Jailbreak 7.0.4 Tethered iPhone 4 Tutorial with RageBreak for Windows Following our recent jailbreak 7.0.4 tutorial using RageBreak for OS X, a new version of the GUI (graphical user interface) utility for Windows was released today. In light of that news, popular YouTuber iCrackUriDevice posted an excellent in-depth video guide on how to jailbreak 7.0.4 on the iPhone 4 using the new RageBreak utility for Windows. The RageBreak tool for iOS 7.0.x is based on winocm’s opensn0w jailbreak, which is made possible by Geohot’s ancient limera1n exploit from over three years ago. Like with the command line tool for OS X, RageBreak is nothing new, it’s simply a convenient GUI for winocm’s opensn0w project. The steps outlined in this written iOS 7.0.4 jailbreak tutorial will also function on GSM and CDMA iPhone 4 models running iOS 7 through 7.0.3 and, of course, 7.0.4 - individuals with newer iDevices should stay…