iOS 8.2 Jailbreak post 8.1.3 Irrelevant Compared to New Discovery? - While the jailbreak community is still recovering from the serious blow that was iOS 8.1.3, Apple’s current public firmware that patches the TaiG jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 tool for the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPod touch 5th generation and other iOS 8-powered devices, a rather substantial breakthrough was publicized yesterday. According to longtime security expert and iOS hacker Stefan Esser (better known online by his hacking handle: i0n1c) “Apple Lightning has been broken”. Although it may not sound significant, this is easily one of the greatest jailbreak-related achievements as of late and is even more crucial to the future success of jailbreaking than an iOS 8.1.3 jailbreak utility would be, as it will become a new medium for vulnerability discovery and exploitation for what will hopefully be years to come. For more information on this latest accomplishment and how said feat will aid in the creation of new jailbreaks for 8.2, iOS 8.3, iOS 9, etc. utilities, continue reading past the break.
Looking back, devices that utilized Apple’s old 30-pin connector were infinitely more vulnerable than today’s iPhone, iPod and iPad models that make use of Apple’s newer 8-pin “all digital” lightning connection method.
Lightning (Jail)Broken - Will It Lead To An iOS 8.2 Jailbreak, 8.1.3?
While today’s jailbreak utilities (in layman’s terms) rely primarily on kernel exploits to deliver the jailbreak payload that allows for the execution of unsigned code and, in turn, enables root access, jailbreak tools of yesteryear possessed extreme longevity. Previously, devices like the iPhone 4, and earlier, received what was referred to as a bootrom exploit that functioned on the hardware level (not software), allowing the tools to withstand the test of firmware advancements, as it’s virtually impossible for Apple to patch the aforementioned type of exploit without releasing new hardware.
Beyond iOS 8.1.3, Help Keep Jailbreaking Legal!
In addition to this weekend’s exciting news, it’s important to help maintain the legality of jailbreaking. In addition to watching the above video from iCrackUriDevice, which fully explains the aforementioned topic, we recommend navigating to our post on the subject.
The main reason such a vulnerability was even exposed to begin with was the fact that the older 30-pin connector allowed for serial debugging, a seriously powerful process in vulnerability discovery and exploitation, and the primary reason the latest bootrom exploit (limera1n) even exists. Up until now, it wasn’t possible to serial debug over lightning - in light of the new breakthrough, a world of opportunities await for jailbreaking and iOS exploitation, bootrom or otherwise. Additional information on the blog that first reported the news is available here.
iOS 8.1.3 And 8.2 Jailbreak via Lightning Serial Debugging?
Because it is posted on a public blog I can tell you that Apple Lightning has been broken.
— Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) February 14, 2015
In summary, the creation of a new iOS 8.2 jailbreak post 8.1.3 became infinitely more plausible, while the future of jailbreaking became exponentially brighter. Beyond TaiG, who claimed to already have a method to jailbreak iOS 8.2 after the 8.1.3 patch that was neither exposed nor made available to Apple preceding said patch, Pangu (the group to first jailbreak iOS 8 and the older 7.1.2 firmware) will be greatly aided by the fact that they can now serial debug devices with Apple’s lightning connector.
Although it may not be as exciting, flashy or fulfilling to those with instant gratification when it comes to the world of tech, farsighted jailbreakers will undoubtably appreciate this discovery for years to come.
For more on the latest jailbreak developments, whether they pertain to iOS 8.2, 8.3 or even the rumored 8.4 firmware, keep your browsers locked to Evasi0n Jailbreak.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 and 8.2 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be swiftly alerted when we publish new articles, and tutorials, pertaining to iOS 8.1.3, 8.2 and future iOS updates.
This is excellent news
So this would mean a jb until when?
This is excellent news, however Apple will never stop people jail breaking
That’s right. Apple keeps trying to patch the latest jailbreak, and that shuts us up for about a month, until a jailbreak comes out for it. For example, the Pangu team exploited iOS 8 - 8.1 31 days after iOS 8’s public release. I wish Apple would stop trying to get us to not jailbreak. Jailbreaking is imminent. I just wish Apple would stop.
Aí sim ein rs
David Christensen
Is it possible to jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 ?
not yet
Can I jailbreak my iPad Air 8.1.3?
Ios 8.1.1 ????????????
Should i Like and share this post?
Hope I can jailbreak my iPhone 5s with iOS 8.1.3
Abdalla AbkareinoAbo Malek Gsm-tamer TottiHisham Elromehy
?? ?????
I’m still running 7.1.2 still debating on breaking it
Oo i update my ios to 8.1.3
fine by me ill just buy lg phone or samsung lol noone buy´s iphone now well someone will 80% will NOT
And you’re on this site, reading this article because… why?
“Apple sold a record 74.5 million iPhones in the latest quarter”
Is. Know can i jailbreak ios 8.1.3 ?? Have
What would be a realistic time frame to expect a 8.1.3 jailbreak?
I hope they don’t release a jailbreak for 8.1.3 it would be pointless. I would save iOS vulnerabilities for maybe 8.2 but saying that the teams have seemed to wanna get us all a jailbreak asap.
Mehul Sompura check this
woooow tanks
So, would Apple release a revised lightning, or a whole new type? Interesting
Bruno César Gasparini, Leandro Bodo, Murilo Tokunaga
?? ???? ??? Mahmoud Shengheer
???? ?????
???? ????
When jailberak ios 8.1.3 cydia ???
It wouldn’t make sense wasting an exploit on iOS 8.1.3. Wait until 8.2 is out and stable
Currently no jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3 ..
Phoenixx Neil
Is there a jailbreak coming soon for ios 8.1.3??
it’s an amazing thing and useful
but unfortunately helps to reduce battery life this say cuz of hard experience since 2g
Rasmus Gunnarsson
Will You Make A New Jailbreak For iOS 9+ Now? Or No?
Someone dropped there iphone in the grass
Indeed… All for the sake of that Lightning shot!
Currently no jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3
Phone messed up and was forced to update to 8.1.3
Going crazy need to jailbreak
Can i jailbreak 8.1.3 ??
Not yet
Thanks bro !!
Great News!
+1 Beyond great!
I bought an ipad mini 3 and I updated by accident.. what can I do, my ipad is no fun without jailbreak
How to download program
is there any jailbreak for ios 8.1.3 ?
?ndiremiyorum ?
Tamamda nas?l indiriliyor dowland ???
I just bought a 6 plus so it came with 8.1.3
I now jailbrrak 8.1.3
I’m still on 8.1.2
No what?
Am still on 8.1.2
Cydia jailbrrak 8.1.3
Can i
Jailbreak *
Can I Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2
Cheng Vannarith - Yes:
I almost updated to 8.1.3 just because my iPhone 5 goes so slow when jailbroke. Think I’ll be upgrading to a 6 Plus soon.
I had the same problems with IOS 7.x-8.1 on my 4S, Latest Tiag on 8.1.2 was smooth as unjailbroken. I’m sad I missed that opportunity, hopefully Taig’s next JB will be as good. My iPad Mini w/Retina had lots of crashing problems and restarts on Pangu - until I used Taig, if you used it too (not Pangu) then I wonder if you installed a bad app, or to many?
The hardware isn’t much faster from 5 to 6-plus, however the 64bit ability of 5S and above will make applications that support it run somewhat better.
I updated my ios to 8.1.3
You’ll be covered… Soon (post 8.1.3).
And if we’re lucky, the post 8.1.3 will back-support 8.1.3++
And the way things have been lately, Pangu might just jump to JB 8.1.3 to be show-off’s again, though I don’t really trust the quality of their JB’s, time will tell if their newer ones will work well.