How to Get Paid iOS 8 Apps for Free Without iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak, Free App Life - Today, ensuing our recent coverage on the all-new Untethered iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak utility, the staff of Evasi0n Jailbreak opted to bring our readers a bit of diversity with today’s article. Amidst the whirlwind of iOS software releases, including 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.2 beta 2, and corresponding jailbreaks for said releases (both Pangu8 and TaiG exist to jailbreak iOS 8 through 8.1.2, the latest public firmware), we’ve decided to cover a topic that’s highly requested by readers: free paid App Store apps! We’ll delve into the easiest way to obtain free paid apps on iOS 8 and 8.1.2 from the App Store with, or without, a jailbreak on any firmware. While we’re completely and utterly against App Store piracy and “cracked apps,” there are several services available that not only provide legal channels for obtaining paid iOS 8.1.2 apps for free, but also simultaneously support the developers of said apps by legitimately purchasing redeemable codes from iTunes. While we’ve written a total of four articles on the service we’re about to highlight in the past, Free App Life (or FAL for short, as it’s referred to by its creators and users) has matured and evolved into a free paid apps service we’re even more excited to cover. When utilizing the steps explicitly outlined in this tutorial, you’ll be able to get paid apps for free, not to mention gift cards and bigger electronic prizes - all you need is an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 7, iOS 8 or 8.1.2, and it doesn’t even need to be jailbroken with TaiG or Pangu! For your complete step-by-step guide on how to earn paid iOS 8 apps for free, continue reading past the break.
How To Get Paid Apps Free - Best Paid Apps For Free Service Without iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak
While there are other services that exist that are similar to FreeAppLife, none are as extensive and easy to earn points, and in turn prizes, as FAL. The site not only boasts a most robust points system, but we’ve been informed that the service has incredibly high hopes for the future of intractable app ads and the entire ‘download an app for points and redeem for paid apps’ concept.
During the creation, and the various rebuilds Free App Life has undergone, a number of welcomed features have been added. We’ve had the pleasure of testing and previously reviewing the service - in fact, we’ve even jumped on board and are partnering with them on certain projects. The staff of Evasi0n Jailbreak has also been given an inside look at not only Free App Life’s systems and how they allow users to earn paid apps on iOS 8.1.2 for free, but also future plans and developmental rollouts.
Moreover, it’s mind-boggling how easy it is to actually earn and redeem $0.99 paid apps for free from the App Store (or even more expensive paid apps), it’s shocking that a user can easily earn enough points to accomplish the aforementioned feat in as little as a few minutes - our entire staff is at a loss for words when it comes to how much we’ve enjoyed using FreeAppLife and getting our hands on awesome paid apps for free that we otherwise wouldn’t purchase.
iOS 8 Jailbreak Not Required For Free Paid iOS 8.1.2 App Store Apps!
The following steps will guide you through the process of earning points on Free App Life and redeeming said points to get free paid apps from the official iOS 8 App Store.
Step 1: On an either an iOS 7 or an iOS 8-based device, whether jailbroken or non-jailbroken, launch the default Safari app, navigate to this post if you aren’t already reading it from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and visit FreeAppLife’s download page by tapping here.
Step 2: Simply tap the word “Download” on the Free App Life mobile site, followed by “Install” to the default iOS installation prompt. After doing so, for those of you on iOS 8, press the home button, launch the app, verify the use of FreeAppLife to the confirmation prompt and install the temporary secure profile. Interestingly, said profile is strictly used for associating devices with their proper accounts in a more secure manner on iOS 8 and 8.1.2, it’s actually deleted once the account has been properly linked, or relinked, to the device.
Step 3: While we advise watching through the entire ‘Install Tutorial’, it isn’t necessary, simply tap any of the sponsored offers in the “Get Points” section, followed by the “Continue” button to be redirected to the proper App Store listing for said offer once the background processes have finished loading. After that, simply install the app, launch it either from within the App Store or from your device’s home screen and leave the app open for approximately 60 seconds while briefly interacting with it.
Step 4: Return to the Free App Life app and tap the simple refresh button in the upper left corner of the app’s interface - if the previous steps were followed correctly the points will be applied to your total provided the proper verification period for the specific app has passed, some offers may take up to 24 hours to fully confirm and verify (only applicable in certain cases). If you experience difficulties for whatever reason, open the offer that’s causing complications and tap the “Missing Points? Tap for Help” link to establish communication with the sponsors themselves!
Step 5: Exchange the points obtained from the above steps for some of the hottest paid apps on the App Store and gift cards in the “Rewards” section - remember, you can earn free paid apps on iOS 8.1.2 and lower, regardless of whether your device is jailbroken.
Congratulations, after following only five simple and easy-to-understand steps, you’ve successfully earned paid apps on iOS 8.1.2 for free on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 7 through the latest public firmware!
Paid iOS 8 Apps For Free And iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus Giveaway!
Also, if you want to earn an unlimited number of points to use for FreeAppLife’s various prizes, simply refer friends and family to the service using your referral code, which can be found in the “Social” tab at the bottom - you can also gain entries into Free App Life’s new iPhone 6 Plus giveaway!
To enter to win either an iPhone 6 or an iPhone 6 Plus, simply follow the steps outlined in the video that’s embedded on today’s post. As a concluding note, Free App Life is easily the most powerful and useful rewards platform for iOS that still supports developers and with numerous giveaways held on a regular basis, including the new iPhone 6 Plus that’s up for grabs, it’s the perfect time to visit Free App Life and download their powerful app.
Finally, there’s also a jailbreak available for iOS 8.1.2, the latest public firmware as of writing this article, using TaiG for iOS 8 through 8.1.x - follow our complete guide for instructions.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Evasion 8.1.2 Free Paid Apps news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantly notified when we release new articles pertaining to paid apps for free, iOS 8.1.2, subsequent 8.1.x updates from Apple, as well as new jailbreak utilities for said updates.
I am trying to install applife but after intalling the profile it redirect to the webpage and a page opens saying verify your account..!! What should i do..??
I installed this and the next day my Debit card was hacked. Bullsh*t app!!! Anyone know how to fully uninstall?????
If you want a bonus 300 points when you sign up, use the referral code 7ed88c
How to hack mobile app
If you want 250 bonus points when you sign up, use referral code 7ed88c
Thanks Taig you guys are amazing! and i will be more thanking if you can port Reicast for ios,i appreciate it more than money you offer or free apps
Money , Money , Money………….
Love it xo….. ????????????
Just get appaddict
Stop associating jailbreaking with pirating apps.
(y) ( $ paid $ ) thank you with a (y)
(Y)!!!! I loooooove my jailbreak. I wish I knew how to make the apps and the themes. That would be so fun
yyyyyyyyyyyyyythanx i will never own a un jailbroken iphone EVER
So sad u are missing out
No he’s not, read it again.
When the date of issuance jailbreak 8.1.2
Happy holidays and new year
Somebody can help me to paid cydia tweaks Photo albums . I dont have accou cydia
You mean photo albums+?
Yes , it is .
How about free paid cydia tweaks? I have solution :). PM me
Samantha Hain
Happy holidays… Greetings from iraq
how to unlock icloud?
boil a water! jock for you to cheer you up
Where is the Mac version ?
Meri Kristmas 😀
How are we going to make money now?
More money is always good
Free App Life fully supports developers, as all apps are officially purchased.
Happy Holidays
greetings from The Netherlands ????
is it possible with an ipad to bypass activation lock?
Cant find the direct link of jailbreak deng!!!
I LIKE!!!!!!(y) happy 2015 and lots of exiting jailbreaking news!!!! Jailbreak evasion rocks!!!!
needs more hashtag.
We were thinking too many 😛
Haroon Panezai. Read it. may be you will get something from it
Happy Holidays
Happy holidays
Same to you! Thank you for reading