iOS 7.1 Jailbreak Utilities, UnTethered iOS 8 Jailbreak And Scams Discussed
Jailbreak 7.1 Utilities, UnTethered iOS 8 Jailbreak and Scams Discussed - After the shocking, albeit foreseen, blow to the jailbreak community when Apple issued iOS 7.1 to the public, in turn patching the evasi0n7 UnTethered jailbreak, a vast number of individuals desperately seeking a solution have regrettably fallen for despicable scams that now clutter the web. Although we’ve stated numerous times on Jailbreak Evasion Info, both before and after iOS 7.1’s release, that the latest firmware will patch the UnTethered iOS 7 jailbreak, we continue to receive questions pertaining to the iOS 7.1 firmware and whether it can be jailbroken. In today’s article, we’ll briefly discuss why it’s currently impossible to jailbreak 7.1 and the future of jailbreak utilities.
Jailbreak 7.1 and UnTethered iOS 8 Jailbreak Discussed
First, it’s important to understand that evasi0n7 will not currently, nor will it ever, support iOS 7.1 and jailbreak the firmware - those who updated will have to wait until the evad3rs release their next Untethered jailbreak.
Essentially, prior to releasing 7.1, Apple reverse engineered the evasi0n7 jailbreak to determine the vulnerabilities in iOS 7 that the tool exploited and simply closed said vulnerabilities in the public releases. Moreover, due to the fact that Apple is only signing 7.1 for iOS 7-powered devices, it’s impossible to restore (or even downgrade) to a firmware that’s supported by evasi0n7, like 7.0.6.
That’s not to say 7.1 cannot be jailbroken at all - in fact, it’s currently possible to achieve a Tethered jailbreak using GeekSn0w, which exclusively supports the iPhone 4 (refer to our tutorial for additional details).
As far as the future of jailbreaking is concerned, we know for a fact that the evad3rs will hold off on releasing their next UnTethered jailbreak until Apple issues both iOS 8 and their next round of iDevices. The team simply isn’t interested in burning through valuable exploits that could easily be patched by Apple without first having a justifiable reason to do so.
Additionally, while there have been videos floating around from various hackers such as winocm, the methods used to achieve root access in said videos do not apply to creating a public tool, as they most likely require the use of an Apple Developer account.
Although iOS 7.1’s future is relatively bleak, that of iOS 8’s is anything but. Stay tuned for complete coverage on the next UnTethered jailbreak for all iDevices and keep your browsers locked to Jailbreak Evasion Info.
As a random sidebar, if you’re interested in the all-new HTC One M8 (a high-end Android-powered smartphone), check out iCrackUriDevices video, which is embedded above for your convenience.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Evasion 7.1 Info news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantly notified when we publish future articles concerning both iOS 7.1 and the evad3rs’ upcoming iOS 8 jailbreak.
10 for acquiring these totally free trials.
Please publish what can be done to make sure you do not install 7.1.1 or whatever else Apple come up with inadvertently ? Eg Should we remove Itunes from PC or is there a prevention App on cydia that can be used to achieve this? Madiba
i do understand why it is so important to preserve exploit from being closed by apple, in order to be used in future jailbreak, but just a rmq: each year, a new IOS version is released, then ios patchs are also released later, correcting bugs. users always have jailbreaks for the initial release, but rarely for the corrected IOS, due to the fact teams like evaders do not want to waste exploits and preserve them for incoming future IOS version. it means if you jailbreak you i-device, you never got the latest ios patch on it, that is, imo, no so good. would it be possible to switch : ie, release the jailbreak once the IOS version is stabilized; meaning to not release jailbreak when new IOS comes ? The advantage would be if you stop upgrading IOS, for some raisons (jailbreak no more available for your i-device) or like now, jailbreak to comes less often; then your i-device would be at the last version of an IOS rather than at the buggy end one. just an idea, and many thanks for your work on jailbreak.
hi guys, just wanna inf. you that i did updated my iphone 4 to 7.1 and jailbroken by Evis0in tethered, i face so many problem such carrier disappeared! i forced to downgrade my iphone to 5.1.1 and jailbroken by Redsn0w successfully. any body need helps regarding above information, it’s done.! overclocker,
correction: ( I do updated )
How did you downgrade from 7.1 to 5.1.1 when everyone on internet says that is impossible???!!!
what about the pirate bay evasion 1.0.9???
what about evasion 1.0.9 on pirate bay
Its Apple that is the problem. While we love the iPhones, we are not able to personalize them. Why should they prevent us from doing so? How does it hurt them? They are just losing out on profit they could make from paid tweaks. I have several I have purchased from Cydia. I appreciate the fact that these techies take the time to provide a jailbreak. I also appreciate Evasion’s blog that warned me to update to 7.0.6 before 7.1 came out because 7.1 wouldn’t be able to support the jailbreak. It was an on the fly warning and the new 7.1 update came out within a day or two, but they said 7.0.6 was a very important update for security. I updated and re-jailbroke (7.0.6) So anyway, thank you all for what you do
I can’t believe how many morons are still asking how they can JB their iDevice running on iOS 7.1!! What part of its impossible to JB your device on iOS 7.1 using evasion7 do you idiots not understand???
I understand. It takes a lot of time for their dev team to come up with a hack or jailbreak. If you have no knowledge on the subject then be polite and wait. They are doing their best efforts. Would u want to spend time from your families because others are unhappy about what u haven’t developed.
WOW, a lot of ungrateful people, Evad3rs Do all this for free, go back to android, you won’t be missed.
Well that was fun while it lasted. I upgraded to an iPad Air and iPhone 5$ for me and a pink iPhone 5C for my wife from android crap phone for her and jailbroken iPad 4 and iPhone 5 for me all on Sprint. I sold my iPad 4 and iPhone 5 and all the new devices are running iOS 7.1 and although I did spend a bit of money on jailbreak tweaks, I don’t find myself missing anything as iOS 7.1 is extremely stable and useful. I only wish the evaders would have waited for iOS 7.1 to be released before they released the jailbreak because then it would have been a very enjoyable jailbreak experience with an extremely stable and speedy os. Oh well, I only hope they wait for iOS 8 to be extremely stable before releasing the jailbreak utility and we never have to relive history. Thanks for the news and keep up the good work.
m tahir from Saudi Arabia boss i have iPhone 5s but i dnt have face time in my phone bcoz Saudi govt banned the face time i want face time in my iphone but i dnt know how i can do plz help me. My iphone software is ios 7.1
Can’t wait to sell off my iPhone and get back to android & be done with this whole drama. Sheesh.
Everyone getting mad at evad3rs because they won’t be releasing anything til iOS8, you bunch of ungrateful *****
I read your warnings and my iPad is probably on iOS 7.0.5 and holding. I like my MovieBox. My day old iPhone 5S is running iOS 7.1. My work email is on there and I do not feel comfortable jailbreaking a phone with company information on it however miniscule. I’ll be back in a year if iOS 8 supports iPad3. If not, I hope you get to iOS9 quickly because I will probably need a new iPad by then
Thanks for your work.
Dud,I have i4 with ios 7.1.Wen i tried to do jail breaking,ma phone got stucked and jailbreaking was unsuccessful.I was not able to do anything with that phone,,I gave it to the repair shop n they made it clear,,U got any reason for that?
DUD, you have me rolling on the floor! Your message is hilarious on so many levels. When your phone comes back from the shop, good luck again trying to jailbreak 7.1.
OMG! you mean to say that with all the info posted over the net you still tried to JB your iphone on 7.1. you really do have to be some imbecile.
This blows.. I was looking to jailbreak my iphone 5s and nope… U guys decide to wait a yr lmfao… I need to look for another jailbreakers then..
I don’t think you understand how this works… The evad3rs are the only dev team on the Jailbreak scene and Jailbreak Evasion Info is a blog that’s dedicated to accurately reporting ALL Jailbreak news.
Kraz, if you took the time to read the posts here you would know that you should not upgrade to iOS 7.1. If you took the time to read the posts here you would know that the evad3rs are the only legitimate jailbreaking team (while there may be a couple individuals out there, the rest are scammers). If all that is too much for you, you should look in the mirror for the cause rather than posting your lame complaints about these find folks who are providing millions of people a valuable free service.
So are we having this cycle where we wait all year for you to push something out, while you post next to useless-recycled news posts? If so, i’m just gonna bite the bullet and not come back for the rest of the spring.
We’re not associated with the evad3rs in any way, we’re simply a Jailbreak news blog. We’ll report on any and ALL Jailbreak-related information.