Apple Preparing iOS 8.1.3 for Release, Jailbreakers Prepare Yourselves, Can I Jailbreak 8.1.3? - There’s no questioning that it’s been an incredible time for jailbreakers as of late - not only was iOS 8 jailbroken a mere month after its initial release, but following said jailbreak’s patch, which came in the form of iOS 8.1.2, a new team made their grand appearance onto the jailbreak scene: TaiG. Now, jailbreakers can employ the use of TaiG to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 completely Untethered for all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models. However, since TaiG 1.2.0 was released to jailbreak 8.1.2 things have settled down and become rather calm on the iOS and jailbreak scene; the saying “the calm before the storm” is undeniably applicable for the current scenario. Before the Holidays, we reported that Apple was actively testing iOS 8.1.3 and planning to release the firmware to the public, which would likely patch TaiG. While this doesn’t bode well for the current jailbreak utility, it will be interesting to see what comes from the imminent release, as we’ve had a more active group of jailbreak developers this past year than ever before. However, if released, there’s a strong possibility that iOS 8.1.3 will close the vulnerabilities exploited by TaiG to achieve an Untethered jailbreak and, in turn, make it impossible to jailbreak 8.1.3 utilizing the current iteration of TaiG, being version 1.2.0. For more on iOS 8.1.3 and the imposing threat the firmware regrettably places on jailbreakers, continue reading past the break!
Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 - With iOS 8.1.3’s Impending Release, Can I Jailbreak?
Today, preceding iOS 8.2’s inevitable release alongside the forthcoming Apple Watch in “early 2015”, it appears as though Apple may be preparing to issue iOS 8.1.3 to the general public. According to BGR’s unnamed sources (the site has a fairly accurate track record), Apple will allegedly release some iteration of iOS 8 next week, likely iOS 8.1.3.
Moreover, in addition to noticing a huge influx of hits from devices allegedly running iOS 8.1.3, MacRumors‘ source states that Apple not only seeded 8.1.3 to certain employees last week, but that the company is likely prepping to release the firmware sometime within the next seven days - given Apple’s past release history, iOS 8.1.3 will likely be released either Monday, Tuesday or Friday.
Jailbreak 8.1.3 - Post iOS 8.1.2, Jailbreaking Moving Forward!
For those of you seeking a detailed audible explanation, we advise watching iCrackUriDevice’s latest weekly jailbreak episode discussing iOS 8.1.3, 8.2, 8.3 and even iOS 9, which is embedded above.
It’s curious that the catalyst to re-ignite the aforementioned jailbreak development on a previously stale and sparse jailbreak scene was indeed what a number of jailbreakers, including the staff at Evasi0n Jailbreak, are firmly against: unauthorized app distribution.
Will Pangu And TaiG Be Enough To Jailbreak 8.1.3?
iOS 8.1.3 details, pre-release. Will iOS 8.1.3 patch the jailbreak? We advise watching the above video.
However, even with the heavy monetary incentive that perpetuates both Pangu and TaiG, will it be enough to keep up with Apple’s release firmware plans? Beyond iOS 8.1.3, Apple also has iOS 8.2 and even 8.3 planned. Additionally, who knows how many incremental updates will fall between the latter of the two major firmwares; in other words, we’re in for a rather chaotic, and bumpy, ride.
Hold your ground on iOS 8.1.2 and don’t update until you receive the official word from us - keep your browsers firmly locked to Evasi0n Jailbreak for all thing jailbreak and iOS!
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak and iOS 8.1.3 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be promptly notified when we publish new articles pertaining to 8.1.3, other iOS 8 updates and future Pangu and TaiG jailbreak utilities.
Hay i have i phone 4 and ios 7.1.0 what to do help Jailbreak
Where can I jailbreak iOS 8 for iPhone 4s? Thanks.
Taha Tarek Er Mohammed Abujrad
o no
u havent released jailbreak 8.1.2 for mac? ????
Damn, I was going to update to 8.1.2 tonight
Do it now! It’s not too late!
Thank you guys you are the best 😉
can I jailbrake my ipad air 2 ios 8.1.2 using evasion
Can you jailbreak 8.1.3 ?
You are over using emoticons….
Links please
Also does any one know of a way to back up your jailbreak tweaks on ios 7 so i dont have to manually do it when i update to ios 8
No, this is one of the biggest issues with no great resolve. The best way IMO is to use the tweak “app list” and use it to make a list of all your tweaks which you can email to yourself
Okay thank you thats better then nothing!
AptBackup, BackupAZ..
I have ios 7 and i get pirated cydia tweaks well today i started getting this thing that said iKeywi piracy on my i kiwi key board then my home screen and lock screen changed to this nerdy white kid saying some thing about piracy.. Does any one know any thing about this? Please help
Go back to Cydia and install CrackTool. Try if it works.
Is iPod touch 5 is jail broken? My is the blue one
Duh ! , wtf it is blue ?!
David C. Marshall Jr.
Is there anyway to use FaceTime in Egypt without jailbreaking the iphone6 plus?
Shahrukh Malik
What do I do!?
No this is just to let u know that in order to stay jailbroken don’t upgrade it yet (to the upcoming version) until it’s confirmed that u can and it’s jailbreakable but u don’t need to coz it’s only minor and almost useless updates in order to patch the jailbreaks
That’s what apples after lol
Lol ok
Thanks haha
Stay on iOS 7
Shoot me a link 2
( 8.1.2 ) JB
Here you go (tutorial):
I have 2 iPhone 5 as backups sitting on 7.1, should I upgrade to 8.1.2? Is it too buggy for the iPhone 5?
It’s not buggy at all - if you have a Mac or an iPad, 8.1.2 is the absolute best move you could make (Continuity and SMS forwarding are amazing).
8.1.2 is pretty solid.
Thank You..
Is iOS 8.1.3 availabel on iPhone yet ?
Brandon Cutajar
All i want to do is do it on my mac
Then ill be a happy lil Jailbreaker.
This video contains details on the possibility of a Mac version: