Apple’s Latest Weapon To Combat Jailbreak 7.1.2 Utility: Self-Sabotage?

Apple to Combat Jailbreakers and Pangu Jailbreak 7.1.2 Utility with iOS 7.1.3 and Self-Sabatoge? - Prior to Apple’s release of iOS 7.1.2, a group based out China with no established past on the jailbreak scene took the world by storm with their release of the Pangu jailbreak utility, which functioned on 7.1 and 7.1.1 at the time. Following Pangu’s grand introduction into the world of jailbreaking, Apple issued iOS 7.1.2 to the general public and seemingly neglected to patch the vulnerabilities exploited by Pangu, allowing the utility to fully jailbreak 7.1.2 UnTethered. With Apple’s upcoming release of 7.1.3, as detailed previously, the company will certainly patch the Untethered Pangu utility, preventing it from functioning on, and jailbreaking, 7.1.3. However, Apple could easily have patched Pangu in iOS 7.1.2, as they’ve been quick to patch previous jailbreak utilities in years past, so why didn’t they? It seems as though it wasn’t neglect at all and may actually prove to be a tactic in Apple’s new arsenal of jailbreak mitigation procedures.

Apple’s Latest Weapon To Combat Jailbreak 7.1.2 Pangu Tool Goes Beyond iOS 7.1.3

Jailbreak 7.1.2 iOS 7.1.3 Patch
Similar to the original 7.0 through 7.0.4 evasi0n7 jailbreak, Apple released both 7.0.5 (for iPhones outside the US) and 7.0.6, both of which easily could have patched the jailbreak but failed to. As alluded to above, it may have been by design that Apple prolonged the patching of evasi0n.

In the case of 7.0.x, numerous crashes and random resprings plagued devices and that’s not counting the frequent app crashes that nearly every iOS 7 device owner has experienced. After leaving the jailbreak unpatched for some time, Apple issued iOS 7.1 to the public, which not only closed the vulnerabilities used by evasion, but also conveniently corrected nearly all of the aforementioned issues.

Why Doesn’t Apple Immediately Patch iOS 7.1.2 Jailbreak With 7.1.3?

So why didn’t Apple patched the jailbreak sooner if they were aware not only of the evasi0n jailbreak itself, but also the vast number of issues users were experiencing? Simply put, Apple has a love/hate relationship with jailbreaking - they like that users love to jailbreak and a number of said users only purchase iDevices knowing they can (eventually) be jailbroken. However, they simultaneously hate the process not only because it opens their “walled garden” ecosystem, but also because it has the potential to leave their system vulnerable, which is something they’re obviously against.

Furthermore, the same 7.0.x scenario that’s detailed above is recurring with 7.1.x. The only difference is that now instead of frequent crashes, users are experiencing significant battery drain problems, random spinning wheels near the carrier name in the status bar for no apparent reason and a countless number of other oddities on Apple’s latest public firmware, iOS 7.1.2 - all of which haven’t been much of an issue until 7.1.2 was released - users on iOS 7.1 have reported significantly less problems.

That being said, Apple is using jailbreakers’ own weapon against them: bugs. It seems as though they’re purposefully leaving bugs that are annoying, but not quite bad enough to warrant switching to another operating system. These intentional bugs are just downright obnoxious and could easily be squashed by Apple if they didn’t want to leave incentive for jailbroken users to update to a firmware that corrects the issues and simultaneously patches the jailbreak.

Apple’s Plan Of Action Is Bigger Than The Upcoming 7.1.3 Jailbreak Patch

As with iOS 7.1 and the 7.0.x jailbreak, this will undoubtedly be the case for iOS 7.1.3, it will fix the bothersome issues that exist in 7.1.2, but will also make it impossible for users to jailbreak 7.1.3, as Pangu will be patched. Moreover, when Apple thought the jailbreak community wouldn’t release another utility until iOS 8, both 7.1 and 7.1.1 remained seemingly bug-free, until Pangu and iOS 7.1.2 were released.

Seeing as Apple has a ‘love/hate’ relationship with jailbreaking, as mentioned above, they’re giving jailbreakers exactly what they want: room to jailbreak, but only on Apple’s terms. Now, unlike years past, users will have to pick between a jailbreak on a firmware riddled with off-putting bugs or an apparently stable firmware without a jailbreak.

Given Apple’s latest maneuvers, for those of you who have yet to jailbreak 7.1.x, it’s recommended that you do so now prior to the forthcoming iOS 7.1.3 jailbreak patching update; our comprehensive jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 tutorial is available here.

Again, to summarize, while the issues Apple may intentionally leave in jailbreakable iterations of iOS are certainly annoying (if noticed by the end-user), they make updating more of an incentive than a necessity, likely to appeal to jailbreakers who encounter said issues.

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Evasi0n Jailbreak and iOS 7.1.3 news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on Google+ to be immediately notified when we publish future articles pertaining to the Pangu jailbreak and Apple’s forthcoming iOS 7.1.3 firmware.

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50 Responses to Apple’s Latest Weapon To Combat Jailbreak 7.1.2 Utility: Self-Sabotage?

  1. odedo1 says:

    Why give Apple ideas??????

  2. redsn0w says:

    I like this article! Also, check out my RedSnow site here:

  3. Bulbous_squirrel says:

    well, unfortunTely, if apple hadn’t done anything like this, now… they will certainly be able to consider it. Why would ANYONE bother to upload a post to give them this type of idea? They make it hard enougH on us jail-breakers! NOT smart!!!

  4. BigDude says:

    Sorry, but I’m good on iOS 7.1.1`

  5. Scott says:

    Mine was having problems so I just restored it to a fresh 7.1.2 and jailbroke it with nothing on it and it seems fine. IPad Air, iPhone 5.

  6. Jim Batstone says:

    Sounds like someone a bit jealous someone else released a jailbreak and thus not having jail breakers by the balls

  7. Susan says:

    When I jb my iPhone 5 iOS 7.1.2 and cydia appears, can I delete cydia after I install this one application? Will this app still be able to run in stealth mode by deleting cydia because I already downloaded the app or does it cancel out if I delete cydia ? Can somebody please answer! Ty

  8. Keith says:

    Get a 2680 gold battery from eBay under $ 7.00 install takes 30 mins no battery problems now

  9. G says:

    7.0.6 and no side-effects from JB.

  10. WhiteTigerDk says:

    Any chance that the Pangu group would look in the direction of a ATV3 jailbreak?? Mine is just collecting dust now that I use an Android TV with XBMC

  11. Gustlou says:

    Iphones 4S and 5, both on 7.1.2 Pangu JB and working great.

  12. Adam says:

    My battery is fine on iPad 2 iOS 7.1.2 with Pangu. Maybe it’s worse for phones idk. I used a few to reduce battery usage such as dimming the backlight, disabling location services etc.

  13. Hewgrection says:

    I don’t agree with the article about sabotaging due to the jailbreakers. If that was the case and with the millions of iPhones being used would be extremely bad for apples business. To say they leave certain bugs there on purpose makes zero sense. Just because they didn’t patch the jailbreak for 1 or 2 updates don’t mean anything. With a operating system as complex as iOS some of the problems cannot be fixed right away because the people writing the code aren’t too worried about iOS 7.1.2 or 7.1.3 and they are more then likely working on the iOS 8 updates. To spend all that time fixing pointless bugs that will be forgot about in a few months when iOS 8 goes live. The logic is flawed. I have 3 different iPhones active today my 5s is jb on 7.1.2 and see no battery issues or any other problems. My iPhone 5 works fine jb on 7.0.6 no battery issues, just haven’t had time to update it yet and I have my iPhone 4 on 7.1.2 jb and only has problems when it is left stock with out a jb and actually works 10x better jbed because i can correct the problems with jb tweaks.

  14. Invasi0n says:

    PanGu v1.1.0 Jailbroken iOS iPod 5th Generation 7.1.2 The problem is with Cydia sometimes you get a munmap error and sometimes you have to hardshutdown cause the packages won’t install and it keeps looping on Configuring a package or installing a package. (This is not the whole time) Maybe there’s a fix for it i hope so.. Or it’s just my iPod ^_^ ~Invasi0n

  15. Mirabal says:

    Am on ios 7.1.2, pangu jailbreak, having issues with , battery drain, any news how to overcome this?

  16. Keiswurscht says:

    Well played, Apple…

  17. JMGS1955 says:

    If Beta 3 is more stable I would dump my JB

  18. JMGS1955 says:

    Odd, only reason I JB was access to wififofum, 8 Beta 2 was very good as it allowed a version but Beta 2 was very unstable it Beta 3 any better?

  19. Ercan I?can says:

    Benim telefonum jailbreaktan sonra wifi si bozuldu diyenler war yapimmi yapm?yay?mm? ayn? sorunla Bende kar??la??rm?y?m ?

  20. Jailbreak Evasion says:

    To address some, read the ENTIRE ARTICLE before commenting: “Again, to summarize, while the issues Apple may intentionally leave in jailbreakable iterations of iOS are certainly annoying (if noticed by the end-user), they make updating more of an incentive than a necessity, likely to appeal to jailbreakers who encounter said issues”.

  21. Chanthan Phok says:

    Pangu doing fine 4 iOS 7.1.2 jail broken!

  22. Sean Collier says:

    Battery could be better but it’s ok

  23. Matthew Brock says:

    Iphone 4…7.0.4

  24. Jazi Zilber says:

    Apple could be sued for this. If intentional, it means damages etc. + HUGE reputational price

  25. Nabil Shemi says:

    Im not having any problems on 7.1.2 pangu. Battery is Ok

  26. Joel Fransson says:

    they cant make it self destroy becuse they would get so mutch hate and that stuff. it is like if i would trim i car and when i am doing that the engine would explode..

  27. Craig Durn says:

    my iPhone 4s is on 7.1.2 and the jailbreak is perfect. No problems with IOS software. Phones running mint. Pangu is Spot on.

  28. Yannick Gagné Laflamme says:

    On 7.1.2 pangu i only get the spinning wheel for no reason its so stupid we pay like over 500.00$ for a iphone they should let us do what we want

  29. Ivaylo Todorov says:

    7.0.6 here ~~

  30. Ahsan Ali says:

    Bypass ios 7.1.1

  31. Ahsan Ali says:

    Ni will make bypass for u guys i also need cydia tweak for bypass if u can create m doing manually bypas

  32. Kitt Cloud Kicker says:

    Rudy Mac

  33. Azam Abdullah says:

    Still 7.1.1

  34. Timi Nidorfer says:

    Im still on 7.1.1,glad i am!

  35. Aquiles Levano says:

    Christopher Martinez Villarreal

  36. John Junior Ruthven says:

    Only problem I have is internet connection whe not on wifi, sticks on GPRS iPhone 5s.

  37. Stefan Lind says:

    im on 7.1.1 and working great!! just saying

  38. Shawn Strushensky says:

    Im not having any problems on 7.1.2 pangu. Battery is decent no worse then any other iOS version

  39. ???? ????? says:


  40. Ashish Venkiah says:

    Äñï Kêt?

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