Complete Holiday Jailbreak 7.0.4 Guide, Everything From Cydia To Solutions
In-depth Holiday Jailbreak 7.0.4 UnTethered Guide, Boot Loop, iPad 2 And MoreToday, we not only wanted to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, but we also wanted to put together this comprehensive Christmas jailbreak 7.0.4 guide for those of you who received new iDevices today. First and foremost, if you have yet to hear the exciting news, on Sunday, December 22nd, the evad3rs released their Evasi0n7 UnTethered jailbreak utility for iOS 7. In addition to jailbreaking 7.0.4, evasi0n 7 also functions on previous iterations of iOS 7, including 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2 and 7.0.3. Moreover, all iOS 7-based devices are jailbreakable via evasion 7 - now’s the time to jailbreak 7.0.4!
Evasi0n7 and the iOS 7 UnTethered Jailbreak
As mentioned above, evasion7 can jailbreak 7.0.4 (Apple’s latest public firmware) on the following iOS 7 devices:
- iPod Touch 5th generation
- iPhone 5S
- iPhone 5C
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4
- iPad Mini 2 (Retina display models)
- iPad mini
- iPad Air
- iPad 4 (4th gen versions, powered by A6X CPUs)
- iPad 3
- iPad 2
Although evasi0n7 is indeed capable of jailbreaking all iterations of iOS 7, there will come a day in the very near future when Apple releases a software update to patch the evad3rs’ work and, in turn, render evasi0n 7 useless. For the time being however, feel free to jailbreak to your heart’s content, but take into account the iPad 2 and OTA update segments listed below.
Additionally, we highly recommend following the above video tutorial from jailbreak YouTuber iCrackUriDevice to easily and quickly Jailbreak your device on iOS 7.0.4.
Link to Jailbreak 7.0.4: Click here to be immediately redirected to our in-depth iOS 7.0.4 Evasi0n7 UnTethered Jailbreak tutorial.
Evasi0n 7 and iPad 2 iOS 7.0.4 Jailbreak Complications
Unfortunately, there are a few minor compatibility issues with evasion7 and Apple’s iPad 2, causing some devices to enter an infinite boot loop. While the issue may be corrected for some users by following our OTA update fix, which is detailed below, others need simply wait until the evad3rs release the next version of evasi0n (most likely in the form of evasi0n 7 1.0.2).
We still have to work on the compatibility issue with the iPad 2, but we have been busy celebrating with our family… Tomorrow probably!
— pod2g (@pod2g) December 25, 2013
While we don’t have an exact timeframe for the release of evasi0n 1.0.2, famed hacker pod2g of the evad3rs informed followers on Twitter that the team will be working over the next few days to correct the issue. However, it’s unlikely that a solution will go live today, seeing as it’s Christmas and the evad3rs are spending time with family and friends. We’ll be sure to notify readers when the new utility goes live.
The UnTethered 7.0.4 Jailbreak, OTA Updates and Other Issues
Most problems, such as iPad 2 complications, boot and recover loops on other devices and oddities once jailbroken, including an annoying and persistent iMessage Not Delivered error and the Mail app not functioning, can be corrected by simply performing the following steps. Furthermore, if you’ve updated to your device’s current firmware via Apple’s OTA (over-the-air) update method, you’ll need to follow this simple tutorial.
Step 1: Initiate a backup of your device in iTunes if possible; if you are already in a boot and/or recovery loop, you’ll need to skip to the next step and hope you have a recent backup of your device’s data.
Step 2: Enter DFU mode by connecting your device to a computer via a USB cable, holding down both the home and power buttons for a total of ten seconds, releasing the power button and continuing to hold the home button for an additional ten seconds.
Note: DFU mode is simply a black screen.
Step 3: If the evasi0n7 program is open on your computer, close out of it now and open iTunes. Inside iTunes, under the device portion, you’ll need to restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to iOS 7.0.4. Simply click the Restore button and iTunes will automatically download the firmware if needed.
Step 4: Once your iDevice is back, simply set it up, but don’t restore from your backup inside iTunes. At this point, follow our jailbreak iOS 7.0.4 tutorial and return to complete the fifth and final step once jailbroken.
Step 5: Restore from your most recent iTunes backup; if you’re performing the restore due to an OTA update, your most recent backup should have been created in the first step.
Don’t Like iOS 7? Jailbreak 6.1.3 - 6.1.5 UnTethered
For those of you who aren’t keen on the idea of updating to iOS 7, a solution is in the works. If you own an older device though, luckily, you can follow our detail tutorial now to take advantage of iH8sn0w’s p0sixspwn UnTethered package for the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and the iPod touch 4G.
Merry Christmas everyone. We’re still finishing the A5+ tool to jb 6.1.3/6.1.4. We can’t push a buggy release forcing users to restore.
— iH8sn0w (@iH8sn0w) December 25, 2013
If you own an iDevice powered by an A5+ CPU, you’ll be able to jailbreak 6.1.3 (and even 6.1.4 in the case of the iPhone 4S) hopefully by the end of the day, as iH8sn0w plans on releasing his utility this Christmas.
Cydia Updated to 1.1.9 for iOS 7 Compatibility
Saurik updated Cydia to version 1.1.9 yesterday for better support with iOS 7. Once you jailbreak your device, simply navigate to the Changes section inside Cydia and install all updates to receive the latest version of Cydia for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Lack of iOS 7.0.4 Jailbreak Tweaks, Modifications and Packages
Unfortunately, because of the fact that the evad3rs were forced to rush their release due to extenuating circumstances, the majority of popular tweaks aren’t compatible with iOS 7. Over the next days and weeks, Cydia developers will update their packages to include support for devices jailbroken on Apple’s latest firmware.
Moreover, Saurik is reportedly working around the clock to update MobileSubstrate (the key to enabling and running tweaks on an iOS device) to support Apple’s new 64-bit A7 processors. Soon, a Mobile Substrate update will be available to enable support for the iPhone 5S, iPad Air and the iPad mini 2 (models with Retina displays).
Free Paid iOS 7 App Store Apps and More
For those of you who wish to obtain paid apps on Apple’s App Store free of charge, while also doing so legally and supporting developers, we highly recommend using the service detailed in our recent article on the topic.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Finally, on behalf of the staff at Jailbreak iOS 7 Evasion, we want want to wish all of our readers the very best this holiday season. We wish you a Merry Christmas and are humbled and grateful for your continued support over the past two years. We’re honored to have been your source for various jailbreak updates and tutorials and hope to have your continued readership as we progress through the ever-changing domain that is jailbreaking.
As always, thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Evasi0n7 Jailbreak iOS 7 UnTethered news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, add us on to be expediently notified when we publish new articles regarding evasi0n7, Cydia, MobileSubstrate, the evad3rs, iH8sn0w, iOS 7.0.4 and jailbreaking in general.
I followed the Complete Holiday Jailbreak instructions with , being careful to tap the Evasion icon only once, and to restore my apps AFTER jailbreaking, but I couldn’t find Cydia anywhere. So I tried again with … and got the same result. Where is Cydia? And/or what am I doing wrong?
My ipad1st gen ios 7.0.4 wifi .its hanging at “plz unlock ur device to continue” Plz help me Thanxx a lot
I’m totally new to jailbreaking so bear/bare with me - are any free themes working with iOS7. I want to play with free themes before committing to buy one. I found one free one for iPad3 which is what I have but when I go to “respring” in Winterboard the iPad reboots but nothing happens with the look of iOS7. I will concede that I am likely doing something wrong since this is the first time I have ever jailbroken something and I did it two days ago and spent yesterday with MovieBox (love that app) and have not looked around for how tos. Any help welcome. In the mean time off to see if I can root my used Kindle Fire. I’m addicted now.
I’m having the same problem on iphone 5. I also don’t show the icon for the bitesms app-though it is popping up like it should when in other applications or on lock screen.
Hi I have already sent the team a message It is winterboard that is crashing, if you don’t have anything other than winterboard in your phone and use your apple search facility, the minute you type any letter it crashes.
Just wanted to let everyone with ipad 2 wifi know that you can download ios 7.1 beta 1 to get jailbreak working. Update to 7.1 beta 1 and run jailbreak and your set. Once this is done you will need install cydia then get ifile installed. Now do a search for how to extend ios 7.1 beta 1 guide on macrumors forum. It actually shows guide for beta 2 but it still works. Do not update to beta 2 or download and install beta 2 unless your a developer. This method will work till evasi0n gets the jailbreak fix for us on 7.0.4. Good luck
Hi, I am user of iPhone 4. I have jail broke my device also. When i install some tweak like locallAPStore ,Lock Screen tool these tweak are working. BUT when i installed another tweak like activator,SBSetting they don’t work and as well as the working tweak also doesn’t work. Please help me to fix this problem.
Why does cydia keep removing Appcake ??? Jail broken iPhone 4S 7.0.4 Everything works great except cydia removing app cake at every new app/tweak install !!??!
There are some tweaks that ARE compatible with iOS 7.0.4: Accelerate AirPlayServer Abstergo Activator BadgeClearer biteSMS BytaFont7 DateCarrier Deck F.lux FireWall iP FolderCloser GridLock Icon Renamer Infiniboard Iconoclasm7 iFile KillBackground MiniPlayer MyWi NoNewsIsGoodNews NoStoreButton OverAchiever PandoraSkips Plugication Poof PrivaCy Repsring ShakeToUndo Killer Signal 2 Signal Booster SIGnify Software Update Killer StatusHUD SwipeSelection SBSettings TimeForAlarm WelcomeMe WinterBoard
Winterboard crashes my phone when using the search facility
Guys I got ipad 2 wifi jailbroken by installing 7.1 beta 1. Then run jailbreak. It works. Search macrumors on how extend beta version. I wrote bigger post but didn’t seem to go on board. Just don’t install 7.1 beta 2.
what about iphone that lock after update to ios 7.0.4?can it be unlock than jailbreak?
Installed evasion 7 on my iPhone 4s and then spent the next 3 hours attempting to restore the phone due to it being in the lock screen. Really think this should not have been released until all the bugs had been ironed out
Installed evasion7 on my iPhone 4s and spent the next 3 hours attempting to restore the phone as it was constantly in the apple lock screen. Really think this should not have been released until all the bugs had been ironed out
why is it when i download evasi0n 7 on windows8 does it say it is for ios 6.1.2
Great work guys. is there any word on an update to be able to jailbreak the Ipad2 WiFi. I still get the kernel panic after the last reboot.
ios 7 is best im waitin mobile subsrate thanks evad3rs
hi ah av done JB but wen ah download apps in v share r appcake r zeusmos it says installation failed. can any body hellp me dat why is dat happning???????plzzzzzzzzz
Guys , guys for showing jb folder in some tools like ifunbux or itools go to cydia > search > afc2 > install it > restart springboard and done … Disconnect the device and connect again , happy holiday guys …
I have an ipad4 wifi, I successfully JB my device, my problem is my “Location Services” is not working.. Do I have to wait for the new “Mobile Substrate” ? Thanks again evaders!
Jailbreak will not work on OS10.6.8. Needs 10.7 and above. Will that be addressed soon? Can I use a PC to jailbreak Iphone 5 then have it tether my mac?
Hi evasion team just wants to ask if the evasion7 jb is flawed as I keep getting freezing,crashing, also connected my iPhone4 to laptop and opened iSpirit and iExplorer to transfer some of my jb stuff to the iPhone and It doesn’t show the jb folders I think there is a flaw somewhere In it as I have iPhone5 also jb but on 6.0.1 and it shows the jb folders just fine on the laptop programs any help would be appreciated, Looking forward to the next update fixes etc
When I am trying to JB my iPad Mini 1st gen, the evader tool got stuck on, “To continue, please unlock your device.” I did that but nothing happened. What am I supposed to do?
go to envasion main site and download the evader tool. its will solve the problem
Nothing on the cydia is working … It’s just crap I have iPhone 5 ios 7.0.4
please fix old tweaks on cydia all tweaks
If I’ve missed something and it’s only the iPad 2 (wifi only) that can’t be jailbroken then I apologize for my other posts.
Yes, it’s iPad 2(wifi only)has the problem. I tried twice with mine but had to restore.
Guys, let me give you some of my details and maybe this will help. I know people keep saying that the iPad 2 isn’t able to be jailbroken but guys I swear on my kids that’s just not true. I have jailbroken my wife’s iPad 2 32gb 3G/wifi on 7.0.4 and my iPad 2 16gb 3G/wifi on 7.0.4. I had been jailbroken on 5.1.1 and a couple weeks ago I gave up my jailbreak to go to 7.0.4 because I was afraid apple would put 7.1 out. I have windows vista and using evasion 7 the jailbreak has worked great. Yes I had to get “ifile” and go in and remove the 2 files so my safari and Mail would work, but other than that the break is very stable and I’m having zero problems. No boot loop, crashes, or any other problems. Appcake and Vshare are both working fine. Maybe I just got lucky or my wife and I have magic iPads but guys I swear to you our iPad 2’s have taken the jailbreak. I hope this helps someone.
Can we please get an update about ipad 2 wifi. Post said maybe tomorrow on xmas day. We yet to hear anything. Feel like ipad 2 owners getting left out. That should have been the 1st update instead of the taig app removed. Everyone complaining about an app that was installed with jb. I would gladly have the taig app with a working jb instead of jb not working at all.
There is now a beta version of bite SMS out which is fine at the moment for a beta, color keyboard works with you own background , winterboard crashes the phone when you do a search
Without mobile substrate being updated the jailbreak seems a little like a semi untethered
this crap does not appear anything that settles
Hello heroes I have a problem after downloading the bitesms icon Sims did not descend on the iPhone screen and tried several methods have been in vain, and also tried to download and reinstall substrate safe mode and mobile substrate without result please help.. i have iphone 5s 7.0.4
I start the jailbreak process and it continues until it reaches configuring system 2/2 and it doesn’t go past that. I’ve waited about an hour and no success. What is causing this? I have iPhone 5s iOS 7.0.4.
I start the jailbreak process and it continues until it reaches configuring system 2/2 and it doesn’t go past that. I’ve waited about an hour and no success. What is causing this? I have iPhone 5s iOS 7.0.4.
I am stuck in a boot up glitch and I ynced device and checked it was there in iTunes it was. then I got this rebbot problem and now my device is not there anymore and I can not fix my device because it syas I cant restore it is my device gone forever please please help me
Has anyone tested the XBMC app in Cydia for iOS 7.04 on iPhone 5 and/or iPad 2 (WiFi)? I’d love to just have that working for now and just wait on mobilesubstrate and other tweaks to be updated. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! PS. To all at Evasi0n and their families, wishing you and yours the best, safe, and joyful Christmas and Wonderful New Year! All of your hard work and countless hours, I know that I sure do thank you!
Hi Any one got working winterboard yet please let me know how any information will be apreciated mine is not working on my iphone 5 ios 7.0.4 thanks
Using windows 7……the evasi0n program gets about halfway through the process, (up to where I am supposed to tap the evasi0n7 icon on my ipad mini). When I do this, my ipad mini responds as it should. BUT, on the PC, the evasi0n’s (blue progress bar) is just STOPPED at this same spot, saying the same thing…. (“To continue, please unlock your device and tab the new evasi0n 7 icon”). It’s now been almost an hour and it’s still stopped halfway through. By this time, the ipad mini has just gone back to the normal homescreen. I have started the entire jailbreak process over 4 times and each time, I have waited more than 45 minutes and still…nothing has progressed any further than this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Try the following. Had same problem but rebooted the device and installed perfectly - If the process gets stuck somewhere, it’s safe to restart the program, reboot the device (if necessary by holding down Power and Home until it shuts down), and rerun the process.
it doesn’t work i try many times but it’s stuck in process 2/2
I’m having problem with my location services. It’s not working..
What’s the purpose of activator?
I just wanted to throw some MAJOR thx towards the Evaders and their families. Believe it or not a few of us here in my office had guessed at a an Xmas release. Thank you all for all your long nights through all those bs whiners and scoffers. Once again you’ve provided us with a wonderful utility that in my mind not only represents innovation but also freedom. I also wanted to let some of you out there know that I’m running iOS 7.0.4 on my 16gb iPad 2 3G/wifi and the jailbreak is working great. Sure there are tweaks that we must all wait on to be updated but for now my break appears to be very stable. I did have these issue with “Safari/Mail/Weather” apps not working, but thx to “Ifile” it’s a quick fix. Also, make sure you get the “patched” version of Appsync 7.x There are two files that need to be removed using “Ifile”. Heres the steps. 1. Remove Appsync 2. Using Ifile go to /var/mobile/Library/Caches 3. Once there scroll down to the bottom and find and delete it. Then do the same for and remove that as well. 4. Close Ifile and completely shutdown iPad 2. 5. Once restarted go back to cydia and get AppSync Patched IOS 7.x Believe it or not that has fixed my mail and safari problems. So far so good! Those of you want to do your iPad 2’s I just wanted to let you guys know it can be done! THX EVADERS!
Thanks Acidbart. It works
Thank you Evasion for the jailbreak !!!! iPhone 4S 7.4. Jail broken successfully no problems ,you guys rock !! sorry to hear about everyone else’s problems
Thanks for the new JB. Tried it w/ my 4S. Ended up w/ the permanant white apple. Learned how to restore the phone. I patiently wait for an updated JB before trying again. Thanks for all your hard work.
works for me perfectly on my ipad4 wifi and ipad mini. Once again evaders did a great job! Looking forward for some fix and updates on the tweaks. ????
We apologies for the Inconvenience, but spring board has crashed. I’m facing this problem in my IOS 7.0.4 after installing Activator, Though my phone is in safemode
I’M DESPERATE! tried 4 times and always Boot Loop! I have a iPad mini retina (wifi + 3G) I had done OTA 7.0.4 so: -recovered from both DFU (with picture wire and itunes) and also tried with recovery (only black screen) -Itunes recognizes it as in recovery device, - Tried either restoring to normal download Itunes, and also manually by downloading the firmware -set up as new iphone and then -tried with 1.1 Evasion NOTHING! -Always Boot Loop Apple! What can I do? I have read that there are problems with the iPad2 but is intended also the mini Retina? I have to wait for the next version?
I am not able to see settings (Settings/library/carrier bundles) Using ifunbox on my Iphone4 CDMA after jailbreaking IOS7. they were accesseble when i was on IOS6.1 jailbreak. Please help.
Plase! hack te activation on IOS 7.0.4, PLASE PLASEEEEEEEEE! I can´t use mi ipad mini
stuck on config 2/2… turned of wifi, find my iphone etc… rebooted still stuck! iphone 5 by the way
wtf no answers? this is rediculous
I know how to jailbreak and everything but im with this bad curiosity feeling … Can i jailbreak my iphone 4 ios 7.0.1 offline using the new evasi0n version or do i need to have an internet connection ? Please Reply !
you can do it offline but you will need to connect to the internet to do anything with it like download packages, tweaks ect…
I have an ipad 2 (cdma). I did everything that was instructed but once I restored from my iTunes backup I couldn’t find cydia. I tried rejailbreaking but the evasion app says its already jailbroken and it could damage the ipad. how do I get cydia back?
NOT TRUE! ! Played with users testearon Nothing! ! This is a lie Vil, There was Seriousness, Ni Suitability Everything has been Improvised
Everything thing is working great on my 4 Every on needs to slow down and do more reading Tweaks are getting updated and new ones are popping up Just chill Thank you for maintaining this awesome website I have installed F.lux HiddenSettings7 Menu button Emulator Simplock TabLess Video Zoom Mod And everything is 100% Looking forward to pumping my 4 for another year …. I might just get the 6
cant open evasion on a mac running 10.6.8 any suggestions as to why ?????
My power button is broken. How do I enter DFU mode now?
you don’t need to put it in DFU mode to apply the jailbreak
when i go to the evasi0n website, and click on the windowns link to download it, why does it download as a music download and send me to itunes? HELPP!!!
Will the new 7.0.4 jailbreak work on Mac running OS 10.6.8
Why do the envaders team say requirement of Mac osx 10.6.x ok for jailbreak?? It downloads great BUT won’t open file!!! It reads cannot open file due to osx and check vender file?? If the evasions damson can answer me on that this will great fully thanked of, I try everything no work???
U need to enable it so that programs with out a developer name can be opened
any suggestions on a mac 10.6.8 ??????
Same for windows too. But what I did was click on “additional details” then you have the option to “run anyways.”
Jailbreak was suggesful but i am able to use any other sim . it says sim failure , invalid sim or no service .. iphone 4 .. Any one ??
Really need soemthing on this .. tried all the ways like aeroplane mode , restart , putting in sim again n again . placing a tape over sim adapter
Any idea of an update date for user that would like to preserve their basebands as fir gecey sim??
Fix the iPad 2 I am stuck in the apple logo and the evasi0n7 says done Why Evad3rs please push a new update so I can jailbreak my iPad 2 The evasi0n7 1.0.2
you have to restore and wait. hold power button and home button until the USB icon comes up on the screen. I had problems with the IPHONE4. it got stuck the apple logo too. had a hell of a time restoring it. just got it to restore.
Anyone knows how i can ativate a iphone 4 , ios 7.0.4, whitout sim card? Whithout activation i can’t jailbreak. Please help me.
I have the same problem
veency doesn’t work on ios 7 ,dying for a fix merry Christmas
Jailbreaking is not helping anything yet. the most used apps at least for me n work on iOS 7 q are battery doctor pro sbssetings and the iBlacklist.
Fix the ipad 2 plz!!!!
hi i got a error msg stating. jailbreak was working 2 days ago, today i restore my iphone 5 7.04 and try jb today. and i gonna this error msg. FAILED TO RETREVE PACKAGE INFO FROM THE INTERNET. please helps
Plllllllzzz help i tried to Jealbreak my Iphone 5 16GB everythnig was good But in the end he stopped working on the Apple logo has and i did restore for the iPhone and still stuk in apple logo !!!!!!
And the evasi0n Software For Windows write “DONE” In the End !!
Will they make a list or updates when the tweaks are ready for ios 7? Is there anywhere people can go to make suggestions of tweaks they would like creAted? For example: Improvements to IOS7: Tap to tweet and FB post on notifications center Dots in week view if there’s an event Change menu color etc. for accessibility Allow google maps on lock screen Being able to turn screen brightness down even lower
I’ve installed cydia iPhone 4S . However nothing at all really seems to work on it ? Help
cos most of the tweets have not been updates for ios 7
hi i got a error msg stating. jailbreak was working 2 days ago, today i restore my iphone 5 7.04 and try jb today. and i gonna this error msg. FAILED TO RETREVE PACKAGE INFO FROM THE INTERNET. please help.
frohe weihnachten an das team top arbeit läuft alles super daswar das beste weihnachts geschenk was ihr mir machen konnte danke
inside cydia when i open tweaks its go far to app store .is this normal or need fix Merry Christmas .i love you big kiss
Fix mobile substrate for iOS 7 • Add this link into your Cydia : After add this link into your Cydia, go to search and than search app name : fix mobilesubstrate for ios 7
How can I NOW use in ios 7 cydia in AppStore purchase ? Help me. Plz!;P
Thx evasiOn for JB itd tn? best gift for chistmas :)))) we love You ;))))
fix ios7 update pls
please update ios7 fix all cracked apps
i tried to open the evasion7 app, and they say run as admin, when i run as admin, they ask me to run as admin again. can anyone help/???? urgent….. im using window 7
I have the iPhone 5s, I did the jailbreak but the tweaks are not working, I re-install then and still nothing.
since its a 5s and has an a7 processor, mobile substrate wont work with it so you have to wait till it gets updated.
i want to download evasion 7 at my windows
Goto and click the big blue “windows” icon
The iLEX app works for 7.0.4 - after jail breaking install the repo to cydia (, install, and run if necessary!
I can’t run evasion 7 as my Macbook pro running 10.9.1(Maverick) . Please help.
Hi. I have Mavericks as well and this fixed it. If it just tells you that it has an unknown developer and therefore cannot open, simply do this. Right-click or double tap if you are on a MacBook and choose “Open”, now you will be met with a screen from which you have the option to open the application. Hope it works for you.:)
When will display out and Pandora downloader be updated? Also hidden settings 7 doesn’t work. Thanks, everything else seems to work great on iPhone 5
u now how to get apps free ? I do everything and working great , but I don’t now wich source use for get apps (before use like installous )
Hello I do all for jailbreak my IPad air and finished ..but I have a question how I do for I get the app free I remember before use source like installous but I don’t now wich use in iOS7 please help me
use ifunbox to install app and control appsync installed before operation.
what can i do? safari ,weather,mail crashes . i try everything and still not working.please help i dont want to restore.
same here on iphone 4s can anyone at Evasion tell us why this is happening and/or how to sort it?
hi i had that problem to to FIX that problem you need to go to root files var/mobile/library/cache and delete reboot
Hey i was woundering when i get winterboard and then get a theam then when i click home and it reboots but nothing changes
winterboard doesn’t work for ios 7 yet.
Some guy got it to work on his iPhone 5 with bootstrap.
I think ipad 2 gets the infinite loping screne becoause when its time to unlock ipad its ignore if you unlocked and dont get all the suff from jailbreak program. just saing… Merry chrismas and sorry for my english.
I was using this jailbreak and now my phone has been unusable for 3 days, I cant use my phone anymore. The apple logo thing came up on the screen and its just stuck, I tried everything. I even looked up things from youtube. How can i fix my phone???!!!! help
If you backed up on your itunes just hold the sleep/Awake button for ten sec and the screen should go black then let go of the sleep/awake button but still be holding the home button. Then connect to your computer and restore your backup… Same thing happened to me. Got it to work and my phone is better than ever but in the begining it might seem like its restarted like new but dont plug your cable out and it will work fine
ok so i’ve noticed something on my iphone 5c ios 7.0.4 i’m not sure if other people have noticed or it’s only for me, however it would seem that when i turn off my device or reboot it, all the tweaks and utilities reset, and just disappear from the settings. for instance i installed PrivaCy and it went fine for it was where it was suppose to be, but when i turned off my iphone it went poof, i tried everything to get it back but all i could do was restore my iphone. this is more of a fare warning to all those that despite this being untethered the tweaks haven’t cached up.
This is because mobile substrate is not updated yet
Hello evaders! After jailbreaking my 4th gen ipad, the mail app stopped working today I uninstalled all d tweaks I gave installed b4 it started crashing still no solution! Plz help!
reinstall and wait until evasi0n and mobile substrate are fixed for better compatibility
After jailbreaking my iphone 4S, I installed five icon dock. It worked fine for one day… Now I am back to regular 4 icons. Cydia is still there and it opens…but nothing installs onto my iphone anymore. The only thing I did was: A) Turn off my phone. So this is not an untethered jailbreak as promised. B) I backed up my iphone. In which case apply somehow detected my jailbreak and nullified the cydia software…
first off. apple cant nullify your cydia software or detect if your iphone is jailbroken or not. they never have and just dont because it is not illegal to jailbreak 2nd. the reason it probably stopped working is because you installed another tweak in which case requires you to reinstall mobile substrate everytime you install a new tweak, this is because it has not been updated by Saurik yet! you can install bootstrap from cydiahacks repo and it will help resolve all of this :] until mobile substrate is fully functional
yeah even with bootstrap its not working, after you reboot the phone cydia is there but none of the tweaks are working
hi . i am a user of an iphon 5 with iOs7.04 and i have done the jailbreak with evasion now don´t know how can i download aplication from cydia can you help me plz ?
not trying to sound vague or anything but if you don’t know how to download apps and tweaks from cydia you probably shouldn’t be jail-breaking to begin with. but its as simple as searching from the search button inside cydia! look up tweaks on google and checke out ones that work with ios 7. the only issue is that mobile substrate has not been updated with the new jailbreak yet. Saurik is working on a fix after the holidays
Merry Christmas & I hope soon they will have that update for a better support of the iPad 2 >.<
i cant wait