Evasi0n Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2, Will Evasion be Updated to Jailbreak 7.1.x? - With the latest Pangu iOS 7.1 through 7.1.2 jailbreak available for all iDevices, including newer ones such as the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, 5, 4S, iPad Air and the Retina iPad Mini 2, jailbreakers the world over got their wish. However, as surprising as it may be, there are still those who refuse to jailbreak 7.1.2 due to Pangu’s origin and are insisting on waiting for an UnTethered solution from the evad3rs. While we’ve covered the legitimacy of the new 7.1 jailbreak, and previously dispelled any claims of Pangu being fake, in light of our recent switch back to our original domain (Evasi0n Jailbreak), we felt as though it was an excellent time to further discuss the iOS 7.1.x jailbreak and whether the evad3rs will release evasion for 7.1.2!
Can I Jailbreak 7.1.2 With Evasi0n?
Although it would certainly be amazing if the evad3rs released evasi0n for iOS 7.1.2, it simply won’t happen.
We’ve briefly touched on this topic before in various articles regarding the 7.1 Pangu utility, essentially, it’s a matter of legality. Now before you say, “wait a second, I thought jail breaking was legal,” it is - jailbreaking has remained legal under the DMCA, the act of executing a 7.1.2 jailbreak itself isn’t the issue.
Can the Evad3rs Update Evasi0n for iOS 7.1.2?
The problem, and primary complication that’s preventing the evad3rs from simply reverse engineering Pangu and developing an updated evasi0n 7.1 tool, is the method Pangu employes to deliver (and execute) the initial unsigned code.
To simplify this explanation as much as possible it’s paramount to understand what and how a jailbreak is and functions, or at least have a rudimentary grasp of the concept.
The end goal of any jailbreak is to allow for root access, which enables all of the tweaks and packages that propagate Cydia to function. First however, code that isn’t signed by a developer, approved by Apple’s strict review team and distributed through the App Store must be executed, typically via exploits.
Pangu is Fundamentally Different than the Evasi0n Jailbreak
In the case of the Pangu jailbreak, the Pangu Team (the group of developers behind the creation of the 7.1.x jailbreak) used an Apple Developer Enterprise account to allow for the unsigned code to execute properly without burning through the incredibly valuable initial exploits that are typically required.
While other vulnerabilities are indeed used and exploited following the opening of the Pangu app, which functions thanks to the use of expired Developer Enterprise certificates (that function thanks to a loophole in Apple’s Developer program, which is explained in more depth here), Pangu relies heavily on the aforementioned certificates - without them, there wouldn’t be a jailbreak.
Although the evad3rs could have easily used either a Developer Enterprise account of their own or burn through new exploits, neither avenue is appealing and both have their obvious drawbacks.
The Untethered Jailbreak 7.1.2 Utility
That being said, Pangu will remain the only jailbreak for iOS 7.1 through 7.1.2. What’s more, Apple will almost certainly patch the jailbreak with the release of their forthcoming iOS 7.1.3 update.
Needless to say, if you have yet to jailbreak 7.1.2, the time to do so would be now - don’t miss your opportunity, as another jailbreak won’t be released until the days of iOS 8. To jailbreak 7.1, 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 fully Untethered on any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch model, we strongly advise following our detailed 7.1.x Pangu guide.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Evasi0n Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on Google+ to be immediately notified when we publish future articles pertaining to the evad3rs, iOS 7.1.2 and the evad3rs’ next UnTethered jailbreak.
I have 2 questions: 1.Can I still jb on my iPhone 5, 7.0.6 w evasion7? And 2: or would it be better to update to 712 w Pangu? Would like to hear as many thoughts n opinions
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Can I still jb on 7.0.6 w/o updating to 7.1.2 n if so would it be in evadi0n7 or was that patched?
Thank you very much.
Vincent77… Yes, you can install ipa files with pc. Install “ifunbox” on pc, Install “apple file conduit 2” on your device. Now you can install them using ssh.
(if the ipa files are “cracked”, be sure To also have “appsync unified” installed in your device. Both of these are found in Cydia. Good luck!
Two iPhones, 4s and 5s is jailbroken with Pangu. I really regret that I left evasiOn 7.0.6 and on 4S the iOS 6.1.2 jailbreak. The 6.1.2 was so much faster (memory) and had more easy tweaks. The 5s iPhone seem not good jailbreaked. The ifile do not alow transfer add to camera roll, as well via the download app. Some app update tweaks are not up to date. Today statusmodifier update… It has completely change the status bar and I can’t get back the old settings, it will not listen to the settings I made, reboot give other solutions etc. I think that the iOS 8 going to be not done for low the old iPhone 4S. I thought last weekend, I’m so long on 6.1.2, I was affright for the future and maybe was it a good idea to update because I had on iTunes code 6. Just update was not possible, restor to factory settings works so that the 4S is now on 7.1.2. I hate it, just click on safari for look on 1 website and directly is the memory 30 to +_ 60MB. I ADVICE EVERYONE that is still on ios 6.1.2 … STAY THERE. The old apps do not run away… I regret it so much. That’s it!
When do you think Apple will come out with the patch for Pangue? I want to know how much time I have to do the jb!
As long u dont update to 7.1.3 u are safe with the jailbreak.
What’s the point if an Evad3rs jailbreak? The horse has bolted guys!!!!
You snooze u loose.
JB success. But I cannot install .ipa from pc?
Need advise.
will, install Appsync from Cydia and than install afc2add from cysdia as well.. reboot iphone . install iFunbox on your Pc and enjoy install .ipa from Pc .. use USB cable to do that.
Ha crafty sneaky buggers. Still though it’s better than any Evasion bug infested jb I’ve ever had (that’s constructive criticism. I do appreciate the hard work of the Evasion team).
Pangu.io people! It’s the way forward. Shame though I doubt there will be anymore jbs quite like this one lol
A little too late now pangu already beat you guys too it. It’s pointless to even update so people can jailbreak.
I thought evasi0n7 for my (never jailbroken) iPhone 5 version 7.0.6 with regards to jail breaking that that was no longer available because apple patched it and now wouldn’t work and I have to update to 7.1.2 in order to jb with Pangu . So I DON’T have to update to jb through evasi0n7 on my iphone 7.0.6?
I’m confused! Do I jb on evasion or Pangu for my IPhone 5 upgrading from 7.0.6 to 7.1.2?
Pangu for iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2 and evasi0n7 for iOS 7.0-7.0.6