TaiG to Jailbreak iOS 8.4? Plus TaiG 2.1.3 Jailbreak 8.3 Utility Update
iOS 8.4 Jailbreak from TaiG? Plus Jailbreak 8.3 TaiG 2.1.3 Update - Yesterday, following the exciting release of last week’s initial TaiG iOS 8.3 jailbreak, and the subsequent TaiG 2.1.2 update to address users who were getting stuck at 60% and adding support for Substrate Cydia Tweaks, TaiG issued version 2.1.3 of their untethered jailbreak utility. Like its two processors, TaiG 2.1.3 is capable of jailbreaking iOS 8.3 on all iPhone, iPod touch and iPad models, including the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. However, with iOS 8.4 right around the corner (literally, we’re less than 24 hours away from its public release), will the jailbreak include support for Apple’s newest firmware - i.e. will TaiG be able to jailbreak iOS 8.4 Untethered as well as iOS 8.3? For information on both the TaiG 2.1.3 update and how iOS 8.4 may affect jailbreaking, continue reading past the break.