Apple Releases iOS 7.0.6, Can The Public Jailbreak 7.0.6 UnTethered?

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15 Responses to Apple Releases iOS 7.0.6, Can The Public Jailbreak 7.0.6 UnTethered?

  1. Nickp0w says:

    I just hope u guys can get iOS 7.0.6 to get a jailbreak

  2. Need help says:

    My computer won’t install iTunes it always says an error has occurred can anyone suggest anything thanks!

  3. Qwert says:

    From what I have read, evasi0n’s IOS7 jailbreak already disables over the air updates so you shouldn’t need Software Update Killer.

  4. Jimmygoku says:

    I am going to investigate this software update killer. My phone is still on 6.1, jailbroken and unlocked. It has never over the air or connected to the computer updated on its own, but it does have that annoying 1 next to the settings app

  5. Kym says:

    I agree with phatav8r. Why’d evasion say that 7.1 has been permanently unjailbreakable due to apple patching the exploit that jailbroke the iDevices, when they have those other 3 or more exploits still?

  6. Moe says:

    Wont the firmware automatically download (When connected to WiFi) like it did in iOS 6 ? Maybe in iOS7 it will automatically install also(Who knows) No tweak for disabling update ?

  7. nasembe says:

    yet Oh! Good

  8. Upz says:

    apple has just stop signing ios7.0.4

  9. phatav8r says:

    So, I don’t care much about minor updates, the Chinese update was to make it possible for Chinese phones to function on 4G LTE networks (mine is a China model and they left that out because when the 5s released, all of China was only 3G, when I traveled to the US, 4G LTE wasn’t possible like it was on my old 5 that they hadn’t thought to block the faster bands)… Question: I know that evad3rs don’t want to tip their hand, but I thought I read that even if the current exploit is patched that they had two or three others that they thought wouldn’t get patched unless they were pointed out to apple somehow. If 7.1 really launches in mid-March, how long after can we expect to see the JB? estimates?

    • Evasion Admin says:

      While there are still a few vulnerabilities exploited by evasi0n7 left unpatched in 7.1, the evasi0n7 utility won’t be able to function and achieve an UnTethered jailbreak on the firmware, as it requires all of the vulnerabilities. The same thing happened with last year’s version of evasi0n for iOS 6 - 6.1.2, while only a few of the exploits were patched, the tool was rendered useless on iOS 6.1.3+. As for your second question, the evad3rs won’t burn valuable exploits on iOS 7.1+, only to have Apple patch the utility with a new minor firmware update. Instead, the team will wait until next year - after Apple releases BOTH iOS 8 and their next round of iDevices. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for additional Jailbreak coverage.

  10. ???? says:

    tanx 4 all

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