Download Evasi0n7 1.0.7 to Jailbreak 7.0.6 and Correct Update Issues - Today, ensuing the release of both iOS 7.0.6 and the 7.0.6 jailbreak-capable evasi0n 1.0.6 edition, the evad3rs have issued an update to their evasi0n7 Untethered jailbreak tool: evasi0n 1.0.7. As with past iterations of the utility, evasion7 1.0.7 is still a one-click jailbreak that’s capable of jailbreaking 7.0.6 on the iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPod touch 5, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPad mini models. The primary reason the evad3rs released evasion 1.0.7 in the first place was to correct a “problem where the bundled package lists could not be updated by Cydia”. In this quick update article, you’ll find links to download evasi0n7 1.0.7 and our complete, and in-depth, jailbreak 7.0.6 tutorial.
Evasi0n Jailbreak 7.0.6 Download Links
In a brief tweet, the evad3rs alerted the masses that the latest evasion7 1.0.7 version of their utility is now available for immediate download. iDevice owners who are currently jailbroken on iOS 7.0.6 that aren’t receiving Cydia updates are the only individuals who should “re-jailbreak”.
As previously mentioned, the evad3rs’ latest evasi0n7 1.0.7 UnTethered jailbreak 7.0.6 tool functions on the following iOS 7 iPad, iPhone and iPod models.
Jailbreak 7.0.6 And Download Evasi0n7 1.0.7 With Official Download Links
- iPad Air
- iPhone 5S (the latest A7-based iterations)
- iPhone 5C
- iPad Mini 2 Retina (2nd generation iPad mini models)
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4
- iPad mini
- iPad 4
- iPad 3
- iPad 2
- iPod Touch 5th generation versions
If you have yet to jailbreak 7.0.6 or your iDevice is previously jailbroken on an earlier iteration of iOS 7 (e.g. 7.0.4), we strongly advise following our guide to assist you in both updating and jailbreaking 7.0.6 Untethered.
Download Evasi0n7 1.0.7 to Jailbreak 7.0.6 UnTethered - Evasion 7 Download Links
Download Evasi0n7 1.0.7 for Mac OS X-based computers
Download Evasi0n 1.0.7 for Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP-powered PCs
Download Evasion7 1.0.7 Requirements:
The following is the exact list of iOS 7.0.6 jailbreak requirements for the UnTethered evasi0n7 1.0.7 utility that the evad3rs have on their official site.
- 5 minutes of your time!
- A computer, running Windows (XP minimum), Mac OS X (10.6 minimum) or Linux (x86 / x86_64)
- iTunes installed if you’re running Windows
- An iPhone, iPad or iPod running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.6 (you may check in Settings / General / About => Version)
- A USB cable to connect the device to the computer
Jailbreak Download evasi0n7 Note: In addition to evasi0n7 1.0.7, you must have the latest version of iTunes installed on OS X or a Windows-based computer before you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad on Apple’s iOS 7.0.4, 7.0.5 and 7.0.6 firmwares.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak and Download Evasion7 1.0.7 Info news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantly notified when we publish future articles regarding evasion7 1.0.7 and the 7.0.6 UnTethered jailbreak.
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How to Jailbreak my Pad 3 iOS 7.1.0 ?
hello guys every one can not download it just press tab 8 to select download and this way u can download it enjoy
Just disable JavaScript from the browser. That painful pop won’t come up if you do so.
What that freaking like pop up in the middle of the page doing. Can’t scroll down to click on that thing.
what is wronge with evasion ….. i liked the page still am nt able to download Evasion 71.0.7 ….. hw shuld i download it
Can’t download… stuck on the like thingy
Same here. Can’t download, stuck on fb like and share. Just remove it guys, it’s annoying!
I can’t download Evasi0n 7 1.0.7 I keep getting a window requiring me to like on FB or wait. I chose like and I am STILL waiting.
don’t like
Same here!
hello guys every one can not download it just press tab 8 to select download and this way u can download it enjoy
Is there a patch in Cydia correct this without re-jailbreaking?
I have an iPhone 5 version 7.0.6 that I just updated without being connected to my MacBook Pro. In order to jailbreak successfully, do I have to redo it again connecting my iPhone to the computer using the apple wire n update it again that way in order for jailbreak to work without any issues?
Is there a Support for OSX 10.6.8?