Pangu 7.1.1 Jailbreak For iOS 7.1.x: Is Pangu Safe, Will There Be An Evasi0n 7.1.1 Tool, Can I Change My Date And Other Questions - Pangu, a strange and interesting name that was virtually unheard of amongst members of the jailbreak community until yesterday. Now however, the name is quickly rising in prominence and recognition following an “out-of-the-blue” (as MuscleNerd put it) release of the Pangu jailbreak 7.1.1 UnTethered utility from the new Chinese Pangu Dev Team. While many have questioned the authenticity of the new and unfamiliar team that operates under the Pangu moniker, we’re here to set the record straight regarding the all-new Pangu iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak for all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models and clarify current misconceptions. As a precursor, it’s paramount to mention that Pangu remains the only Untethered jailbreak 7.1.1 solution for all iDevices, including the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 4S, 4, iPad Air, Mini 2, iPad 4, 3 and the 5th generation iPod touch.
Is Pangu Safe To Use And Can I Jailbreak 7.1.1 UnTethered?
Simply stated, yes, Pangu is safe. While there have been questions pertaining to the tool’s authenticity and origin, we’ll highlight all areas of concern in today’s explanatory post - please reserve your questions until after reading all of our key points.
MuscleNerd of the evad3rs, Saurik (the creator of Cydia), i0n1c, iH8Sn0w and iCrackUriDevice, as well as the staff of Jailbreak Pangu (formerly Jailbreak Evasi0n Info) have all confirmed the legitimacy of Pangu and have verified that the tool is safe.
(I personally wouldn’t jump from JB 7.0.x to 7.1.1 for this. But if I were at 6.x or 7.1.x already, it appears to be okay so far!)
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) June 23, 2014
It’s HERE! My Untethered iOS 7.1.1 #JAILBREAK Tutorial: #pangu #iOS711 — iCu iD (@iCrackUriDevice) June 23, 2014
Where does Pangu come from and who Developed it?
Pangu was created by a group of Chinese hackers that go by the same name as the utility: the Pangu Team.
The group of iOS hackers were hired by a third-party Chinese company that offered to pay Pangu an undisclosed sum of money to create a new Untethered jailbreak for 7.1.1 and bundle somewhat questionable software with it. However, said software can be opted out of prior to the install, which is actually what we recommended doing in our detailed Pangu jailbreak tutorial.
Why do I need to set the Date to June 2nd and What’s the Certificate Pangu installs?
Both of these commonly asked questions can be answered simultaneously when knowing how Pangu works. Essentially, instead of burning through valuable exploits for the initial execution of unsigned code to exploit iOS 7.1.1, Pangu makes use of an Enterprise Developer account from Apple, which requires the installation of certificates.
As for why it’s required to roll the date back when jailbreaking with Pangu, for the same reason a similar process is required when installing GBA4iOS. Due to the fact that Apple doesn’t sanction the use of Developer certificates for the purpose of jailbreaking, the company has revoked the distribution privileges of the Developer account that generated the certificates. In light of that fact, setting the date back to June 2nd, a time when the Developer account still possessed distribution privileges, is required to actually make use of the certificates and allow the jailbreak to function properly.
Can I change my device’s Settings to reflect the current Date after Jailbreaking with Pangu?
Yes, once jailbroken on iOS 7.1.1, you may return your device to the current date. In fact, following the final reboot in the jailbreak process, Pangu should revert the date Settings on 7.1.x automatically.
Will the Evad3rs Update Evasi0n? I think I’ll wait until they Release Evasion 7.1.1
Unfortunately, that’s not a possibility. The evad3rs won’t update evasi0n to jailbreak 7.1.1 - in fact, they can’t. When Apple released iOS 7.1 to the public, the company effectively patched the key iOS vulnerabilities that evasi0n exploited to achieve an UnTethered jailbreak on iOS 7.0 through 7.0.6. That, in conjunction with the fact that Pangu utilizes a Developer Enterprise cert (certificate) are the contributing factors in why the evad3rs cannot simply reverse engineer Pangu to update evasi0n for iOS 7.1.1
The use of the (expired) enterprise certificate is the most unique part of Pangu JB (but it’s something we avoid for legal reasons)
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) June 23, 2014
While the evad3rs are bound by the US law in relation to iOS and the use of Enterprise accounts for the execution of unsigned code, the Pangu team presumably reside outside the jurisdiction of the any such restrictions.
Pangu is in Chinese, I can’t understand it - Is there an English version of Pangu?
No, as of now, the interface for Pangu 1.0 is exclusively written in Chinese. However, our in-depth tutorial, which is linked to both above and below, contains not only fool-proof instructions to successfully jailbreak 7.1.1, but also a step-by-step video explantation.
Updated instructional and Jailbreak Pangu Q&A video from iCrackUriDevice.
Original Pangu tutorial on its release day from iCuiD (iCrackUriDevice’s secondary channel).
What’s the Jailbreak Process like, is it Easy enough to use Pangu to Jailbreak 7.1.1?
Surprisingly, it’s a breeze to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with Pangu - it’s a relatively painless process and devices jailbroken via Pangu remain extremely responsive.
If you have yet to jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 UnTethered, don’t forget to follow our comprehensive iOS 7.1.1 Pangu tutorial for the most thorough guide on the web.
Stay tuned for additional coverage on Pangu and if you’re interested in learning how to earn paid iOS 7.1.1 App Store apps for Free, with or without a Jailbreak, we advise navigating to our tutorial on FreeAppLife.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Pangu 7.1.1 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on Google+ to be swiftly notified when we publish new articles regarding iOS 7.1.1, Apple’s upcoming 7.1.2 firmware and the Pangu jailbreak.
To those of you who say certain cydia apps do not function on 7.1.1, well that is not completely true:
Using geek0w to semi-untether jb on an iPhone 4 on iOS 7.1.1, featured repos’ apps have a version inhibitor for apps unsupported on 7.1.1 and there is no ‘install’ button.
But, other repos you can add to cydia will not stop an install if it isn’t supported on 7.1.1
So some installed apps like iFile, do work. Activator has some non working features, but works for my needs (tapping status bar for SBSsettings drop down, for example).
List of installed packages:
0. 1812 Overture Ringtone
1. 7-zip (POSIX)
2. Activator
3. AdBlocker
4. adv-cmds
5. AppList
6. AppSync Unified
7. APR (/usr/lib)
8. APR-util
9. APT 0.6 Transitional
10. APT 0.7 (apt-key)
11. APT 0.7 Strict
12. APT 0.7 Strict (lib)
13. Barrel
14. basic-cmds
15. Berkeley DB
16. BigBoss Icon Set
17. biteSMS
18. Bloard
19. Boba Fett Loading Wheel
20. Bourne-Again SHell
21. Bridge
22. BYA Repo Icons
23. bzip2
24. Complete PPSync Remover
25. Core Utilities
26. Core Utilities (/bin)
27. cURL
28. CyDelete7
29. Cydia Substrate
30. Darwin Tools
31. Debian Packager
32. Debian Utilities
33. Default HD SBSettings
34. Diff Utilities
35. diskdev-cmds
36. Effects+
37. Erica Utilities
38. Essential
39. f.lux
40. file-cmds
41. Find Utilities
42. FindFile
43. Five Icon Dock
44. Flipswitch
45. Fresh Prince Intro Ringtone
46. Gawk
47. GeekSn0w Semi Untether Payload
48. Germs
49. gettext
50. GNU Privacy Guard
51. grep
52. gzip
53. HHGTTG Ringtone
54. HYI Repo Icons
55. IconSupport
56. iFile Cracked
57. inetutils
58. less
59. libhide
60. LowPowerBanner
61. LZMA Utils
62. network-cmds
63. New Curses
64. New Day Ringtone
65. NoSlowAnimations
66. OpenSSH
67. OpenSSL
68. PAM (Apple)
69. PAM Modules
70. PC Networking
71. pcre
72. pincrush
73. PkgBackup Cracked
74. Pokemon Battle Fire
75. Pokemon Emerald (ENG)
76. PreferenceLoader
77. Profile Directory
78. PwnCenter
79. readline
80. Robot Ringtone
81. RocketBootstrap
82. Saurik’s Source
83. SBSettings
84. sbsettingstoggles
85. sed
86. Serious SBSettings HD
87. shell-cmds
88. ShowCase
89. SiNfuL iPhone Repo Icons
90. SQLite 3.x Library
91. Star Wars
92. Substrate Safe Mode
93. syslogd to /var/log/syslog
94. system-cmds
95. Tape Archive
96. UIKit Tools
97. unrar
98. VLC media player
99. WeeLoader
100. wget
101. WiFiFoFum
102. Windows Music
103. WinterBoard
Phone is rebooted as required (I forget to charge it) from DFU-mode with geeksn0w and operates very well and is stable.
It jailbreaks fine but none of the apps in Cydia are compatable on 7.1.1 so now it’s useless to me. I should have stayed on 7.0.6
I’ve jailbroken iphone 5 and seems to be working very fine however the battery is draining very fast as compare to non jailbroken. If you have same issue or any solution for this… plz help me
Now that’s some great 411. The jailbreak works I can say for sure the day it was realesed I JB my ipad air running 7.1.1 & have’nt had any issues. If Saurik & the evad3rs crew have given the stamp of approval there’s nothing to worry.
WHAT,i just went to download the pangu jb,was guna test it on my old iphone 4s,BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY!
The evaders do it for free,it works out @ $33 aus,if it dont work are you going to refund mt money?
Plus as i said above,IM STILL waiting for app developers to catch up to 7.0.6,winterboard works on my iphone not on my ipad,same with add blocker,i can just see me wastin $30 and bein stuck usin less apps than now.
Ill think on it read a few more comments.
I thawt it was illegal to charge for a jailbreak?
My IOS 7.1.1 corrupted after I installed the Pangu. several applications have been corrupted.
Davis, I replied to your post with instructions but my answer to you has not been approved.
MuscleNerd … I’m indeed with 1 phone on iOS 6.1.2 jailbreak and other phone on iOS 7.0.6. As my English is not perfect. I understand in your words, stay were you are if it works fine. I like to know, we are now 2 days further if your meaning is still same? Is it worthy to update with iTunes to iOS 7.1.1 and use the new jailbreak?
Good day
Installed a treat….
Unfortunately,had to remove straight away-Barclays on-line
banking not allowed on JB devices.
Something I use every day..
Ah well, exciting whilst it lasted.
Pangu pls fix the iPhone 5 boot loop problem..
Works perfect on my 5s gold
Fast jailbreak
Is it worth uprading my jb from 7.0.6 evasion to the 7.1.1 pangu jb.
Im still waiting now for app devlopers to catch up to 7.0.6 wirh updates,if i upgrade again,the wait will be even longer?
After restore to new IOS 7.1.1 , is this jailbreak activate the locked phone 5 ??
PKGBackup firstly……
I wouldn’t trust this to save my life. No thanks!
I did this on my iphone 5 everything went perfectly!
I have ipad mini 2, and the program gives me that my device is ipad 4,4 .
can I continue installing or not?????
please, reply fast!!!!!!!!!
don’t worry about that. IT says my device is an ipad 4 running 7.1 and it’s an Ipad air running 7.1.1, and it works perfectly.. so don’t worry. It’ll be fine..
Sweet works perfect iPhone 4
Sweet works perfecto
iPhone 4
this work perfect and i already jailbreake my cousing retina ipad and my ipad2 so go for it but stay sure you close all windows from the device while jailbreakin and follow the video tutorial¡¡¡
PanguJB jailbroke my iPad2 without a hitch!!!
Tried my iPhone4, and it got stuck in a loop, restored to 7.1.1 w/o JB… will try again tonight, any suggestions?
Next will be my iPhone5s, hopefully it will go as smooth as my iPad2… so far with me, it’s a 50/50 chance of an error and I did both iPad2/iPhone4 exactly the same…
I have jail broken my brand new iPhone 5s 7.1.1 with Pangu without any problem and was very smooth. Before I run the utility I actually change the date so it did not ask or wait until the date/time changed.
Fantastic work Pingu Team. Who ever it is here is a thumbs up !!!
Still people asking about unlocks…
Are you ppl just plain stupid or what?
Get your idevice unlock through your carrier or pay for a service that provides the unlock. Plenty of sellers on 3bay that do it for sfa.
!!!! This is a jb community. No unlocks here !!!
Just awaiting PKGBackup to get fixed, then 7.0.6 -> 7.1.1!
tried on iphone 4 but keeps coming up as iphone 3 but other then that the jail break worked fine
Maybe now more than 1 jailbreak a year will be released!!!! Good for you pangu team!!! This jailbreak works like a charm!!! I love it… And it’s smooth as butter!!!! ;P
JBd my iPhone 5 without any issues, without even having to restore it. I just ran Pangu and my iPhone remained the same with all my personal files, apps and data. The only difference is Cydia was added. Oh, and my notifications were all deactivated, so I just had to reactivate them all 1 by 1. Other than that JB with Pangu is really a simple process.
“The group of iOS hackers were hired by a third-party Chinese company that offered to pay Pangu an undisclosed sum of money to create a new Untethered jailbreak for 7.1.1”
This definitely sounds like a company wants to harm Apple’s profits. (not necessarily Chinese, after all the hackers are Chinese but the job may have been paid by any Apple competitor, Google, Samsung, etc…)
It’s about time the evade3r dev team got some competition!!! Thank you pangu team!!!! Thank you for not holding onto the jailbreak until the world ends!!!!!
This may work, and though it remains to be seen what may come of it, but I’d be a little concerned with this because if everyone has a device hacked by foreign parties that will pay an unknown sum for someone in their own country to make this, then how many unknown Chinese hackers have you just let into your home and personal life? On top of that, the wildly know “scene” hackers do not even recognize this team presents a problem in itself.
Thank you! This just wigs me out completely.
People need to learn that jbs and unlocks are 2 different things. And now how apple has it set up there isn’t too many developers developing unlocks for stolen iPhones anymore. If you do legally own a phone to be unlocked you wouldn’t need a secondary program to unlock it since you can get it unlocked from places with you udid and not any additional software. With that said go buy a legit iPhone and you won’t need to ask about unlocks in a jailbreak forum.
Pangu making iPhone users spill Man goo all over the keyboard. I wasn’t to sure at first with an unknown team releasing a jailbreak, especially from china, but when prominent devs like ih8sn0w or musclenerd say its safe I tried it out and had no problems. Always gotta love when a unknown dev team pops up with something real. Every time in the past few years when an unknown pops up with a jb it usually is all smoke and mirror bs, but not this time. Thanks pangu
I have an iPhone 5 and I want to know if it will work on it. Ive herd that there are problems with the iPhone 5.
no there are not close ur apps from multitasking and do it its safe
My IOS 7.1.1 corrupted after I installed the Pangu. several applications have been corrupted.
Pangu is a great tool and it gets the job done.
A few weeks later without a jailbreak and I would have been crying…
Thanks guys, i did it as soon as you published it for my 5S and it runs perfectly. Now just waiting for some tweaks update to be compatible with the 5S. Otherwise GREAT
thank you it worked on my iphone 5c and its working great
thank you it worked on my iphone 5c and its working great
do you need to be activated is there hacktivate
I have jailbreak my iPhone 4 7.1.1 with pangu But i was Not sure if pangu is a real jealbreak or Fake but After jailbreak i was really suprised there was cydia ans all Apps work normally i Shuttle my device down and turn it. in again and it. Work no Problem yet i have try it because i was in an tethered jb now I’m Running untethered
thx Pangu great work….. Sry 4 my Bad english:/
Can it support iPhone 5 plss
yes ive done my iphone 5c works good
How can I unlock my iPhone 4s after I jailbreak it.
Thank you!
there are no unlocks ….
What about an unlock repo, is 7.1.1 unlockable? All devices
What about the ipad 2 it doesn’t work or what because I jailbroke it and then when it booted up the ipad will keep booting up and repeating the same thing.
Try to find some sort of bootfix
just put it in DFU and restore with itunes and try again, I did my iPad2 without a hitch… however, my iPhone4 had this problem, I put in DFU and restored, now it’s on 7.1.1 but w/o jailbreak, I’m going to try again tonight and see if I get my iPhone5s done also…
have you activated the ipad then JB?? or this tool takes care all after restore to IOS 7.1.1