iOS 8.2 Beta 1 Released, Pangu To Jailbreak 8.2 Following 8.1.1 Jailbreak Patch?

Jailbreak iOS 8.2

Apple Releases 8.2 Beta, Pangu to Jailbreak 8.2 Following 8.1.1 Jailbreak Patch? - Today, ensuing yesterday’s public release of iOS 8.1.1, Apple seeded the first beta iteration of iOS 8.2 to those officially enrolled in the company’s iOS Developer program. The update, which is available for immediate download via Apple’s Developer Center, features a revised build number of 12D436, a rather significant jump from iOS 8.1’s 12B411 build number. However, it’s interesting that iOS 8.2 doesn’t introduce many improvements over 8.1.1 and seemingly lacks any significant features. However, there is one substantial, rather massive, reason the latest beta firmware was issued: Apple Watch integration. Today’s iOS 8.2 beta release was accompanied by Xcode 6.2 beta with WatchKit (Apple’s SDK, or software development kit, for the Apple watch). In a move to prepare for the forthcoming era of post-PC Apple wearables, the company has essentially readied their developer tools to enable third-party (registered) iOS Developers to get a head-start on the creation of an all new type of app - Apple Watch apps. Unfortunately, like with yesterday’s 8.1.1 release, the vulnerabilities exploited by the Pangu Team in their iOS 8 through 8.1 jailbreak remain patched in 8.2, making it impossible for any device to jailbreak 8.2 beta 1 UnTethered using the current Pangu8 utility. For more on iOS 8.2, as well as the forthcoming firmware’s jailbreak status, continue reading past the break!

Apple Releases iOS 8.2 Beta - Will Pangu Or The Evad3rs Jailbreak 8.2 UnTethered?

Jailbreak iOS 8.2
As stated above, iOS 8.2’s main focus is undoubtedly Apple Watch support and integration. However, in spite of the aforementioned fact, a number of 8.2’s factors and features may change prior to the firmware’s eventual release.

Considering the Apple Watch is scheduled for release at some unspecified point in “early 2015,” it’s certainly likely that iOS 8.2’s (the corresponding firmware to add support for the device) release will be slated just as far out into the unknown and mysterious future.

Current iOS 8 Jailbreakers Should Avoid 8.1.1 And 8.2, A Jailbreak Isn’t Available!

Jailbreak iOS 8.2 Apple Watch
While 8.2 certainly appears unappealing at the moment, at least to the average user, developers looking to enter the new Apple Watch app niche may find today’s release substantially more useful. However, it’s recommended that all who are currently jailbroken on iOS 8 through 8.1 avoid the latest update. Additionally, information surrounding iOS 8.2 and 8.1.1 (the firmware that effectively patched the Pangu iOS 8.1 jailbreak), as well as the future of jailbreaking, can be found in the video from iCrackUriDevice, which is embedded above.

Again, to reiterate, it’s paramount for those of you currently jailbroken to avoid not only iOS 8.1.1, which was the first firmware to contain Apple’s Pangu 8 jailbreak patch, but also iOS 8.2 beta and any subsequent releases.

The Future Of Jailbreaking Post iOS 8.2 - The Future Is Bright!

Additional details concerning iOS 8.1.1 can be found in the above video.

As far as the future of jailbreaking is concerned, it’s looking rather bright! It’s certainly possible that the Pangu Team may once again save the day in the not-so-distant “unknown and mysterious future” and release a utility capable of delivering an iOS 8.2 jailbreak. Looking back, Pangu has been on it, seriously! In addition to releasing Pangu for iOS 7.1, which still functions on the latest public iteration of iOS 7 (being 7.1.2), the group also released the first, and only, iOS 8 jailbreak utility once the aforementioned iOS 7.1.x tool had been patched by 8.0, leaving approximately one month of time between the iOS 8.x patch and a new 8.1 jailbreak.

Apple Watch Evasi0n Jailbreak

That being said, it may take a bit longer this time around, as not only is 8.1.1 a relatively minor release, but also because 8.2 likely won’t arrive until the Apple Watch does in “early 2015”.

Having said that, for those of you who now have an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad that’s currently running iOS 8.0 through 8.1, it’s still possible to take advantage of the latest bug-free, one-click Pangu utility to jailbreak said devices, provided you avoid updating to both 8.1.1 and iOS 8.2 beta 1. To jailbreak 8.1, we strongly advise following our in-depth Pangu Untethered jailbreak tutorial.

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak 8.2 Evasi0n news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on   to be immediately notified when we publish future articles pertaining to both iOS 8.2 and the next UnTethered jailbreak, which will likely come from the new Chinese-based Pangu dev team.

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23 thoughts on “iOS 8.2 Beta 1 Released, Pangu To Jailbreak 8.2 Following 8.1.1 Jailbreak Patch?”

  1. I think Envasion is waiting for Apple to come out with a final&Stable Release, However who knows when that will happen…Apple is tring to peice it together

  2. What’s The Point Of This Evasion Page When All U R Saying Is That “Wait For Pangu Again”Than I Had a Rather Follow Pangu’s Page

    1. What difference does it make? Root access is root access… It was sloppy this year because Pangu didn’t coordinate with Saurik. Regardless, it worked out beautifully in the end - the next Jailbreak will be a smooth and easy transition now that everything is functioning on iOS 8.

    2. I am on IOS 7.1.2 with a Pangu jailbreak. I updated cydia substrate and my phone still gets stuck in apple boot loop if my phone turns off. Should I upgrade and jailbreak with Pangu to fix this bug?

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