iOS 7 and 7.0.1 Released, New Jailbreak iOS 7 Utility to FollowToday, following last week’s iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C unveiling event, Apple officially released iOS 7 to the general public. iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini, iPad 4 and iPod touch 5th generation owners can download Apple’s new and exciting update via the device portion of iTunes. Although there isn’t an iOS 7 jailbreak available for 7.0 and 7.0.1 (we’ll get to that in a second) at launch, the evad3rs are hard at work on creating a new utility that will jailbreak iOS 7 on all devices, including Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C smartphones.
iOS 7 Jailbreak 7.0 Post 6.1.3 Update, Pod2g’s Confident
Today, in a brief article following planetbeing’s post 6.1.3 jailbreak iOS 7 update from earlier this week, we’re bringing you, our readers, even more great news - straight from pod2g and pimseks (two of the four members of the evad3rs). After we informed you that none of the major developers on the jailbreak scene (save winocm) plan to release a utility to jailbreak 6.1.3, planetbeing issued an update to his followers that suggested significant progress has been made in the development of an upcoming iOS 7 Untethered jailbreak. Today, we have something to share that’s almost equally as reassuring.
Post 6.1.3 Jailbreak iOS 7 Utility Update From PlanetbeingYesterday was, without a doubt, one of the most exciting days for Apple enthusiasts in quite some time - Apple held their annual iPhone event where both the next-generation iPhone 5S and the slightly lower-cost iPhone 5C were unveiled for the first time. Although the staff at Jailbreak Evasion iOS could spend the entire article delving into every last detail of yesterday’s exciting news, we’ll focus on something equally as amazing, jailbreaking (post 6.1.3). If you’re interested in the 5S and 5C, we recommend watching iCrackUriDevice’s review video, which is embedded below. In spite of the fact that the major devs on the jailbreak scene are avoiding a 6.1.3 jailbreak, the next greatest thing is on the horizon: an UnTethered jailbreak for Apple’s upcoming iOS 7 firmware.
A New Jailbreak 6.1.3 Utility promised by winocm, iPhone 5S, iOS 7 EventTomorrow morning, September 10th, Apple will hold the company’s annual iPhone event where they are expected to unveil both the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C to the public. Additionally, Apple is expected to announce the release date for iOS 7 to the public tomorrow. Of course, that means instead of looking forward to a utility that will jailbreak 6.1.3, those who count themselves among the millions of jailbreak enthusiasts will turn to iOS7: the future of jailbreaking, which will be ushered in by none other than the evad3rs and/or p0sixninja (former leader of the Chronic Dev Team). However, earlier today, iCrackUriDevice published a rather interesting video concerning a potential 6.1.3 jailbreak solution.
Jailbreak 6.1.3 UnTethered To Follow iOS 7 Jailbreak While the majority of readers at Jailbreak Evasi0n are already aware of the current jailbreak status, we’ve received a countless number of questions pertaining to a post-iOS 7 solution to jailbreak 6.1.3 for the devices that will regrettably become obsolete this fall. Before we propose our solution, for those of you who aren’t caught up, the latest public jailbreak utility (evasi0n) includes support for iOS 6.0 through 6.1.2. Unfortunately, when Apple released iOS 6.1.3, they effectively patched a number of key vulnerabilities that evasion exploited to achieve an Untethered jailbreak. Now, iOS devices that update to 6.1.3 (or even 6.1.4 in the case of the iPhone 5) are regrettably stuck on the latest firmware without a jailbreak in sight.