Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 TaiG Patch is Nothing Compared to this New Legal Threat! - With jailbreaking having taken off in the past few months due to an explosion of growth on the development front, which can be entirely attributed to the new TaiG, Pangu and PP Chinese jailbreak teams, the entire process and concept are starting to become things we take for granted. Although iOS 8.1.3 patches the jailbreak for iOS 8.1.2, effectively making it currently impossible to jailbreak on 8.1.3, previously we’d be lucky to receive two new utilities a year - one for each major iOS release. For example, iOS 6 and iOS 7 both were jailbroken by evasi0n from the evad3rs shortly following their release and that was it until Pangu made their grand appearance on the scene with the group’s jailbreak for 7.1.2, followed by their Pangu8 tool to jailbreak 8.1 only months later (during the interim their original 7.1.2 utility was thriving). Since then, TaiG released two jailbreak utilities, one for iOS 8.1.1 and the other is an update to cover iOS 8.1.2, and a team dubbed PP created a utility of the same name to jailbreak the latter of the two aforementioned firmwares on OS X for Mac owners. Now however, before an iOS 8.1.3 jailbreak is even considered, a new threat looms on the horizon for the world of jailbreaking: the law. Currently, jailbreaking is 100 percent legal, and hopefully it will remain that way, but we need your help. To learn how to safeguard the future of jailbreaking post 8.1.3 for iOS 8.2 and beyond, continue reading past the break.
Forget About iOS 8.1.3 - Jailbreaking’s Legality Is In Question
As of the writing of this article, the process of jailbreaking is protected under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), as it should be. However, when the portion of the Copyright Act that permits jailbreaking is up for review in 2015, the segment might not be renewed.
In the past, jailbreakers have actually had the power to sway the law and convince those with the authority to, arbitrarily ban, or allow a process as complex and unique as jailbreaking, by showing the Copyright Office and Librarian of Congress that said process is not only sought after by millions but also legal.
iOS 8.2 Jailbreak Post 8.1.3: Keep It Legal!
After all, it’s your device, why shouldn’t you be able to customize it? While meant as a rhetorical question, the answer is simple: you should be able to! However, companies are now making the asinine claim that due to the fact their software (e.g. iOS firmware, be it 8.1.2 or iOS 8.1.3) is copy written, it cannot be modified, i.e. jailbroken while still being legal.
The ridiculous stance of the various companies with intent to thwart jailbreaking could make the point of a new utility to jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 or 8.2 on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models (even the newer iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and iPad Air 2 devices) entirely moot if we don’t act once again to persevere jailbreaking.
In addition to watching the video that’s embedded above, which explains the debacle in a visual and audible form, follow this link to an EFF petition. From there, digitally sign the petition by filling out your name, email and zip code and you’ll instantly become an important part of the movement to help keep jailbreaking legal; it’s truly that simple!
Note: In order for your contribution to count, you must fill out a proper zip code and your name - anonymous signatures won’t count.
iOS 8.2 And Jailbreak 8.1.3 Summary
For those of you seeking additional information pertaining to both iOS 8.1.3 and iOS 8.2, as well as the current jailbreak status, we recommend watching the above video from iCrackUriDevice to get caught up on the latest updates.
If enough signatures are collected by the time the portion of the DMCA in question is reviewed, jailbreaking will once again receive an exemption and will maintain its legality. Once that happens and we’re in the clear, it’s entirely plausible that an iOS 8.2 jailbreak post 8.1.3 will exist for all devices and the jailbreak community will continue to improve and flourish especially due to Apple’s forthcoming Apple Watch and yearly iDevice refreshes that continually draw more individuals to the concept of jailbreaking.
Thank you for both helping to protect the future and for reading. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Evasion 8.1.3 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be swiftly notified when we publish new articles pertaining to not only iOS 8.1.3 and future iterations of iOS 8, but also the next jailbreak and its legality.
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Please, let me know when ios 8.1.3 is available to jailbreak, I accidentally updated my 8.1.2 to 8.1.3 and stuck here to jailbreak because apple stops signing 8.1.2 to restore back
thanks guys for your help and info
Sorry to say, companies like Verizon, in conjunction with smartphone manufacturers, are doing everything they can, going forward, to prevent unlocking bootloaders and rooting (“jailbreaking” in Apple terms), of Android phones as well. Luckily, on the GSM side (AT&T, TMobile, and their kind in the US and elsewhere), manufacturers like OnePlus make it easy to bootloader-unlock (if not already unlocked) and root their devices. And in the US, the good news here is that AT&T has come from far back, and their network quality and coverage is a very close second to Verizon’s - in some areas it’s even better than Verizon’s.
I like iOS, but I myself prefer Android for its flexibility. Thank heaven we have choices. That’s always a good thing for competition.
If I back up my 8.1.3 iPhone to iTunes and then down grade to 8.1.2 then restore back up, will 8.1.3 be reloaded to my iPhone,
No, it will restore contacts, texts, photos, etc., but the ios version will be whatever is already on the phone.
If Apple takes this route and bans Jbs, I’m going to Android.
Eddie Clingerman
The law should then be made so that Apple has to release info on how to jailbreak the Apple TV3 then.. Why should we only be allowed to customize our phones?
they were never YOUR devices to begin with, you idiots love apple so much but pay no attention to their company policies…you just sort of “rent” the device from them, sure you get to keep the plastic crap, but the OS and the TOS say you don’t really own it, instead off trying to force a private company to change the TOS, just vote with your money and get a real device, like android or something, you freaking apple lovers are so dumb.
Apple has enough money to buy the law..buy the judges!! Money..greed. AMERICA
does anyone have any info on a new 8.1.3 jailbreak?
Duy SHi
ph?i ??i 8.2
Just stop buying Apple products until Apple stop this push for control of everything you do on your device and this BS dependence on IOS.
Break the chipset and CUSTOM ROM!!!
Looking for the 8.1.1 jailbreak link to the software can anyone help me out? I have Pangu 8.1 my sons phone is on 8.1.1 PLEASE HELP
Pangu doesn’t support 8.1.x. You need to use either TaiG (PC) or PP (Mac), here are links to both:
TaiG: http://www.evasi0njailbreak.com/ios-8.1.2-jailbreak-how-to-jailbreak-8.1.2-taig-1.2.0-ios-8-devices/
PP: http://www.evasi0njailbreak.com/ios-8.1.2-jailbreak-mac-os-x-pp-ghost-untethered/
Legal or not only hearts the American jailbreak teams, the Chinese don’t care about laws as we seen before so I don’t see any problems heading our way.
Can I jailbreak my phone without a computer
I know that there was remote JB website called http://www.jailbreakme.com/star/ but it might have changed or taken down altogether. This was years ago and I used it to jailbreak my friends ipod 2g on ios 3.1.1…….or I think? Anyway if you have an iphone 2g with REAAAAALY old firmware it might work. The oldest apple I ever had was an iphone 3gs and even that needed me to use evasi0n on a pc. It was on ios 6.1.2. Hope that helped a little.
The only thing that made me purchase IOS devices in the first place was the potential of jailbreaking, i am now a long, experienced, and happy user of IOS devices, but whitout jailbreak i could not bare to live with the standard apple offering..it’s simply too boring and limited whitout the plethora of wonderful tweaks which get better and more fascinating every day..you can now litterally have features and functions that will probably will be available by default in IOS 15 or 16….
Well said and true true true
There’s a strong but declining Reason #2 for me however, which is most apps use to be binary compiled, now I suspect since most developers are programming apps for both android and IOS devices, they’re utilizing as much java or HTML5 as possible to keep the code the same across platforms. Correct me if I’m wrong, I haven’t written a line of code into a compiler for a few years and I never wanted to/nor did I ever learn java; this is just a guess based on the growing decline in ios app-store app quality - features disappearing in updates while loading gets slower and appearance does the opposite of looking nicer and more polished.
P.S. Whats the Appstore? half+ my apps were installed with apt-get. lol
If I can’t jailbreak it’s fine because I like iOS
I don’t care if it’s legal/illegal
I like it, it doesn’t hurt me or hurt anyone
Then it’s fine ????
I really don’t see why Apples gives a crap. It’s so stupid. I realize that it’s still their software even though I’ve bought the hardware….but what damage is jailbreaking doing to them? Their still profiting from these devices and they’d profit even more if they’d frig off.
I brought the phone, and I think I can do whatever I want to it…
Vote 4 keju (A.A.P.)
I signed the petition yesterday.
Still in iOS 7.0.6.
I literally just bought a iPhone 5 to jailbreak it….now I have to go threw the trouble of downgrading to make that possible because when I got it the device was running 8.1.3..
Honestly in my thoughts someone should start a petition or signing sheet for jailbreakers cud I’m sure there are many more like myself if I can’t JB I will stop buying apple products and do without iOS completely I will move on to android market for the simple fact of customizing … I don’t see how customizing is breaking copywrite laws period as we are taking a existing system and tweaking and that’s how many work around patents on all types of products
Wait what happens to my jailbreak on my older devices would they still work or would Cydia not be supported no more and shut down?
So this is a jailbreak for the lastest iOS?
Sorry. Id rather legalize marijuana nationwide
looks like iphone will have massive sales drop if jailbreaking is banned
Probably not, I never run into anyone who has a jailbroken phone besides myself. I don’t know how they can live with their boring iOS devices. Jailbreaking opens up the world of usefullness
Is this global or limited to one country?
Sum of all my fears is an unjailbroken iDevice, there so bland without it.
Well said!
Since when do laws have review clauses? Unless there are serious violations going on, our devices should remain our devices!!
The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) - Jailbreaking has an exemption, but it must be renewed to maintain said exemption - see the post.
Im a fan of iPhones because of jailbreak.
No jailbreaks no stinking iPhone
Meh… I love iOS but have no issue moving to android if I can’t jailbreak.
hey, it will still happen, and at th eend of the day its my phone, ill do what i want to it, they didnt fooking pay for it did they !!! if i wanna take a shit on my phone i will, not their business !!!
Guys you are the best in JAILBREAK WORLD ????
Petition signed
please is there any solutionn to get dubsmash jailbreaked for ios 6 ???
I would leave iOS all together if that happened and made it illegal..!
I love how I live in a country with sane copyright laws
If jailbreaking a phone so so radical, then people has their priorities messed up. There are much bigger things in life to worry about. Why is it such a bad thing for people to enhance their experience with their current software?? We are altering it to meet our needs and wants. If anything, they should make it totally legal, and make it easier for us to do so!! It’s not illegal for someone to alter their own clothes or house shoes car what makes this so different?!
I hope that if they do start making it illegal, I hope more software developers come out and make their own firmware, other than android, apple, HTC, and blackberry (if they’re still around) and make it so they can indeed customize their device the way they would like it. I can’t believe after all this time, there is only a handful of phone software companies. With the amount of time and energy they put into jailbreaking each and every iOS and update, they should write their own thing. I’d probably be easier! And let me tell you, they’d have a huge following.
The jailbreak is almost useless to me without BiteSMS
jailbreaking is legal. and it should stay that way.
Agreed! However, Apple (and other companies) don’t see it that way and are intent on preventing jailbreaking :O
That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that we get as many signatures as possible!
If we ever lose jailbreaking, I am gone, gone, gone from Apple; the iphone and the iPad are totally unacceptable to me without jailbreaking!