyond Cydia, nothing will be installed on your device so long as you uncheck the bottom box - TaiG is confirmed to be one of the safest jailbreaks created.
Step 4. Click the large green “Start” button toward the bottom of TaiG’s GUI (graphical user interface) to continue on with the jailbreak iOS 8.3 process.
Step 5. Leave your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch connected to your computer to ensure that everything functions properly. After your iOS 8.3-powered device reboots, you’ll be greeted with a welcome sight: Cydia! Launch the app and see the below note.
Important Note: Once you’ve launched Cydia for the first time, allow the app to Reorganize the Filesystem on iOS 8.3. If you happen to close out of it or end the process early by rebooting, you may be forced into restoring.
Congratulations, after following five simple and easy steps, you’ve managed to successfully jailbreak iOS 8.3 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with Apple’s latest firmware.
Update x1: On Thursday night, June 25th, TaiG issued the next major iteration of their utility, being TaiG 2.1.2. The latest version not only corrects issues with the tool where it would previously get stuck at 20% and 60%, but it also adds a kernel patch that addresses incompatibilities with Cydia Substrate - i.e. tweaks will now work!
Update x2: TaiG recently issued version 2.1.3 of their TaiG jailbreak, which can be downloaded below for new jailbreakers. If your device is already jailbroken, merely launch Cydia and install the latest TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether package update.
Furthermore, those of you who are already jailbroken don’t need to re-jailbreak - simply add the following repository inside of Cydia’s ‘Sources’ tab:
The above (crossed out) text is no longer applicable, simply update TaiG via the regular Cydia app and its default sources.
As a final concluding note, whether you’re jailbroken or not, for those of you interested in earning paid App Store apps and gift cards for free on iOS 8 through iOS 8.3, we strongly advise signing up for Free Apps Fast in mobile safari to earn some quick prizes.
Thank you for reading, and following, our latest comprehensive jailbreak iOS 8.3 guide using TaiG. As usual, we appreciate your avid support! Keep your browsers locked to Evasi0n Jailbreak for subsequent coverage on iOS 8.3 and jailbreaking.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak iOS 8.3 Evasion news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be swiftly notified when we issue future articles pertaining to iOS 8.3, the upcoming iOS 8.4 release, as well as new versions of the TaiG and Pangu jailbreak utilities.
296 comments. Leave new
I tried to do this several times before reading your tutoria and had no success. But thanks to your top notch step by step instructions< I was able to successfully jailbreak my iPhone 6. THANK YOU!
Does this jailbreak, work on an icloud locked Iphone?
so I got the 2.1.2 jb installed on my iPad Air and everything appears to be working fine EXCEPT… I am not able to download updates from the AppStore and when I just tried to do the upgrade to the 2.1.3 update for Taig, Cydia tells me: “I wasnt able to locate file for the taigunthether83x package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.” help please, and thanks in advance
I got the same thing, so I restarted my phone and it hasn’t left the apple logo. but i’m on an iphone 5
hi, So how to download ?
I had installed 2.1.2 and after a few days the Cydia icon had a little number 1 on a red background in the upper right corner. When I opened it I found that there was a TaiG upgrade available and just needed a click to install. Sweet!
With the exception of “Springtomize” (which always is released long after a new break, and whose author now works for Apple) the break is working fine and many tweeks are working under it. A few are not, and may not ever. People move on in life. Just wish Cydia would filter out the chaff that’s not maintained. I had to find and install a couple of other tweaks get get my iPhone configuration back like I like it (props to Iconoclasm, Icon Resizer, FolderEnhancer, FiveIconDock, DynamicText and a few other). The 8.3 break works and is stable. If it doesn’t work for you, reset your phone with iTunes and then start over and follow the instructions. It’s not hard. People spoon feed it to us. And if you’re stealing jail breaks instead of paying the $2 (or so) for them, shame on you. (ding) Shame. (ding) Shame. (ding) Shame. You want these folks to make the breaks for you, but you don’t want do your part in return? Do you steal groceries too? What I don’t understand is why Apple doesn’t allow UI and feature customization on the iP…. things and subvert the entire jail break movement. Must just be arrogant pricks in charge there. They could be making the $2 for tweaks instead of the community. 😉
This article mentions only TaiG v 2.1.2, but 2.1.3 has been released just yesterday. The download link goes the old version and should be updated.
Jailbroke the phone the other day and it went well, no problems until today. Some icons went missing then the phone turned off and can’t get past the apple logo…any help would be appreciated
The computer can’t see the phone connected to the computer. i’ve tried all the usb ports on the computer, as well as different cables i just downloaded 2.1.2
Delete your Apple driver! 1. Control Panel 2. Hardware and Sound (View devices and printers) 3. Scroll down to Apple iPhone 4. Right click and click Properties 4. Click Hardware at the top and then Properties on the bottom 5. Click “Change Settings” you may get a User account control message and you want to select “Yes” 6. Then click “Driver” at the top and then click “Uninstall” located at the bottom 7. Reconnect iPhone and unlock iPhone when connected to “Trust this Computer”
With TAIG 2.12 and 2.13 - do you still need to downgrade iTunes to 12.0.1 ? Because the TAIG changelog states that it supports latest iTunes : Official Changelog: ? Fixes problems of getting stuck at 20% and 60%, and adaptate for latest iTunes. ? Compatible with Cydia Substrate(Mobile Substrate). ? Corrects the blank Settings problem while matching Apple Watch with iDevice. ? Fix issues of UIcache.
before my battery on my iphone was fine but after i jailbreak my iphone my battery suddenly drains soooo fast.. anyone having the same issue.. anyone can help me with this issue
I have this same issue on ipad 3 , does anyone knows what is going on ?
How can I download games and apps after jailbreak ? Thank you in advance
Once jailbroken you will have an icon for Cydia. Click on it and then click on the leftmost/bottom choice to see the apps, or if you know the name already use the rightmost/bottom (search) choice and enter the name.
Whenever I open Cydia it reboots my iPhone 5C, can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
No mac version WTF!!!
bugs at 60% how to fix it? please help….
Be sure to close iTunes when starting automatically on your PC after a restart of the iPxxx device.. Mine “hanged” at 20% before I started closing iTunes manually..
Hi. i’ve been stuck at the popup window saying TaiG could not run in virtual machine. i’m currently running on windows 8 with winXP as my virtual machine. can anybody help me? Tq
I’ve the exactly the same problem.
Why would you need to run a windows virtual machine on a windows computer, when you could run Taig without the virtual machine. Isn’t it a little redundant? I have windows 8, and I can just run taig no problem. So try that first.
Congratulations, with Taig v 2.1.3 the problem is solved
Thank you so much for this release! Worked like a charm on my ip5s, although Sprinboard crashes when I hold an icon, I couldn’t manage to get bitesms installing or winterboard, but it is so MUCH better anyway! So then again, thank you guys
How to fix 40% error?
The substrate can be fixed. Just go to Cydia and take the steps to install iFile. I just did this and the jailbreak is now 100% working!
pourquoi ca me met un message d’erreur, comme quoi il faut que je telecharge et installe itunes, alors que je les deja ? merci de me repondre
I installed the jb on my iphone 6 plus after upgrading to ios 8.3. The installation was accomplished without a problem. However, cydia was not installed. I went through the installation process again. No problems with the installation but cydia is still not showing. Is there a way to tell if the jb installed okay. If so, how do I get cydia installed? The only other option I see is to wipe the iphone and then try the jb.
after trying to install itunes 12.0 a popup message says “apple application support was not found. apple application support is required to run itunes. please uninstall itunes then install itunes again. error 2(windows error 2)” ??????????????
Simply Restart System
after trying to install itunes 12.0 a popup message says “apple application support was not found. apple application support is required to run itunes. please uninstall itunes then install itunes again. error 2(windows error 2)”
Simply Restart System
This is not working, well the jailbreak does work but none of the apps or anything do and i’ve tried heaps and nothing works.
Because you have to wait for TaiG to fix the Cydia Substrate. Most tweaks rely on the substrate to work, but there are some that don’t need it, such as f.lux.
Is there any way to access the files with this - iFiles can’t be installed (yet) but I wondered if there is any other way to get at the directories. Anyone know? Thanks.
[SOLVED] - You can get total root access using OpenSSH. Install it using “Cydia/USER GUIDES/OpenSSH Access How-To”
Pretty easy installation (I guess I followed the instructions for a change?). Patiently (I’m lying!) waiting for the tweaks to work, like iFile for instance. Do we have any idea how long that will be? BUT, I am delighted we’ve come this far. THANK YOU DEVELOPERS!!!!!!!!!!
http://vn-cydia.blogspot.com/2015/06/huong-dan-jailbreak-ios-813-82-83-va.html jaibreak ios 8.3 update …..
Watch out with this. TaiG hasn’t released anything official beyond 2.0.0 and if you follow this VN link it claims to offer a patch and exected as 2.1.0. Beware. http://taig.com/en/ <- Official TaiG Page
On a lark, and because I am somewhat adventurous, I did a restore to 8.3 and tried the 2.1.1 executable following this VN link. It does appear to be genuine TaiG release (though I got a warning about unknown source during execution), and it jailbroke and installed Cydia. I am going through the motions updating Cydia and will update on whether the mobile.substrate issue still exists.
It IS fixed. I just installed Barrel and it is working. Credit to this poster.
Apperantly, the Cydia Substrate bug needs to be fixed by Taig, not Saurik, via a patch to the kernell. I hope that does not take long. Most of my tweaks don’t work, as well as installation from Appcake.
Fixed in TaiG 2.1.1 … Look around.
Too much stuff still doesn’t work. CCControls, for example, causes my iPhone to reboot and come up in safe mode when I use its toggles. Springtomize doesn’t work which takes out over half of the look and feel changes I have learned to love. My advice is that everyone should wait to see if the community is going to up-rev the breaks you love.
What does this mean ? The archive is either in unknown format or damaged Cannot execute I get it each time i try to open the file Srry for bad english
Pak! Pak! Thank you Taig! It works perfectly fine! Though we need to wait for Saurik to update Cydia for the tweaks but thats okay, atleast! From Apple user in the Philippines, thanks so much!
stuck at 30% what i miss?
Worked beautifully. Able to downgrade itunes, surprisingly easily and I finally got my jailbreak back! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grat work thank you for jailbreak iOS 8.3 I appreciate your work and congratulation all team Please release Mac version if possible
I’m having a hell of a time trying to back date iTunes since I did an OTA update after getting a little excited when I saw the post about unthethered 8.3 break, every time that I attempt to restore it back, I get an error number 3194. Any pointers?
this JB tool is a disaster ! waiting for something better ! what a waste of time !
Kind of old news, was thinking you will be first to let us know about the jailbreak but it was already published everywhere else a couple of days ago!
I have the right iTunes and airplane mode is on but it stays stuck at “checking jailbreak environment”
Run app as ADMIN
help what do i rename the iTunes library to
after trying to install itunes 12.0 a popup message says “apple application support was not found. apple application support is required to run itunes. please uninstall itunes then install itunes again. error 2(windows error 2)” WTF….
i did what it said and same error appears…now i have no itunes whatsoever….
TaiG iOS 8.1.3-8.3 Untethered Jailbreak Tutorial http://vn-cydia.blogspot.com/2015/06/taig-ios-813-83-untethered-jailbreak.html
Hi bro can you help me ? I did everthing you did but i dont see tweaks on the setting i have downloaded on cydia its not working tweaks i downloaded Im runing ios 8.3 iphone 5
Lol bro cydia will be installed on your decide and so the tweaks but cydia mobile substrate is not working, so they wont function nor show up in ur setting. Taig will release another version soon maybe today as they said to fix the kernel patch inorder for cydia to function properly
Stupid I must be, I Can’t find any links to download Jailbreak iOS 8.3 Untethered TaiG 2.0 ?? Found Itunes, and IOs 8.3 but not jailbreak Thanks Pat
Diddo!! I see the iOS 8.3 IPSW and earlier iTunes x64 (Windows) download, but where is the TaiG 2.0 download? I also see a reply where the claim is a link at the bottom of tutorial…is it hidden? Please HELP!!! /webster//
The link has been added back in - it was accidentally removed. Sorry for the confusion.
How to fix 30% freeze —> change the comp 100% works ( the comp must have itunes 12.0.1) How to fix 20% freeze —> Downgrade itunes to 12.0.1 and download the drivers.
Wonderful this is my first jailbreak, my iPod is jailbreaked, but iFunBox still says that my iPod is not jailbreaked and refuses to show me the Documents in Applications folders.
First time a get an error at 60% but after that I plugged again my iphone, putted in airplane mode and disabled the wifi and after that worked fine for me ! Easy to do, fastter. Now need to wait cydia substrate be updated by saurik
Yes, Airplane Mode is an old Jailbrake trick. My first attempt gave me an nag 1105 error suggesting to turn off anti-virus when I have not anti-virus installed. Upon doing Airplane mode, 2nd attempt worked.
Where’s the jailbreak download link?
It’s been added back in - sorry about that.
Good but none on all my tweaks are working… Folder enhancer, Zeppelin, intelli screen x8, barrel, winterboard, springtomise 3′ noslowanimations, ccsettings, batt saver, …. Themes not installing too.
I feel your pain.
Works like a sharm. only pitty not al tweaks in cydia work yet on 8.3 (cclean, FolderEnhancer, Winterboard, … )
Works like a sharm, only not all Tweaks are 8.3 ready
Mobile Substrate is not working
If I don’t have iTunes installed already, do I need it?
Sadri Bouchareb
Klen Morales please resume our downloads, unahin na to bago movie
Jasper ya! Finally hahahaha
Muhammad Hamza
Eric Oviedo Castro
How to fix THE 20% error?
Downgrade iTunes. Follow our guide.
a kernel patch (on CS_RESTRICT) is the simple fix for Substrate on iOS 8.3; @taig_jailbreak should have an update out soon.
now we need only cydia
At last thank you…
Jailbreaking is turning into a disaster…..
Zakaullah Khan
Allan Davis
My jailbreak works now
Good news but I heard it is incomplete now is whether this is true???
Rhea Lynn Pagtama
Irving - Now I could put you to use!
You know you want to do it… Tonight
Jailbreak my phone
Got you fam
Can I jailbreak without computer or not?
Still need a pc for now
So it’s not untethered then…
untethered refers to usage of your phone. If you were around back in the OG days of jailbreaks which its obvious you werent you’d know you used to have to hook phone up to your computer to turn it on and have jailbreak activated each time you wanted to use it after a power down of the spring board. So YES this is an untethered jailbreak. do you really think they dont know what they are talking about? HAHAHA, cant anyone be grateful?
How can I get iTunes 12.0.1?
Lla-za Llaven
Thu?n V?n ??ng
Its a mess you cant update apps you have paid for waste of time just now.
I need help i cant find how to install the itune driver
Y doesn’t anything work? I can download the tweaks but doesn’t show in the settings app
noo should’ve waited for 8.4
I want to jailbreak my APPLE device with my APPLE computer. Duh
Doza Mendoza
Tweak not run
Alex Morales
Yeah, better off to wait for the substrate update. Basically useless without it :/ I can’t download apps or tweaks at all.
Muhammed Zaki Muhammed shof ezay yabny we oly 😀
Rsim not working properly and more important thing is dont try to install any other app by cydia cuz there is a chance of reboot loop error. So far my iphone 5 sprint is working bit low but no sms and no *222# ussd working :(( it’s annoying but soon i will find a way
About time!!
Finallyyyyy we can jb again and now I’m not home
Nice one
I cant wait to get home
I don’t know how can to do. Plss can teach me? :(. Or sending a video?
Aqib Lone Meer Raveed
When will there be a jailbreak for Mac?
The official website of the program (TAIG 2.0) please !
Linked to at the bottom of our post.
I have searched and searched, but still cannot find link to the ver. 2.0 utility download link… Please HELP!!!
It’s Jailbreak Come To Official On 8.3..???
Hi, there. I succeed on jailbreak but there is no tweaks campatible with ios 8.3. At least i didn’t found any… Can someone help me????
Bytafont 2 works perfectly
Why can’t I get 12.0.1 iTunes to download ? Can I just use the regular one?
Beacuse cydia subsrate is not compatible with 8.3 saurik working on it just keep your eyes open it will available soon after that all tweaks developers will update their tweaks for 8.3
You just have to wait a week or two while most of them make it workable or mostly workable.
Wait for the Cydia updates!
I am not messing up my 8.0 jailbreak until substrate and tweaks are updated. It would just be a waste.
I agree. Not messing up my 8.1.2 jailbreak
Greg Leach get on it mo Mo Shouman get on it let me know
Matt Parker
I’ll wait a bit
Wai Yin Leung
Can ar but i still use 8.1.2 ?
I’ll be doing my iPad again when I have time. I had to upgrade it because iOS 7 was too slow. T H A N K. Y O U!
Can any1 explain plz if I jailbreak my ph w IOS 8.3 Is it possible to use different carriers world wide Or do I need to unlock my ph first? Or is it a same thing ? iPhone 5s AT&T iOS 8.3
You need to unlock your phone for different carriers
Unlock is the only way to go
my taig is just restarting my devvice over and over
Cocoax Chanel Bryant when
- I’m going to do my iPad first of course and test it out.
I just did
Jailbreak efetuado com sucesso, só atualizo ios agora se tiver jailbreak para nova versao, caso contrario nao atualizo mais
E ai Felipe, e deu certo mesmo Jailbreak iOS 8.3??? Foi feito hoje???
Acabei de fazer, agora to baixando os app, deu certo sim, so seguir o tutorial
E ai o cydia? Instalou ?
Sim, so adc as repo e baixar tds app de novo
Who’s already jailbreak, is that success?
yeahhh success but tweaks not working yet buddy
Rawin Amiri Tanja Liefrink Shomaesa Wahedi Robin Marjolein Robin Ahoud
Keshaun Ök
Finally!! Thanks, Jailbreak Evasion for always kepping us updated.
Hashem Belgassem
it says iTunes isn’t installed, any help?
Change to an older version of it then run again, Google iphonehacks they have a work around with the links for the other iTunes programs 12.0.1 and 12.1.1
Hey, is this 100% legit? I’m saying no chance of error while jailbreaking?
Yes, it is and if you follow our guide to the letter, thats correct.
Even for mac users?
Not yet
Amor ‘Tiera Chantese
Syì Paul
guys how to resolve the multitask issue
Bong Phum u can do it bro
Fran Kunek Junior
I’ve reboot Loop at 20%any fixes?
hold in th home screen and lock buttons for 30 secs
I find out the hard way but try this: -downgrade iTunes to 12.0.1 -make a buckup -download ios 8.3 and install -reset your device to clean factory settings -jailbreak -restore from backup
Hi, you need to download ios 8.3 in itunes/pc?
Melanie Solis
omg Benji KS Zénz
Please finally tell me that jailbreak 8.3 is now available or not ..????
Yes it is
Please send me link
Is any problem regarding this jailbreak …. ?
The problem which has been noticed by u ?
Drake Daraitis
What about iCloud bypassing?
Will never happen.
Omar Garcia Edgar Alvarez ….
Ahuevo haha, lo vi en la mañana pero no tengo el 6
Ahuevoo!! Lo vi ayer pero lei q traian un pdo de q se quedaba atorado
Simoneee, que se queda en el 20% que ocupas borrar el itunes y usar una version anterior y ya jala
Rene Gomez
Working on it right now!
Had to downgrade my iTunes
What version of itunes we need to install the jailbreak?
12.0.1 or lower
I was at 12.1
Where’s the link for the jailbreak?
Please help for error 1102 ! Says jailbreak fail it passed 20 % like 80 something !
Install old itunes..
Duh I did installed older iTunes ! I got exited for a second cause it passed over 20 % and then error 1102 jailbreak fail :/ ,
Just do it again again again again until it works.
Unplug cable and wait for some seconds and plug again. Waiting for your device to reboot 2-3 times and it will be done
Nah you should not unplug
Nice yeah I was going to say try it again with the other iTunes method or just try again.
You must downgrade iTunes - see our tutorial…
Seven Yambao nel .
Appie El
Mohamed Gabr
Tweaks don’t work …
De that day
Manuel Alvarez esto es el desbloqueo que te digo
Pascal Söllner Lennard Mayer
ça marche avec mac ou seulement windows
désole, seulement Windows
When well the substrate be update ?
Yes yes yes!
Jrrt chan lamezha krduma
Jav McClean Shani Carter Hav Gumbs
Steve Lawrence
News of the century !!
asap any compatible tweaks for 8.3
Just need substrate to update so we can use the tweaks!!!!
Please do you now when will the substrate release and what is the best apps that i can download without substrate ??!
Edward Yan
It was like half a day
It says can’t find iTunes but it’s already installed ?
I have the same problem.dont know how to fix
Crap it’s probably our usb or something
Not sure.i reinstalled iTunes but no luck
Download install enjoy
I’m gonna try that ^
Hey guys if u have problems in iTunes u can download version 12.1.0 this better …
Don’t install that driver, just downgrade iTunes using our guide.
So can we
About to jailbreak now fingers crossed
Let me know how it goes plzzz!!!
Done on my Air and i6. Looks legit
Can I have the actual link please
Will this work on ip6 plus in ios 8.3?
Yes it will
Do you encounter any error?
Yes i did had problem with 20% freeze but I did manage to handle that
What will be the solution when you freeze in 20%?
How do u fix the %20 oroblem
You have uninstall your iTunes and install the old version http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-fix-taig-stuck-at-20-during-jailbreak/
John lawrence: Downgrade itunes to 12.1.0 it will works. I had also same problem
Wher can i find itunes 12.1.0
Morales Morales Morales just type in on Google. And my 4S is jailbroken
iOS 8.3 appsync is not out yet!!!! You can install cydia , however there is no appsync to Install Unsigned Apps !!!!
Not a big deal bro it’s not like every person jailbreaks just for that reason
you can do nothing buddy! i have done the jailbreak in my iphone .. all the tweaks and everything else not working!! appcake you are able to download apps , but you can´t install them!
So bad
You have to wait for the Cydia guy to send out the update to make them compatible , give it a few days or so
Kevin El Santós det var på tide
ETA for the outdated Substrate?
TaiG will issue a patch, should be soon, they’re working on it now.
No substrate though
nothing working yet can’t add anything any ipa from itools , ifunbox , appcake non of them
Now we can jailbreak ios8.3????
Yes, thats what it says.
Lol let me get my glasses,… Yep that’s what it says
What do you think, does this put an end to the naysayers? Happy Jailbreaking, Jailbreak Evasion - http://www.evasi0njailbreak.com
Lol, wait for iOS 9…. It’ll start again but it’s definitely good news
Only for a few days…..
i have done the jailbreak in my iphone .. all the tweaks and everything else not working!! appcake you are able to download apps , but you can´t install them!
Is cydia mobile subtrate going to get updated anytime soon?
cydia substrate is going to be updated soon , I guess
should’ve waited for iOS 8.4
Oh hell yes!!!!
How do I get iTunes 12.0.1?
But I’ll wait for tweaks to be worked out first before I dload jb 8.3
So how to jb and what do i need to download???? Anyone
Jailbreak Evasion I bought my device on iOS 8.3, would that mean I’d have complications??
I’m so pissed off iTunes 12.0.1 won’t download
Is there any other options ?
Jackie Villafañe - We have direct download links from Apple… See our post and scroll down.
^^ I bought my device on iOS 8.3, would that mean I’d have complications?? (I’m already jailbroken I forgot to say)
Amazing. Thanks a lot