Apple Releases 8.0.2, Is it Possible to Jailbreak 8.0.2 and Should I Update? - Today, ensuing the short-lived iOS 8.0.1 update, which was recalled shortly following its release, Apple issued 8.0.2 to the general public. Like its predecessor, 8.0.2 effectively patches the Pangu UnTethered Jailbreak - that’s not necessarily a bad thing and we’ll elaborate on the topic shortly. In addition to being available for download immediately via both iOS’ built-in OTA (short for over-the-air) ability, 8.0.2 can be downloaded through iTunes - however, current jailbreak users should certainly avoid the update. In what appears to be a hotfix of sorts, iOS 8.0.2 provides a remedy to the peculiar connectivity and Touch ID issues brought on by iOS 8.0.1. In addition to correcting the blatant usability issues in yesterday’s release, as with 8.0, the vulnerabilities exploited by Pangu to achieve an UnTethered jailbreak remain patched in 8.0.2, making it impossible for any device to jailbreak 8.0.2 UnTethered using the current utility. For more on 8.0.2, as well as the firmware’s jailbreak status, continue reading!
iOS 8.0.2 Released - Is It Possible To, And Can I, Jailbreak 8.0.2 UnTethered?
As far as 8.0.2 is concerned, the update appears to be relatively small, bears a revised build number over 8.0 and is intended to not only improve a number of issues present in 8.0, but also those introduced with 8.0.1.
In addition to correcting complications with HealthKit that prevented developers from integrating their apps with Apple’s new Health app, 8.0.2 also rectifies problems with third-party keyboards, the default Photo Library, SMS and MMS messages, Reachability, videos not playing properly through mobile Safari and more.
Current Jailbreakers Should Avoid 8.0.2, As A Jailbreak Isn’t Available!
While 8.0.2 does provide a remedy to the aforementioned connectivity and Touch ID problems, it’s recommended that all who are currently jailbroken on iOS 7 though 7.1.2 avoid the latest update. Additionally, information on the current iOS 8 jailbreak status can be found in the video from iCrackUriDevice that’s embedded above.
Although it may sound redundant, we cannot stress how important it is for those of you currently jailbroken to avoid iOS 8.0.2 and any subsequent releases, as neither Pangu nor the evad3rs have completed their new UnTethered jailbreak utilities, which they’re working diligently on.
iOS 8.0.2 And Jailbreak Update Summary
To summarize, now that iOS 8.0.2 has been released, the major dev teams (being the evad3rs and Pangu) can go to work applying what they’ve discovered thus far to the new firmware - it’s the ideal time for them to perfect their tools, as they’re also able to fully test said tools on both the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus with their all-new second-generation 64-bit A8 chip.
Having said that, for those of you who own an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad that’s running iOS 7.1 through 7.1.2, it’s still possible to take advantage of the incredible Pangu tool to jailbreak said device, provided you avoid updating to iOS 8.0.2. To jailbreak 7.1.2, we strongly recommend following our in-depth Pangu untethered jailbreak tutorial.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our Jailbreak 8.0.2 Evasi0n news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on to be instantaneously notified when we post new articles concerning both iOS 8.0.2 and the next UnTethered jailbreak, whether it’s from Pangu or the evad3rs.
This absurdity …….. Wayne link the link !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????
hey, i have ios 8.0.2 on my iphone 5s and i want to downgrade to ios 7.1.2. i try all i now i try to download ios 7.1.2 ipsw file and downgrade from itunes but it’s fail, i’m try to change the hosts from my comuter because it’s says “faild to restore iphone unknow error 3914” i try also this and faid i don’t know what to do plz help me!
Posters who ask if they can jailbreak their device and iOS version without READING the articles FIRST are annoying. But many could be avoided if the Evaders placed answers to key questions at the top of each day’s article. For example, today I had to read several articles back just to find this: “Current Jailbreakers Should Avoid 8.0.2, As A Jailbreak Isn’t Available!” Fewer readers would ask “stupid” questions about “jailbreakability” of their device if this statement was prominently displayed—and not buried deep in the day’s news.
jailbreak make my iphone iphone..tx jailbreakers
jailbreak ios 8.0.2 free
the linnnnk to jailbreak ios 8.0.2 where is the link ?????????
link ????
pls i need the link
whare is the liiiiiiink????????
jailbreak ios 8.0.2 plssssssssssss the link
I was wondering if i can update ios 7.0.3 to ios 7.1.2 or will they only let me updateto ios 8?
Please help me to downgrade to iOS 7.1.2.
Okok, Thanks Tronix
Look forward
I dont think theres a way to downgrade but soon they’ll be a jailbreak availible for your ios version…
Hey guy, may i ask i had upgraded to ios 8.0.2
i want downgrade to ios 7.1.2 then jailbreak my iphone 4s..
what can i do now?
Hey, whats up?! I have an iPhone 5c ios 7.1.2
Does anyone have any same problems with the boot up when tuning on your phone ??? Is there a way to fix ios 7.1.2 bootloop ?? It just takes long to turn on.. But the rest its all good????
Its not a crime 2 ve on a lower version which is jailbroken i hav iphone 5s ios7.1.2 jailbroken
I want to jailbreak 5s 8.0.2 pls help me.
Hey guys i would like to know does apple still sign 7.1.2 ?
Download the firmware (google Felixbruns), enter DFU mode hold down option/alt on OS X or Shift on Windows, left click restore, point the window at the firmware and see
7.1.1 5s jailbroken
Audrey William
look at this
I did not get the update coz i am on iphone 4g
Can i jailbreak my 7.1.2 without computer ?!
Jailbreaking always needs a computer
Still in ios 7.1.2
I was luckily able to go back to 7.1.2 from iOS 8 last night…I missed my jailbreak too much to keep 8
mine is 7.2 i update to 8 or not ???
Same problem…….
im still on ios7.1.2 is this bad?
No! 7.1.2 is still stable. If u want to stay jailbroken, ride it out till a jailbreak for ios8 is out. Nothing wrong with that
You are not alone to be stay jailbroken I am on just one more lower firmware under you 7.1.1
and of course it’s not bad Jailbreak is awesome
iOS 6 iPhone 5
I am still on iOS 6
Jose P. Sanchez
Phát H? jb kìa
Ch?a có tin gì. Ch?c hóng lâu l?m anh ? :))
Se podrá en un 3 gs
When will I see a jailbreak for my new iphone 6 and should we update the phone when the update comes for the apple pay
Christopher Martinez Villarreal
guess that I’ll be keeping 7.0.4 for a while
Same here !
What new in this new update
Just to know I have iPhone 5 and I not see anything what Apple say in video for iOS 8
Ios8 is wack stay on 7.1.2 nothing diffrent maybe a thing or to aint worth it
Just what I love in iOS 8 you can send voice in messages but I not see this here
Give it a month or two and ios 8 will be straight and a jb to fallow.
waiting jailbreak for ios8 😀
Jailbreak teams are probably waiting for Apple to fix basic bugs first
It’s important for us to remove bugs, before we jailbreak !!!! So i m updating …
I’m also updating
ya existe jailbreak para iOS 8 ?
So pangu can jailbreak ios 8?
7.0.4 jailbreak i5S
If you have ios 8 you can update because anyway there is no ios 8 jailbreak so you don’t have nothing to lose
I can’t agree to terms and conditions to update apps or download. Says you have to allow cookies. Did that still no luck. Anybody find a way around this. Firmware 7.1.2
iTunes. Then go to the App Store.
Still on 7.0.6 jail broken (i5s) ????
Not missing out bro! I jailbroke and updated and wish I had my Jailbreak back not this useless update! ????
Avoid like islamic State
No! People should wait for the iOS 8 jailbreak patiently and not upgrade.
upgraded because ide rather have all the sweet new features instead of jailbreak features
Yesh I did the same because they will have a jailbreak for iOS 8 just a mtter of time
2 not so bright useless upgraders