Top Cydia Tweak iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak, Split-Screen Multitasking for TaiG Jailbreak - Beyond the process of jailbreaking, and in turn enabling root access, the staff at Evasi0n Jailbreak receives a plethora of questions pertaining to life after Jailbreaking - particularly iOS 8 and 8.1.2. Following the execution of the new TaiG jailbreak for iOS 8.1.2, where to go next can be understandably confusing for even the most seasoned of jailbreakers. As time progresses, new packages are issued to the main Cydia sources, updated to support new iterations of iOS or even completely abandoned by the developer. The wide array of outcomes for the release, updating and eventual retirement of jailbreak tweaks, extensions and modifications is hard enough to keep up with, but throw an unquestionably outdated interface for locating said tweaks into the mix and it becomes almost impossible to know exactly what to install to accomplish a desired outcome from one’s iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak. Thankfully, as always, we have you completely covered on all things jailbreak at Evasi0n Jailbreak with today’s article on an all-new split-screen multitasking jailbreak tweak. For more details on what’s quickly becoming one of the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 8.1.2, continue reading past the break!
iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak: Best Cydia Tweak - Split-Screen Multitasking?
It’s not often that a new and cool Cydia tweak comes along and makes us stop and say “this is why we jailbreak!” - thankfully, this is one of those times.
While iPhone, iPod touch and iPad owners previously had but one option when it came to responding to friends, family and colleagues who would gloat about their Android devices’ ability to run apps side-by-side, the new ReachApp tweak sets the record straight. After all, why wouldn’t someone prefer an iOS device over android?
Beyond the aesthetics of iOS devices themselves, the apps are of a substantially higher quality, iOS is more fluid, intuitive and flat-out simpler, not to mention the fact that the iOS and OS X ecosystems are now tightly interwoven with new features like Continuity, Instant Hotspot and SMS and MMS forwarding. Additionally, all of the aforementioned benefits of iOS 8 don’t even take into account the plethora of tweaks available to customize an iPhone, iPad or iPod jailbroken on 8.1.2 to the nth degree.
Top Cydia Tweaks For TaiG Jailbreak 8.1.2 - ReachApp!
The tweak that’s the focal point of today’s article, ReachApp, is currently in beta stages on the developer’s custom repository. However, in light of the fact that ReachApp has seen a number of frequent and impressive updates to vastly improve functionality and compatibility, we’ve opted to cover it now, while the tweak is still considered bleeding-edge.
To install ReachApp, follow the below procedure, which is incredible simple; provided your device is already jailbroken, from installation to use should only be a matter of minutes.
1. Confirm that your device is both running iOS 8 (any iteration from 8.0 to the latest public firmware, being 8.1.2) and jailbroken - if you have yet to jailbreak, we advise utilizing our complete and thorough jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 tutorial via TaiG.
2. Launch Cydia, tap the ‘Sources’ tab at the bottom, followed by ‘Edit’ in the top right of Cydia’s interface and, finally, ‘Add’.
3. Type the following repository into the new text field, tap into the source after successfully adding it and proceed to install ‘ReachApp’.
Jailbreak 8.1.2 In 2015 And 2014 Recap
For those of you jailbreaking in 2015, the above video from iCrackUriDevice contains a complete run-down.
While the new multitasking tweak does indeed function through Reachability, ReachApp enables the previously iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus-esclusive feature on all devices, so long as they’re running at least 8.0.
Owners of the iPhone 5s, iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 can evoke ReachApp’s split-screen app view as if they were triggering Reachability on an iPhone 6 or an iPhone 6 plus - owners of any other iDevice would simply need to install Activator and establish a trigger action for Reachability (refer to the above video for a visual representation).
As a concluding note, for those of you seeking ten all-new top free Cydia tweaks, we strongly recommend reading our recent ‘Best Holiday Tweaks for TaiG 8.1.2 Jailbreak’ article for additional direction when it comes to what to obtain from Cydia.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak iOS 8 and 8.1.2 TaiG news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantaneously alerted when we publish future articles concerning Cydia, new tweaks, the TaiG iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak, future iterations of iOS 8 and new jailbreak utilities.
The multitasker doesn’t work on my 4th gen iPad. I installed it and when I went into setting it gave me a message that there was an error showing this apps settings. Tried installing go. But as they said…its in beta.
I really need some thing to back up my tweaks for ios 8 i am running ios 7 now and i really dont want to manually install all my tweaks when i re jailbreak is there a back up that works?
it’s not safe !!!!
Is anyone having an issue with the Pandora? Its not letting me save the song on my pandora downloader anymore??
Mines working but i am running ios 7 are you on it or 8?
I’m at 8.1 I think I need to update and re-jailbreak. It was working fine 2 days ago and yesterday it didn’t work anymore
How do I bypass icloud I found an iPhone and the owner don’t want it
That’s impossible.
How do I get the reach app to work because I downloaded it and can’t get it to work
Got it
but don’t know how it works
What’s the tweak?
invalid source
Tr?n Quy?n
i cant make it work for ip5c ????
Source please
how to use it?
Done for me
What the tweak called?
Read the article 😀
Oh yeah but its only on bya repo
Is wifi2me (or an app like so) Available for JB on 8.1.2 ??
Como lo descargo?