iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered Jailbreak Proof, Cyberelevat0r May Be The Next Jailbreak

Jailbreak 7.1.1 Untethered iOS Proof, Cyberelevat0r may be i0n1c’s Next Jailbreak - Today, ensuing our latest coverage on i0n1c’s possible iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered jailbreak for all iDevices, the hacker has taken matters a step further by posting additional proof. Allegedly spawning as a byproduct of i0n1c’s various exploitation training seminars, the jailbreak 7.1.1 utility he has in the works fully functions UnTethered on the iPhone 5c. As for other devices such as the iPhone 5s, iPhone 4s, 4, iPod touch and iPad Air, Mini 2 models, there’s no doubt that i0n1c’s jailbreak requires additional testing, as stated in our latest post where we tackle the difficulty associated with jailbreaking 7.1.1 for 44 different devices. Back to the latest regarding the iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak, i01nc tweeted out a brief video running through the customary ‘proof of jailbreak’ steps to corroborate that his iPhone 5c is indeed jailbroken on iOS 7.1.1 Untethered.

Jailbreak 7.1.1 UnTethered - I0n1c’s Cyberelevat0r Utility Proof

Jailbreak 7.1.1 UnTethered iOS Cyberelevat0r

In a seemingly cryptic and convoluted tweet, i0n1c said the following when posting the link to his brief video: “The story of the #Cyberelevat0r iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak is a story full of misconceptions and misinformation”.

If anything, the key bit of information to be ascertained from the previously mentioned tweet is that i0n1c’s iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak tool will reportedly be dubbed Cyberelevat0r. While the hacker may have intended the name to be reserved as a placeholder until his utility is actually ready, it’s improbable that he’ll change it now, seeing as a vast majority of his followers, as well as blogs, picked up the idea and ran with it.

While we won’t embed the video directly, we’ll highlight the steps taken to confirm his jailbreak’s authenticity (iCrackUriDevice’s Jailbreak Update video, embedded below, highlights the information in today’s article soon).

Untethered Cyberelevator Jailbreak 7.1.1 Proof by i0n1c

Jailbreak Labels:

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30 Responses to iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered Jailbreak Proof, Cyberelevat0r May Be The Next Jailbreak

  1. Miltiadis says:

    what is the link for IOS 7.1.1 on iphone 4s ? i cant find it. please help me i will appreciate that.

  2. asda says:

    you talk so but so what is the link for jailbreak ios 7.1.1 iphone 5?

  3. jim fromchina says:

    I’m so happy to see that,My English is to bad,like the all Chinese people , So please be quick.

  4. MuneerAhmad says:

    Where can I download that jailbreake tool for ios 7.1.1 iPhone 4s

  5. Allen says:

    one question let say after I have jailbroken my iphone. I could add the paid dlc’s for a certain game right? so I was just wondering if apple again makes a new update let say ios 7.2 will the dlc’s I’ve added to that certain game will not work?

  6. owel says:

    I can wait for the update!!!! I have iphone 4(gsm) ios 7.1.1 semi tethered. can it be change to untethered? thank you

    • badwolf says:

      PLEASE !!! i have iPhone 4S 7.1.1 and i like to jailbreak but i dont know how i try many times but nothing if someone KNOW please help me send me link , and i like jailbreak untethered Thanks

  7. Mahdi says:

    I have a question please for under 5s iphone ios 7.1 is what I have to spend a ios 7.1.1 ios 7.1.2 before pointing his nose?? and thank you.

  8. Mahdi says:

    a highly ios 7.1.1 jailbreak before the World Cup and thank you.

  9. Gaty says:

    Just curious-why would anyone update to 7.1.1 and lose your jailbreak? If you have a new device, it’s unavoidable, but for an existing device, 7.0.6 jailbroken works just fine. Just wondering…

    • biddy says:

      If your phone crashes and you are forced to restore using iTunes, it automatically updates your software.

  10. Soul says:

    What happens if I jailbreak my Iphone4 with the semi-unthetered jailbreak there is out now, and then if this is released jailbreak again, is a restore required first or can you juat jailbreak over an old jailbreak?

  11. Okei says:

    Well, they are working hard to make this happen. You guys should be patient or they won’t give what you guys don’t deserve, just saying. (;

  12. azr says:

    just do it !!!

  13. Saddam says:

    I wait ios 7.1.1 jailbreak Please realese?

  14. Mahdi says:

    hi, please release the jailbreak ios 7.1.1 wait for 5 or 6 months yet his soule me this type of use

  15. Bash says:

    When do you thinl ios 7.1.1 jailbreak will be out then? Cos i miss my iphone being jailbroken and wiah it would be out like this week…

  16. Mahdi says:

    Why wait 7 to 8 months for the ios 8.1 release because in any case the jailbreak will not be stable with ios 8.0 jailbreak for a highly weed-end

  17. Mahdi says:

    I’m bored to death without jailbreak ios 7.1.1

  18. Mahdi says:

    Je m’ennuie a mourir sans jailbreak ios 7.1.1

  19. Maurice says:

    yea i miss downloading movies from the bigU app

  20. TechRaxx says:

    With Cydia back we can install thise awesome apps again like the bigU App. I know most of us have been watching m o v i e s from the bigU app’s site at “t h e b i g u . i n f o” but having app again would be even better. The site just added Godzilla and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

  21. ios,7.1.1WILLGETRAPED says:

    CANT WAIT!!!!

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