Download Updated TinyUmbrella To Backup 6.1.2 SHSH Files

Jailbreak Labels:

15 Responses to Download Updated TinyUmbrella To Backup 6.1.2 SHSH Files

  1. sina says:

    how is jailbreak

  2. gurpreet says:

    please help me..tiny umbrella unable to save my only saves a jar file and .plist file when i click “save all shsh” and when i try to restore with iTunes by starting tiny umbrella tss server, it gives error 1600.

    • gurpreet says:

      and my iphone 4 is in rebbot loop,i successfully bott it in recovery or dfu mode.but getting error while restore.

  3. Michael diaz says:

    How do i downgrade 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 i would like for you to explain step by step

  4. Michael says:

    Yes Same Question from triskele.. I have Iphone4 accidentally updated to 6.1.3 so I semi untethered jailbreak it. Now I want to downgrade it using tinyumbrella. Am i able to save SSHH BLOBS FOR 6.1.2??? HOW??? It always given me 6.1.3 SSHH BLOBS! I need 6.1.2 SSHH blobs in using EVASION to Downgrade it and NOt 6.1.3 SSHH blobs.. HElp me plss.. I have 6.1.2 IPSW for iphone for.. latest Evasion tool and redsnow. I think 6.1.2 SSHH blobs is my problem.. requirement to downgrade.

  5. muhamad says:

    ??? ??????

  6. James Bond 007 says:

    All you people were supposed to back up your SHSH Blobs Prior to Any Firmware upgrade.The SHSH Blobs are Firware specific.For maney of you,you can’t do a software rollback now (The SHSH blobs are firmware specific)!

  7. James Bond 007 says:

    All of you were supposed to back up your SHSH Blobs, Prior to ugradeing the firmware.SHSH Blobs are software specific.You Cant do a software rollback now!The SHSH Blobs are specifically made for that firmware Version.

  8. atikur says:

    how i will download shsh blobs 6.1.2 to downgrade 6.1.3

  9. trananh says:


  10. Ss says:

    :??? ??????

  11. Triskele says:

    I’m guessing what this software does is allow me to go backwards and restore 6.1.2 or later versions if for some reason I accidentally upgrade to an iOS that is not jailbroken. Correct? If so, to back up 6.1.2 using TinyUmbrella how do I do it? I have downloaded the utility. Now what do I do? Plug in my device to my computer using usb? Then, run TinyUmbrella?

    • evasi0n admin says:

      No, you can only grab SHSH blobs and you can only use the blobs to downgrade the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or the iPod touch 4th generation. However, if a downgrade for the newer iDevices becomes available in the future, it’ll most likely require SHSH blobs!

  12. Triskele says:

    what is TinyUmbrella and why do I need it? Also, I can find no link on this site to the download page.

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