Permanent iOS 8 Brick Method Exposed, iOS 8.1.3, 8.2 TaiG Jailbreak Patch May Be The Answer - Currently, the latest public firmware, being iOS 8.1.2, is able to be fully jailbroken by way of TaiG. However, as time continually moves forward, we’re quickly approaching not only the rumored iOS 8.1.3 firmware, which is expected to patch the aforementioned iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak utility, but also iOS 8.2 and the Apple Watch’s release. However, while iOS 8.1.3 and 8.2 might not bode well for the jailbreak community, they may quickly become a necessity. Today an interesting, and rather dangerous, vulnerability for iOS 8-based devices was publicized by popular iDevice hacker iH8sn0w. In a back-and-forth conversation between said hacker and MuscleNerd (unofficial leader of the quondam prominent evad3rs dev team), iH8sn0w revealed a command that, if run, will result in a permanently bricked device. To provide subtext, “bricked” is used to refer to a piece of technology that is no longer usable for an infinite number of different reasons (based on the device and software involved). Previously, it was popular belief that it was impossible to ‘brick’ an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, as said devices can always enter either Recovery or DFU mode, perform a restore via iTunes and be ‘out of the woods’, so to speak. However, as of now, that’s no longer the case - jailbreakers may need to take additional measures to ensure their devices’ safety, as it could become as useless as a paperweight if the previously alluded to command were executed. For additional details on the new iOS 8 soft-brick, iOS 8.1.3, jailbreaking and how to protect yourself, continue reading past the break!
Devastating Threat For iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreakers Arrises, TaiG 8.2 Jailbreak Patch May Be The Solution!
This latest drama was all the result of an exchange where iH8sn0w attempted to prove to MuscleNerd that the vulnerability that the former hacker thought was patched in iOS 8.2 beta 4 actually wasn’t.
In a rather “irresponsible tweet,” according to MuscleNerd, iH8sn0w published the command, inferring that sending the “apticket prior to sending the kernel and bootx” would rectify the “command that’ll break anyone’s phone” (as stated by MuscleNerd), upon which hacker BlackGeekTutorials ran said command, only to have permanently bricked his device.
iOS 8.1.3 Release Rumors - The Firmware To Fix The Brick Threat?
Important details from iCrackUriDevice concerning Jailbreaking, iOS 8.1.3 and 8.2 beta 4.
@iH8sn0w hah you tweeted a command that’ll break anyone’s phone, not me (and no, bootx won’t fix it either)
— ? MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) January 14, 2015
@blackgeektuto you cannot fix it
— ? MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) January 14, 2015
Note: The staff at Evasi0n Jailbreak recommends against hunting down the specific code for security purposes - it’s nothing but trouble!
Through a string of back-and-forth tweets between the three, the ultimate conclusion is that this vulnerability can indeed permanently soft-brick (short for software brick) an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, but that a new firmware update from Apple, which closes said vulnerability, would revive any device that was exposed.
@iH8sn0w that will just launch the restore ramdisk. Unless you know of a JB that’s applied during a restore, that won’t fix this
— ? MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) January 14, 2015
Also, as a preventative measure for yourselves, avoid installing any jailbreak tweak, package or app that isn’t distributed through one of the main repositories on Cydia and you should be perfectly fine. Until Apple closes the bug though, anyone with malicious intent could engineer a simple script and distribute it in a subtle manner to unsuspecting jailbreakers attempting to install anything unauthorized.
iOS 8.1.3 Rumor Recap - Jailbreaking And More!
The above video will provide additional information for those concerning about the iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak, the possible iOS 8.1.3 update and more.
In light of the above fact, again, it’s paramount that you approach all installs with caution, until such a time that the vulnerability is no longer a threat, which will either be with the release of iOS 8.1.3 or 8.2. However, until a jailbreak is made available for either of the aforementioned firmwares, it’s also important that you avoid them to maintain your jailbreak - in other words, just be cautious until both a firmware that patches the vulnerability and a jailbreak for said firmware are available.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak Evasi0n iOS 8.2 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be promptly alerted when we post future articles concerning the dangerous vulnerability outlined in today’s article, iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.2, future beta releases and the status of the UnTethered jailbreak.
jAILBREAK iOS 8 - including beta 100% WORKS !!
So you mean I will get bricked at any time ? Must I unjailbreak or what I only have XModGames and A LITTLE TWEAKS must I unjailbreak ? Please answer.
Anyone thinking CUSTOM ROM here? seems that the apple brain really does devoid creativity….. no need to JB! Just mimik android and make custom roms!
Necmettin Karademir
Kyaw Swar
So what is this basically saying? Only download trusted cydia sources?
Tipster King
My cydia does not work
Eduardo Papun vea mae
Aaqib Khan
Maulik Bhatt Yagna Chandra Rishi Chandra Samarth Chandra Avni Chandra Jain Milin
Haha German Cervera ????????????????
OMG. German Cervera and Trinidad Cervera are the weirdest communicators. phewwww I guess these digital ways are turning people into weirdest creatures. god help us where this leads to.
Abdulrahman Al-Qasemi y3ni nqdr n3ml jailbreak wala la2?
Angelo Vazquez AnDy CiSneros
Eljon Reaño De Ocampo
Hussam Ul Haq
You guys post too much stuff. If the noobs brick their phones who cares. Jailbreaking isn’t for non tech people for reals.
I bet you feel cool, how did you start?
exactly. Thanks John the Lip Lippy for your comments but go back to cooler hey?
Will icu be doing a video on this?
Well that’s hideous.
Gersson Ortiz
Will Gersson
Aviel Arteaga Chairez
Ankit and Vedant now use jailbreak!!
Is iOS 8.1.3available for iPhone now ?
Luis Venegas
That’s why I stayed on Pangu
if your clever enough ull be fine iv been using none cydia tweaks for a long time if you know safe sources just stick with them
If people don’t know to avoid updates that patch jailbreak utilities, how will they know to avoid select Cydia packages/tweaks/apps? A number of individuals aren’t as proficient when it comes to jailbreaking.
I cant JB ng iphone my ios version is 7.0.4 i already edit my host file and still cannot jb
Yes you can semi untethered by using Geeksn0w. I did. I suppose you are using iphone4, if so restore via itune, gives you 7.1.2 then read how to JB 7.1.1 by geeksn0w, download all the links below the page. try to use the IPSW 7.1.1 (link given to download), Itune probably does or does not allow it but nevertheless follow steps given in the 7.1.1 tutorial. you are as J.broken as anyone now. G.Luck
Aslam Khan
I have a 6 with latest iOS jail broken
NO!!!!! I LOVE my jailbroken IPhone it’s something I cannot live without. I will not update my iPhone at all but if I ever had to get a new phone then what?? No I just can’t. I need jailbreak.
Ikr theres even some basic tweaks i cant live without now. Eg noslowanimations . Apple stock ones are sooooo slow compared to this
Exactly!!!!! There’s so many tweaks I love and can’t live without. The plain apple software sucks.
Thanks for the heads up on this!
Simply don’t execute that command and only install tweaks from Cydia. Done.
Correction, don’t install shady tweaks from untrusted sources*
My ipad mini and 5s are JB’d , am i safe? What should i avoid to dodge brick?
Matthew Pullin
Brian Soracipa
Bryant Roman Husam Haddad