Exclusive iPhone 5C Unboxing Of Every Rear Shell Color

First iPhone 5C Unboxing Video Of Every Rear Shell Color
Evasi0n Jailbreak iPhone 5C UnboxingCurrently, aside from an iOS 7 jailbreak and a post-iOS 7 utility to jailbreak 6.1.3, the most exciting news in the realm of all things Apple is related to the company’s upcoming iPhone 5C smartphone. For those of you who haven’t kept up with recent rumors, the iPhone 5C will be Apple’s hottest commodity in emerging markets and will appeal to those who are looking for a cheaper alternative to the iPhone without contractual subsidies. Today, in collaboration with BestTechInfo (a popular Apple technology site that was founded by Jailbreak Evasi0n’s manager iCrackUriDevice), we’re excited to provide our readers with the very first unboxing video of five leaked iPhone 5C rear shell components.

In the video embedded below, iCrackUriDevice opens and highlights five iPhone 5C back housings - one for each of the supposed colors the device will launch in, save for black.

Jailbreak Labels:

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20 Responses to Exclusive iPhone 5C Unboxing Of Every Rear Shell Color

  1. Larry2112 says:

    Forget iPhone 5c/5s it’s just a slight upgrade like all the S models I’m waiting till the ip 6 iOS 8!! I’m on iOS 7 beta now not bad but will wait till the full update to public soon

  2. Leozamp says:

    Put that knife in the trash! Hahahahah nice components!!!

  3. J says:

    So the “new” iphone 5 will be the most expensive one, then they will cease to produce the iphone 4s, and this will cost the same as the iphone 4s, so no change, everything will be the same price as always

  4. Grace says:

    How did he just happen to get this box? Doesn’t make since…

  5. E says:

    Why the hell is he giving us a play by play on the freaking styrofoam and bubble wrap?!

  6. J says:

    Where can I buy the back casing and how much are they

  7. derrickblogs says:

    I am wondering is there any chance this jailbreak for IOS7 will this work for 6.1.3 to enable turning off and on, because I know 6.1.3 has been a nightmare.. I stopped using Apple Iphone because it’s to much headache consider just using GSM only..

  8. Jesus Estrada says:

    They have to do the same as Samsung have different product for distinct people if the price is less than 200 I buy one because with a good cover not problem at all.

  9. Ash says:

    Personally I would prefer the iPhone 5S because it is more slick and beautiful….The 5Cheap won’t be that expensive, have colors, but there is always a downside to apple’s products.

  10. MarkMcKayTnt says:

    Wow… An iPhone5C… Is the ‘C’ for cheap?… Looks like a backyard step to a 3G… Apple will lose it credibility as soon as it starts producing cheap items…

    • Evasion Admin says:

      No, for Color. Although the iPhone 5C will be cheaper than other iPhone models, it won’t be “cheap”. It’s certainly high quality.

  11. Arererehpotsirk says:

    what will be the specifications of iPhone 5C?

  12. Larry2112 says:

    Gee eat the rainbow, it’s a starburst!!!

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